( )r<1rts to < >< )’ 343 6235 ( until fittul Is m Inti ur ir .til itluml' I >;iil\ Specials On I >clicions. ,|uie> i\l KcIVcsIiinn Submarine Sancl« idles BURGER SPECIAL Hurtj^r. fri»»s. Plus 12-o/ soft drink $225 •M S* iip- S.un a r.nil 1*< l «i< • S.il.ui Huf 1.1 I n. v H 'KJm ' (.1 .m hi “Wir Sprcchen Deutsch" 510 I • \t i oss I r inn I Mink hi I »oimls M«m Iri 10.i in ,H|) in _Community— Annual Fools Run set for Saturday It's ijfit too f.irh to think .ilxiut April 1 imiI’s !).i\ .«t h-.»si not for j 1.1 rtk ipnnts in tIn oiVthlli .tnnii.il I mils Run m (hi R.un a r.i< !• .nut i ustumi1 m i nt M't foi Siilurfhn M.tn h 11 u Mtoit H.tki i I'.trk (.onIl.i suits, (ii.ipurs .uni i ill AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY A! FIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER PRODUCTION PICTURE RESIDENT qL GREAT EXPERIENCE AN ; PPC RTUN TY NOT TOB! M .SE D r) DC r-i A ASSISTANT prco. cej and directed by. THE LMVERTTYOF OREGON UN V! RE TYHOUE nG ALL APPLICANTS ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND ONE OF THE FOLLOWING MEETINGS: TUESDAY, MARCH 27 CARSON HALL GOLD ROOM 7:00 PM WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28 UNIVERSITY INN LIVING ROOM 7:00 PM THURSDAY, MARCH 29 BEAN WEST CONF. ROOM 7:00 PM APPLICATION DEADLINE: MONDAY, APRIL 2,1990 FORMS NOW AVAILABLE AT UNIVERSITY HOUSING OFFICE WALTON COMPLEX Stock Up Your Room Now For Spring Term! T*. ' 1 • rt*. PEPSI, DIET PEPSI, 7-UP AND SQUIRT 2 / ITRF. BOTTLl S 99< K M | M incuidi s t RITO LAY SNACK HOUSEWARES AMD SMALL APPLIANCES Of f f k GOOD I Hk’il 4 b 90 UOBookstore ■ iiful it sti‘1 outfits r<■ |>i.ii e t.ink t<>j>v and tights fur tnanv parli< i pan Is who i In him In dress for this r.n (> (ostumes are .1 i ools Kim tradition, said I.iml.i Phelps specialized recreation supervisor for tin- l.ugeuc Parks Kri mntiun and i atllural Nervu es department Non (.111 w car |iis! about anything and act awav \\ 1111 it ' Phelps said Ribbons \s 111 lie awarded in icstci team familv must ( rea live and I and-undet integer I les them will also In' .1 best ol show dopin' New this \ear is an eight k 11 Iimeler mil 111 addition to the one mile Inn run. "\\ e want people to come out who are looking tm a fun familv event as well as people w ho are seri ous about running " said I anil Btewstei i in spei 1.1! evcuts numagei I be 1 me mile is an easv run. tile Hk a Ini mure ( h.lHonging. and the costume event is fun lot ev el V one Blew slcr said I lie raie course is entirelv paved making it suitable ioi strollers and wheelchair use is Brew situ said Proi eeds from the 1,11 e will Vto toward recreation scholar ships for voiitli and adults w ith pin sii ul and developmental disabilities at .cording to ( an ie Matsushita. publii informalion i oordinalor nt till1 parks and rri realion department I ntr\ for ms an- a\ ailable at i no-!!*' I'arks ami K< < leation ( omtnnnilv lenteis area sport mu goods stores and the parks and rc( reation mam oltii e at 22 W 7th Ave I ’ntil Fr idav at X pm I lie tees to enter tile race and le i eive a I -shirt are oil for adults and Sl> ill tor vouth ages 1and undei The fee is $.i lot no I -shirt < In the da\ ol the iat e the fees lire S 10 for adtllls S an lot vouth and SI lor no T shirt The event begins with the i ostume judging ( oiliest at III It) a m billowed In the one-mile rai e at 1 t a in and the eight-k ilonietei race a! t I ill a in Both ra< es begin on I)n\ Is land Koad next to the Alton Baker parking lot and continue, east along the i amie\\ a\ The title ol the rai e i nip I it’s that partii ipants run m the rain hill it has onl\ been the i ase mu e I’helps said Xml it it doesn't rain this lime' It w oulil lie just ti lie with im- I’helps said Last year w as the first time the run w as held on April fools l)u\ . she said and il rained ^ UO BOOKSTORE ^ BESTSELLERS THIS WEEK'S TOP 10 HARD COVERS HARDCOVER FICTION 1 OH THE PLACES YOU'LL GO! by Of Seuss 2 PALACE WALK by Naghib MahfouJ 3 DEVICES AiJD DESIRES by P D James 4 PICTURING WILL by Ann Beattie 5. VINELAND by Thomas Pynchon 6 LONDON FIELDS by Martin Amis 7 THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM by Robert Ludlum 8 SCIONS OF SHANNARA by Terry Brooks 9 TALES FROM MARGARITAVILLE by Jimmy Buffet 10 THE JUMP-OFF CREEK by Molly Gh ms HARDCOVER NON FICTION 1 FOR EARTH S SAKE by David Brower 2 THE CHAEBOL by Richard Stems 3 AMONG SCHOOLCHILDREN by Ti t ey Kidder 4. CUCKOO S EGG by Clifford Stoll 5 MEGATRENDS 2000 by John Nar hitt 6 BEWARE THE NAKED MAN WHO OFFERS YOU HIS SHIRT by Harvey MacKay 7 THE GREAT WALDO SEARCH by Martin Handford 8 WONDERFUL LIFE by Stephen Jay Gould 9 EMPEROR S NEW MIND by Roger Penrose 10 DRIVE by Lairy Bird gUO Bookstore « LETTER PERFECT Graphics • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • IAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • OESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • OESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • OESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • ■ v?o -r<81