COME USE THE CRAFT CENTER (JKNERAl. INFORMATION • fhc I Ml' ('rail Center is a comprehensive Arts Program »lTc ring well equipped facilities and workshops in mosi areas of the Visual Arts The program is both educational and recreational and encourages all levels ol interest, from beginning hobbyist to serious artist II you have an interest in art or a favorite hobby, the I Ml (’rail ( enter at the Umvcrsitv ol ()rcgon is lor sou' 'You'll find us in the Krb Memorial l nion (13th and University I on the lower level, east wing. MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION ('rail Center membership entitles you to use the lacilitics and tools in the ( raft Center anytime we're open. Membership is always available lor the entire l <) community, l () alumni and current I CC students. The general public may purchase a Cralt Center membership w ith enrollment in a Craft Center workshop costing $10 or more Day use passes are available lor current IK) community and UO alumni I D. is required. Memberships are valid lor the term in w Inch they are purchased, and are not refundable. Membership f ees (per term): $5 UO students, faculty, staff, and spouses $12 UO alumni, and current LCC students $12 General public with enrollment in Cralt Center workshop costing $10 or more ••Discounts: Memberships arc $8 for UO alumni, I CC students and general public with enrollment in workshop costing $20 or more. Due l se Fees: S\ IJO students, faculty and staff $2 UO alumni Membership is required lor workshops that use Cralt Center facilities and equipment. Workshops requiring memberships are starred (*). STUDIO FACILITIES 1 Ml ('rail Center lac times available lor use include a ceramics area with high f ire capabilities, darkrooms cquipjicd for both black-and-w hite and color print mg, a icwelrv lab with casting and soldering equipment, a wixxlshop, and facilities lor silkscreen. bank, stained and I used glass, lapidary, bike repair, sewing, ami numerous fiber tec hmques. The Craft Center has hand tools, books and pcriixiicals lor member use w ithin the Center. Various supplies are available lor sale; lockers arc available to members lorS I (small) or 'si. 75 (large )per term. WORKSHOP REGISTRATION Registration is on a lirst-come-lirsl-scrve basis,continuing throughout the term until classes begin or arc filled. Prercg is (ration is strongly recommended to ensure your place in a class. W orkshop registration can bo done' in person or by mail, and must be accompanied with lull payment. Members ot the University community purchasing ( rail Center memberships will be required to present University I.D. REFUND POLICY Workshops will lx- refunded 1(X)%, 72 hours prior to the first meeting, 0% thereafter “Intro Special” workshops are not refundable. II a workshop is cancelled, a full refund will be given. Workshops which do not meet the minimum requirements will be cancelled on or before the lirst class meeting. Memberships are not refundable. II a membership was purchased for 1/2 price w ith a w orkshop, the lull membership fee will be- charged in the event the student w ithdraws from the class. -r—| INTRO SPECIALS |— 35MM ( AMI RA l SK Rebecca I honipson 1 earn ihc "sotret" meaning ol all lhose numbers ami tellers! Short lee lure including hose your camera works Irk hides discussion of film se leelion andeomposilion for Ix-tler pictures bring empty I5mm camera lo class 1 hours ol insiruc lion I uesday. April < 2'(X) 5,(X) pin «(»■! $3 IWkE DOCTOR I im Kaiser Jusi the prescription to perk up your hike and help you avoid wear, tear and repair bills In struction will cover lubrication, tire trouble, brake and gear service, and trouble shooting. 1 earning these eaie and maintenance skills will help you keep your bike rolling smoothly ami safely Bring your hike to class t hours of instruction Tuesday. April 1 6:<()l>3()pm «i».’ CKRAMIC Ml (iS AND BOWLS Frank Cosar 11red of tupperware! Dunk you'd rather starve before eating another meal off of styrofoam ’ You can artistically handhuild your own mugs, tumblers and small lx>wls in this workshop t'lay and glazes provided. 