i • *' CRAFT CENTER SPRING'90 WORKSHOPS! CERAMICS h~ BEGINNING CERAMICS* Peter Meyer/Frank Gosar 'IT is workshop is everything you need for a thorough grounding in cer amines. Wheel throwing, handbuilding, and gla/ing techniques will be covered, with individualized instruction for beginners and those wi'h some previous experience, (dales and 25 lbs.of clay Included. IKhours of instruction. Throe sessions offered 1. Tuesdays TOO 6:00 pm Meyer April 10 May 15 * pm April 4 May 9 #004 *$38 IIANDBUICDING/CERAMIC SCULPTURE* Frank Gosar F.xplore your own imaginative process through playing with clay Team ancient methods of clay construction coil building, slab building, carving, additive and subtrac live techniques Glass provides both directed and self directed opportunities 25 lbs. of day and glazes pro vided. 12 hours of instruction Mondays 6:30 9 30 pm April 23 May 14 #<»s *$29 RAKl* Frank Gosar Raku spans the centuries from 15th century lea Kiwis to 2 1st century metallic lusters F veiling effects for sc ulptural and decorative pieces are achieved in this dramatic [iris ess, in which pieces are pulled red hot from the kiln and plunged into barrels of combustibles Instruction includes tech tuques for handbuilding small pieces Beginning and con turning students welcome ( lav and glazes Included. 18 hours of instruction Tuesday s 6:30 9 30 pm April 3 24 0006 *$38 Saturday. April 28, 10:00 am 4 00 pm (6 hour firing) PRIMITIVE FIRING* Frank (.osar From the prehistoric pueblo to modern day craft galleries, "primitive" smoke fired ceramic s enjoy a colorful history Learn the secrets of polished blackware pottery and apply them to your own decorative or sculptural work Clay, terra slgillata and instructional handbook Included. 12 hours of instruction. Tuesdays 6:3() P 30 pm May I 22 too? *$29 COLORED PORCELAIN* Peter Meyer Handbuild beautiful cups and Kiwis with colored porce lain We will use white, shades of grey and a few accent colors Colored slips w ill he available Porcelain, mason stains and glazes provided. 12 hours of instruction. Wednesdays 6:30 P to pm April 4-25 tom *$36 * ——H BIKES | WHOLE BIKE HEALTH Tim Kaiser Is it Zen? Is it magic ’ la-am to overhaul bearing sets, adjust gears and brakes, and true your wheels Proper fit and efficient hike use w ill be discussed. Allow $5 for replace merit bearings 15 hours of instruction. Wednesday 7:00 9:30 pm tons $.30 members April 11 May 16 aoio $33 non members FIBERS f ' • -v y] NAVAJO WEAVING Charline Durchanek Design and weave a Navajo rug Using a frame loom, students w ah or without experience w ill set a loom, design atxl weave a small project Advanced students will learn more complicate*] techniques and designs Cost includes frame loom which Is yours to keep and first warp yarns. You will need to allow extra time and money for materials 18 hours of instruction Mondays 6:00 V 00 pm #ott $18 members April 9 May 14 »0I2 $41 non members TABLE LOOM WEAVING* • • Chrystal McCulgan *. Learn the basics of handweaving Instruction includes ■ . making a warp and preparing the lixirn for weaving. Stu ' dents will learn the Swedish lace patterns and complete a cloth of handwoven lace Cost includes all materials. 18 , ■ hours of instruction • Thursdays 6 00 9:00 pm *.' April 5 May 10 #017 *$14 * SPINNING AND DYEING* Chrystal Mcfiuigan Cxplore the possibilities of yam design while creating your own handspun wool. Start on the drop spindle and '■j move rapidly to the spinning wheel All phases of wool preparation will lx- covered Natural and chemical dyeing w ill lx- introduced Cost includes fleece for you to dye * your favorite color. 18 hours of instruction . • Wednesdays tvOO 9:00 pm A[irtl4 May 9 #014 *$15 KNITTING Rya Have you always w anted to learn how to knit? Knitting is a perfect way to relax while treating beautiful garments. After learning basic knitting techniques, each student will select a simple project such as a hat or s<.arf This class is for students with little or no experience Cost Includes needles and some yarn for you to keep. 10 hours of instruction. Wednesdays 6 10 8 10 pm »ois $20 members Apr11 18 May 16 #016 $21 non members SPEED Ql II.TING liinky Brown Takahashi Classic quilt patterns and modular piecing techniques combine to produce a traditional quality qutlt in a fraction of the usual time Select one of the following patterns: Snow Ball, Blazing Star. Around the World, or Log Cabin Die first class meeting will include discussions of pat terns, color and fabric requirements and selections All levels of experience welcome Out of class sewing time may lx1 necessary. 