_Sports_ Skipper sets javelin school record One of three to qualify for NCAA finals B\ Ashley ( onklin f merald Sports Reporter Sophomore Ail Skipper's si hool-ret orcl perform,im e in the javelin .it thr (Jregon Pre i * * v\ Man li 1 7 highlighted many outstanding perform am es in a pail ol Irai k meets for the Oregon men ovn spring break Not onh did Skipper break Ins iiun st liool rei ord in the hrst home meet i| the season .it 1 lav ward I ield, he w as also one of three Due ks who addeel their names to the list of e]iialiliers foi the \'( AA (:hainpionshtps Skipper, hammer thrower Scott Mi (lee and distance run net Brad Hudson joined ills lam e runners Peter 1 'onset a and Terrance Mahon as trai k sters having earned a trip to the national meet in Durham. N t Ma\ iD-June 2 Unlike last season when Skipper struggled to ijnalit\ in the javelin, be wasted no time tins season with a toss ol 2 48 I easih breaking his record ol 228-2. Mi (lee. who also ipialitied lor the \t AA meet in last year s Oregon Preview, tossed the hammer 121) 7 - A to better the national standard ol 204 2 I lowever, his best effort i ame at the Sai ramento State Invita tional last Saturdav where lie set a personal record tor a hear e of 22!)-(>. the fourth best m.ii k iusi bool histors Hudson, who was hampered by viruses last season, (|ualitied lor the 10.0(1(1 melees m a time ol 28 48 i I at the (begun Pie view . a PR 1 Unison is the third I Jut k to ipialilv III the 10.000 joining I 'onset a and Mahon Teammate Pat I lallei w ho finished a 10,000 tor the lust time ever. I lot keii 20 08 00 to lust miss the qualifying stun (iurd of 20 08 I lead coat h Bill 1 lellinger was pleased with the perfor main e of his team but wasn't surprised to have three more athletes qualifs tor \'( AAs so early in the season. "It doesn't surprise me that our javelin thrower and ham tiler thrower qualified." he said "In the 10.000 meters I can't say I'm totally surprised (at Hudson qualifying), based on what he did during truss country." Pole vaulters Brian Cullen Turn to Track, Page 27 SPRINGFIELD SCIENTIFIC SUPPLY Hours: Mon. -Sat. 10am-6pm 726-9176 1124 Main St. Springfield iRltW ifi (iri'tfon ilistunir runnrr Hr.id Hudson sot .1 non prrson.d rriurd .inti r.irnnl .1 hip In Ihr SIC t l tin.ils in Hurh.un. \ ( M.n W-funvIi. "25 Years of Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Men "dt". • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene. Oregon 97403 EMERALD CITY COMICS OLDEST COMIC BOOK STORE IN OREGON Back Slock • (mint's .mil Posters Discount Subtcrlpllon Service for New Comics Cosh f’aid for Old Comics and Garnet 770 E. 13th • (503) 345-2568 . 1990 AJST IMPROVE YOUR COMMUNICATION SKILLS. An AW Gird helps vou eommunic ate Ivtter. Ireeause vc hi can use 111< > call from all kinds of places. Like a friend’s. < >r a pay ph< >ne. or out on the road Aon d» >n't e\en nml t< > haw a phone in vour name to gel one And ewi \ m< >nth you get an itemized bill stating where anu when \< >u used tile earn lo.ippK lor the. !'/<"-/ ( '/ml, call us at 1800 525-7955, Kxt. 630. Now, if only it were that ease t< > impn >\e w )iir grade »int average [AT&T ' The right choice.