3 hours of instruc lion Tuesday, April 3 2:(X)5:(X)pm »om TIE DYEING Kathy Kale Turn your tee shirts, shorts and socks into wild ami bright tie dyed items I warn how to create a s ariety of patterns using different tying and dye ing techniques. Bring up to three fire washed tlXX*,' cotton items to dye 3 hours of instruction. Two sessions offered: 1. Wednesday, April 4 2 5 pm »om $5 2. Thursday, April 5 2-5 pm #Ohs S5 V V SPRING SPECIALS IKK AIM AN K(;<; l)K( ORATION Jane Reyer Make unusual Taster and equinox decorations and gilts ' from eggs l1 sing traditional tools and methods you will learn the beautiful art of egg decoration, with wax as an applied resist and dyes for color Instruction includes folklore and symbolic designs, patterns, w axing, and dye ing. You will finish one or two eggs Ml materials provided, t hours of instruction 1 Sunday, April 8 1:00 4:00pm *orw, SI 2 JAPANKSK CARD MAKING Ka/ue Masuyama Make your own special cards for Mother’s Pay or any occasion, using traditional Japanese methods of Ongami ■ (paper folding) and kirigami (paper cutting) Students ■ will leam to make such things as Kimono dolls. Secret Boxes, and Origami flowers Ml materials provided, 6 hours of instruction. Mondays, April ,M> & May 7 6:00 1:00 pm •<* Si 2 FRIKNDSIIIP BRACKI.KTS Chrystal MeMuigan Create beautiful wrist and ankle bracelets of colorful „ cotton \ am and beads using simple macrame and beading * techniques Materials for sev eral bracelets vs ill be pro vided. 2 hours of instruction. Tuesday, May 8 7:00 1:00 pm *or.X SS PAPKR FLOWKRS I.isa Tlrtasaputra Here’s a bouquet w ilhin your budget. 1 earn to make crepe paper roses, carnations, tulips and more, and have lots of I un. All ma terials provided. 2 hours ol instruction. Wednesday, May 2 6: M) K: 10 pm #069 $5 PORT KLAIN RIKRKJIR \ K)R \1 UJNEIS Frank Gosar Remember the days when your greatest goal was to bring home something tor Mom from art class, and how proud you lelt when she hung it up on the refrigeratorWell, here's your chance to relive those days, and just in time for Mother’s Day ' We pros Ide the porcelain, colored slips, glazes and magnets, you provide the creativity ' hours of instruction. Additional glazing session will lx1 arranged by consent of class. Saturday, May 5 1:00-4:00 pm #070 ___ , z -—["supplies for sale \— HIKKS: lire Tubes, Patches, Patch Kits, Hearings (TKAMU’S: Stoneware, Porcelain, Tool Kits FIBERS: Dyes. Silk, Silk Scarves GLASS: Solder, Cop[>er Foil, Glass (’utters GRAPHICS: Silkscreen Silk, Poster Board METALS: Silver, Wax, Saw Blades, Saw Frames . PHO TO: Chemicals, Film, Paper WOOD: Hardwood, Sandp.qicr, Plywood, Dowels - —»-----—r—-}—1—:—’ INTRODUCTION TO CUTTING EDGE TOOLMAKING SLIDE LECTURE AND WORKSHOP with William Harsev The cutting edge tool, since the beginning, is how we shape our environment to our needs. As a class, we w ill explore various alloys, forging techniques, heat treating and finishing Oil, water and and air hardening steels w ill lx- introduced along with proper annealling, hardening and tempering techniques for optimum performance in each category. Participants may . complete one hand tool during class time. Most materials provided. 12 hours of instruction, William Harsey is a noted , designer ami maker of knives and forged cutting edged uxils that are used around the world Slide lecture (required of workshop participants): Thursday, May 3 7:00 pm Free and open to the public Workshop: Saturdays May 5 & 12 11:00 am 5:30 pm (1/2 hr. lunch) #07i/#o72 $32 mcmbcrs/S35 non members '] VISITING ARTIST | NTER COPY \ * 1 — — — — — — — Registration Form: workshop •.AM" 1 I I_L.____ J C.1UDE NT Rf CEIPT Please fill out both sides WORKSHOP HA MF W-.^Uhop* * .L- fee refunded !<*»*%. 72 hours pn.* U> the • • are not refund#Me C«mxiid voriihn will Sc fully refunded Mrttib«rtMf» art n<«4 refundable, l! iwsmher ihtp w«f purchased *i 1 FI prue full membenhip fnc »et*} he ,k evrtv ifeai wrthdratm* from ci***. REFUND POLiCY CLASS # tPLU) 1 * I 1 .M3 'ON ?u . MEMBEftSHiP Fit cor •' 1 » REGISTER BY MARCH 31 FOR ANY WORKSHOP OVER $20 AND RECEIVE A 1/2 PRICE MEMBERSHIP* * $2 50 Current University Community; $6 00 UO Alumni & General Public. (Regular membership prices are $5 and $12.) REGISTER NOW 111 Send mail-in registration to: EMU Craft Center, U of O, Eugene, OR 97403 University ID required lor purchase ol ‘student rate" membership Mail in registrations are confirmed by mail it sell addressed stamped envelope is provided All other mail in registrations are confirmed by phone Please include daytime phone number For more Information, cell 346-4361.