12 1/2 hours of instruction. Tuesdays 6 10 9:00 pm #017 $21 ntemhers April 10 May 8 #0U $26non members ‘ ». *< | 1 - . •’ 1 . * > >_>.-• ' -A V GLASS \ STAINED GLASS* Mark Keefer Create your own Ix'autiful stained glass window! This course will help you turn your ideas into a work of art. Design principles and the foil wrap construction method will he taught Beginning as w ell as experienced students are welcome Tools and some materials provided. Allow a little extra money lor glass 18 hours of instrut non. Mondays 6:10 9:,10 pm April 9-May 14 #027 *$14 INTRO TO GLASS FUSING Mark KexTer Rediscover the ancient Egyptian artform of glass fusing This two session class will cover primary fusing tech tuques atxl allow students to create a few small pieces of jewelry Tools and some glavs provided 5 hours of instruction. Tuesdays 6:10 9 00 pm #02(> $16 members May 1 & 8 #027 $19 non members TWINED BASKETS Ardls IvCtey Twining is an age old technique found in many cultures, w hich involves twisting two fibers around the warp. Make a container w ith paper rush and any other iilx-rs you would like to add. Beginning and experienced students are welcome Cost Includes materials for two baskets. 4 hours of instruction. Wednesdays 6:30 8:30 pm *019 S12 members April 18 & 25 #020 $15 non-members SCULPTURAL BASKETS Ardls I-etey Move from traditional to sculptural form, using the same basic structure Materials will be provided for three has kets, and you may w ant to add other fibers plant parts, feathers, etc. Beginning and experienced students arc welcome. 9 hours of instruction. Wednesdays 6:30 9:30 pm #021 $25 members May 2 16 #022 $28 non-members PAINTING ON SILK* Jane Reyer Paint your own silk fashion accessories, art objects and clothing using beautiful, high quality French silk dyes Students will learn the “Gutta Serti” resist method and design their own projects One-half yard of silk and dyes provided. Bring water color brushes 12 hours of instruc tion. Mondays 6:00 9:00 pm April 30 May 21 #023 *$30 BATIK* Kya Batik is an ancient method of drawing, painting and stamping hot w ax on cotton fabric before dyeing to create unique and beautiful patterns and designs. In this class you will leant several batik techniques including resist dyeing techniques of W'est Africa Yoruba peoples Slu dents will have the opportunity to work on fabric and clothing of their own, in and out of class One-half yard of batik material, dyes and wax pros ided. 1 2 hours o! instruction. Tuesdays 6:00 9:00 pm April 17 May 8 #024 *$30 • • * * v x * ■ a ‘ JEWELRY | IN I R()I)l ("NON TO JEWELRY TECHNIQUES* Gary Dawson An overview of jewelry making techniques tnclud ing both fabrication and casting. Demonstrations include ck-sign, design transfer, cutting, filing, pierc ing, soldering, finishing, textures, wax model mak ing, sprutng & investing, casting cleanup. One or more projects can be completed during class time Practice materials provided. 21 hours of tnsiruc lion. Wednesdays 6:30-9:30 pm April 4-May 16 #U2h *$39 MAKING SHEET & WIRE Gary Dawson A seminar demonstrating the techniques involved in the fabrication of stock for jewelry applications Demonstrations include pouring ingots and Conning sheet and w ire, using the torch, ingot mold, rolling mill, and drawplate. 3 hours of instruction. Thursday 6:30-9:30 pm #029 $10 members DATE CHANGE: May 10 #oto S13 nonmembers REGISTER EARLY !!! Class sizes are limited and preregistration is necessary to assure your space in a workshop! PENS, PAINTS, PAPERS} DRAWING *'• Mark Zimmerer Perhaps you have looked at books such as "The Natural Way , to Draw," or "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain," but feel the need for additional structure and instruction. In this class, we will explore various ways of seeing and draw ing We will also look at and leant front the drawings of master . *« artists. All materials provided. 