Community Continued from Pu^e 14 writer ot i nns drier tin killer programs \i i ording to /’o/iu/dr sf i mi r "Killling Tears" was first (Iim overod in the Soviet 1 hiion It nukes .ill the letters on .1 word processor sereen fall into ,1 pile Another virus <11 si o\ rrrd m lint.tin. replai ed u I1.1t ever on the si rrru u ith .in imago of .1 I rout-loader washing machine These viruses illici t IBM I't s and comp.itihles. hut the Mai intosli has also been a popular i vherpunk target, said Michael Moore, an Apple i ompulei sales representative "There are a number ot \ 1 ruses a few nastv ones re leased in the Mac intosli < om immitv." Moore said, adding that most area Mai intosli own ers have contrai ted one at one lime or another Moore said most \ noses have been tracked to their soon e be i ause ( v herpunks "are so con 1 cited that tliev leave hints about w ho tliev are 111 the pro gram code Mi Alice has published lists naming viruses, then origin and what tliev do A tew of them, from I’opul.u Siinui' are: I ehigh " vvliii h originated at l.ehigh l Tiiv ersitv in t'lM .' affects IBM PCs and com palihles It at ts quii klv and de stroys all data "Scores." from Kiectronii 1 tala Sv stems ot I lallas 111 l‘)B7 atlects Mai iutushes hv making many copies ot itself slowing them and causing printing problems nVir limn I lambing \\ es| (iermam in 1(187 ntlects M.m intoshes In erasing .ill tiles M.niv v.irnations exist Alameda trom Memt ( oi lege in ()akland I lalilorma in 1(188, infer Is IBM l‘( s and i ompalibles and destrm s all data "Israeli' or "l-'riday 1 llh Irom I Inbrew I nivet sit\ . ]ei n salem in 1*181" slows svslems and erases programs when the i omputer's ( alend.u reads I 11 (lav the l.itli l \ berpunks are a threat to am computer owner tint ven dors like Itolkan and Moore are parlicularK livid ' l lie worst tiling about vi ruses is I hex cause people to isolate their i ntnputers rath ei than i (immunii ate w ilh them Itiilkan said The\ ie crippling computei use with tear Bolkan and Moore said the remedy is to buy or get one of the mam anti vims prugiams on tin- matkel Moore said Ins store sells a i oninien program tot sou • i:» hut lie recoininellded Disinter, taut by lohn Norstad ot North western luiiversitv or N nils K\ h\ Apple both ot whit b are Ireeware (the programme) s release them tree ot r hui Mono- ot I lie ( . impute! Stole at til U l-aghth .Un said his store will give tree copies to customers w ho In mg in a lloppv disk Itolkan said there are so mam tree anti virus programs .i\.11!.111!■ ■ mi computer bulletin hoards and in computer inaga /Hi'"- Im HIM l‘l uni iuni pal ililns Adept I amipulrr Semi ex m Kugene w here lie works does not sell them ( 'om/nitr's 1t in.ig.i/me re tenth released tree disks with \ HUM .III In \!( Mtee .IS ,1 sill' si i ipturn lure It W ill si .ill .1 s\ stem tor V I ruses and destrrn am it finds ( aunputet im tiers i an w rite In \li Mtee at 11.' t ( heein St Santa ( lar i ( A n a l i t Im a i opv nr inhiriilatiiin (then' is a s. resist rat tim tee | \i cording to ( rmt/mfr's /’( HIM iitteis a similai pmiliii I and \h Alice tiades notes with them ahmit the most ret eiith d is< m ered V II uses Xnothei IH\I t nmpatthli anti in us program tin Shi >t In Knss \| ( ueenherg is ,n ad aide tin s.' Irnm l’( ’ s|( . |u tut) I I Inane Are Siiiun i ale ( \ 'i-iimti Hut do nut ..;et l lii Shot I a curding In /Jo/u//,i/ Si rent e In' i ause it is itself a \ inis It w as available mi main cumptltei luilletiii Iruards in !‘)M8 and mam people were del rued Bolkan ctd Moore agreed that the tiee rims programs are best bei arise the programmer s motivation is in pinte. i the ni dus! r\ s reputation- The pro i ause the\ iio nut take time to i reate fata v pai kagiug and menus, linn are released more 111111 kly m response !u new i i itises th,til the i mumeri i a I vei Welcome Back j * 20% OFF All Spring NAUTICA & RUFF HEWN with this ;ul uihhI ihrinijili March ' I. nautica. Ri i'i' l l i:\vn CENTER FOR ACADEMIC LEARNING SERVICES SPRING WORKSHOP SCHEDULE GRE Preparation: $50 SESSION I April 3, 5, 10. 12, 17, 19 3:30pm - 5:30pm Room 133 Knight Library SESSION II May 2, 7, 14, 16, 21,23 3:30pm - 5:30pm Room 360 Condon GMAT Preparation: $75 May 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, 31 3:30pm - 6:00pm Room 133 Knight Library LSAT Preparation: $75 May 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10 3:30pm - 5:00pm May 15 - practice exam 3:30pm - 7:30pm Room 242 Gilbert CBEST Preparation: MATH: May 16. 23, 30 4:00pm 6:00pm Room 104 Gilbert READING: May 14. 21 4:00pm 6:00pm Room 104 Gilbert WRITING: May 11 3:00pm - 5:00pm Room 248 PLC plus individual conferences Math: $35 (6 Hours) Reading: $25 (4 Hours) Writing: $25 (2 Hours plus individual) Enrollment in all three areas: $75 SAT Preparation: $60 SESSION I April 16, 18, 23, 25, 30; May 2 6:30pm - 8:30pm Room 101 Gilbert SESSION II May 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, 31 6:30pm - 8:30pm Room 232 Gilbert For more information or to register Call 346-3226 or stop by 108 Library