15 hours of instruction. ^ Tuesdays 6:00 8:30 pm not] $27 members April 10 May 15 »ot2 $30non members PASTEL DRAWING Julia O’Reilly Pastel doesn't mean “pink!” Looking for pi//a// and control in your pastel drawings? Wanting to explore this rich medium? Our one day workshop will give you the , . perceptual tools to expand your awareness and understand ing of color, and the basics for using soft pastel sticks < 'ost includes a set of pastels and paper. 7 hours of instruction Saturday 9:30 am 5 pm (172 hr. lunch) $23 members , April 28 #034 $26 non members ' i f ► » !■ *> V « CHINESE BRUSH PAINTING I.i Shuang Would you like to paint something in a very special way? Sumi-c is a traditional Chinese painting technique you can use to create a “color" w orld with C'hinesc brushes and black ink. We will leant to paint mountains, flowers, bamboo and more, step by step. Come join us you will gain lots of skill with fun. Cost Includes three brushes which are yours to keep, paper and ink. 18 hours of instruction Thursdays 6:00 9:00 pm #035 $39 members April 5-May 10 #036 $42 non members T-SHIRT & POSTER SILKSCREEN* Peter Meyer Want to print your own T-shirt, poster, cards, etc. ’ Learn silkscreen methods, including glue bkxkout and photo emulsion. We’ll discuss various inks, stencil methods, papers and fabrics Allow $6 12 if you want you own screen. Ink and some stencil material provided. 18 hours of instruction. Thursdays 6 30 9:30 pm April 5 May 10 #037 *$39 PAPERMAKINtJ I Almee Yogi Catch the warm glow of handmade papers while it’s raining outside. We’ll have a short sink- presentation on the history, process, anti plants used for papcmiaktng Then we’ll make papers using four methods Tapa, Himalayan, European, anti Japanese All materials pros Itled anti a source list w ill tx- hamk-it out 6 hours of instruction. Saturdays 10; 10 am I’M) pm »oih $14 members Ajirtl 7 21 *0)4 $17 non members PAPERMAKINd II Almee Yogi We start cookin’ in this class! After an introductory walk around campus to see the different plants used for paper making, stuiknts will cix>k and share pulps gathered from the fields All materials provided. 6 hours of ins true non Saturdays 10: M) am 12 :10 pm »oao $14 members April’s May 12 *041 $17 non members B()()KBINDIN(« Marilyn Mohr Make your own hardbound journal or sketchbook Rusk t bookbinding techniques will lx- taught fix using on the hardbound bok Smaller projects demonstrating Japa nese and pamphlet sewing will lx- included as time allows The first class will feature oil marbling on papers that can be used for future projects Cost Includes most ( materials. 1H hours of instruction Mondays 6:00 9:00 pm »iu.> $16 members >< April y May 14 »iwt $ Id non members PAPER MARBElNf; Marilyn Mohr Learn to make the dec orated papers traditionally used in bookbinding. Using oil colors on a paste si/e. many interesting patterns can lx- created. Marbled papers can boused for many craft items or collages Paper and some * paints will be provided. Wear old clothes and bring a tube of artist's oil paint to share I hours of instruction. Saturday 1:00 4:00pm *04t $10 members April 21 *04s $ 1 1 non mcnitx-rs / PHOTOGRAPHY t * t 1 V BEGINNING PHOTOGRAPHY* Regina Rubin Rebecca Thompson Jessica Crawford Learn how lo use your camera, develop l JAW film, and make BAW prints ami enlargements. Photographic com position, the camera, and darkroom techniques will t>e cos ered. Bring empty 35 mm camera to lust class Him, chemicals and some paper will be prosided. IS hours of instruction. Three sessions of fered: 1. Mondays 6:00 9:00 pm Rubm April 2 May 7 *S39 2. Wednesdays 2 (H) 5:(X>pm Thompson April 4 May 9 *047 *$.39 3. Thursdays 6:00 9:(X) pm Crawford April 5 May 10 »<»* *S39 INTKKMCDIATK PHOTOGRAPHY* Susie Morrill This course is designed for the photographer who is as quamled w uh general darkroom procedure and has an inter est in fine tuning the process of exposure control. Team aspects of the Zone System and use a variety of papers, developers, and enlargers to produce prints with desired contrast and depth Aesthetic considerations, subject mat ter, composition, and camera use will be included. < heml cals will be provided. IK hours of instruction. Sundays 5:00 8:00 pm April 8 May 13 % II VMM <>i okim; b&w photoc RAIMIS Regina Rubin Add color 10 your B&W photographs In this two week workshop, we will explore traditional and contemporary J methods of handcoloring prints The tn class studio time will help you perfect your techniques Previous photo graphic experience not required You will need B&W photographs printed on matte surface pa|x-r (RC paper will not work). Color pencils, oils and practice prints will he available. 5 hours of instruction ( Wednesdays b:(X) 8:30 pm «(>50 SI 3 members >' April IK A 25 "0M S16 non-members COMPOSITION AM) I.Kill I Rebecca Thompson Responding to photographs is largely a matter of personal taste The elements of a photograph somehow combine and str ike a chord for oik- person, but not for another Yet some pictures have a quality that everyone can recognize and appreciate This class will identify some of these qualities through a discussion of composition and light. Basic knowledge of camera use required Slide film will he provided. 4 hours of instruction. >' Tuesdays 6:30 8:30 pm SI 1 member April 24 A May 1 east S14 non member —r , - The Umvcrcuy of Oregon .(Tam. the right of ill irwlividu»i«to«4u*; opportunity in education and employment. - thoul rrg.rJ to r.. e. color. niiiooil origin, m.rari iutu«.ntmt'i..>«un «: i related to effective perform*r I>it policy implonoiu ill applicable federal. rule and loo*: laws, reguliUoni *ni! eaeculive order* Dtrat treed mquiner to the Direct.*. Aff;rm*tivt Action Office, Orrgiat Hall, Univeraily of Oregon. (50?! 340 1123 * WOOD \ BEGINNING WOODWORKING* Joel Andersen Brad Nile/Tom l rban Mdlonali/c your ideas m ihc wixxl shop Create a project while learning power tool use and safety. Instruction will cover project design, wood properties, hand ami power tool use, and joinery You may want to allow a little extra time and money for your project. 17 1/2 hours of instruction. Two sessions offered 1 Mondays 1 45 4 15 pm Andersen April 2 May 14 #om *$52 2 Wednesdays 6 50 'L(X) pm Nile April 4 May lf> toss *$52 ('ONTINIIING WOODWORKING* TomlThan Seven evenings of open shop with an experienced wixxl worker I xplore new techniques, get help atxl adv ice on your pet project, or finish that project from a previous class In c ludes demonstrations and discuss ions on design, router work, dovetails, and mortise and tenons I hc shop is still open during this time Tuesdays h: 50 'TOO pm * Free w ith April 10 May 22 membership WOODWORKING WITH HANDTOOI S* John Jones Interested hi working with harxl tixils and learning traditional woodworking techniques’ Using tixils such as hand saws, hand planes, scrihers, brace and bits, chisels, and moulding planes yields a level of detail not possible w i lh mac limes I his class will cover mortise and tenon, and coping joints, as well assist students m making some of their own hand tixils. including a !x>w saw, marking knife, and harxlplane No previous woodworking experience necessary 15 hours ol instruction. Thursdays ti 50 V 50 pm April 5 May 5 »ost> *$27 WOODTARVING Scotty Sleeves This process oriented class will cover design, wixxls, tixils and finishes Whether beginner or advanced, utilitarian or sculptural, your ideas and skills curl lx- advanced and prob lems tackled! Some tixils and scrap wixxl provided; other tixils and i arvmg wixxls are available for pure base Nonethe less, bring your own if possible, and come prepared to work’ 4 1/2 hours of instruction Sunday I 2: 50 5 (K) pm *0>7 $ 12 members April 2d #<»* $ 1.5 non members I Kill I TABLE MAKING* Alan Malleck Architecture and art majors spend a Saturday making the ultimate light table A new and improved design incorporates your Mayline and Borco into a shape that Ills studio desks in Lawrence Lockable, portable, and functional, this table is a must for your studio space W ixxl and screws provided. K hours of instruction. Two sessions offered 1 Saturday 'TOO am 5:50 pm ( 1/2 hr. lunch) April 7 tnriv *$25 2 Saturday ‘L00 am 5:50 pm (1/2 hr. lunch) April 21 »0h0 *$25 .-I,,, * Starred Classes Require Craft Center Membership. HOURS| Monday-Thursday 10:00 am-9:30 pm Friday & Saturday 10:00 am-5:30 pm Sunday 12:30-5:30 pm WOODSHOP HOURS: Schedules will be available after the first week of the term.