Engine Service 1000 S Bcrtelsen Rd #8 Eugene OR 9740? One Block North of W 11th Nolan Ind Pla/a Speci3i :'ng m Volkswagon Se'vice Foru1 ?'> 342-3952 10% Student Discount BRING YOUR SPRING BREAK PICTURES IN FOR HIGH-QUALITY 1 HOUR PROCESSING 10% Student DISCOUNT EUGENE'S QUALITY 1-HOUR PHOTOFINISHER! 18th & Willamette 484-6116 Community Many viruses plague computers Disinfectant programs for disks abound Bs Roll V\'«»it«• f mer.tld C ontributor Jeff Hoik.in .1 Idgene ( oinpu trr store employee r,m Ills si rus i hei kef program rei enth ,illfl disc m eted .1 surprise .it let tour sears of using .) tele phone modem to get tiles troll! c onipulei hullelm Im.irds he found lie li.id ,i \ mis I ol lUil.lleK lie disc t>\ ered it licdore it did .ins damage to his s\ stem .ind used Ins .inti suns program to destros it Hoik.in is one ot ,in estimated '111 0011 petson.il i omputer oss li ds III the I 'lilted St,lies to c on Ir.n I one ot .(bout 100 s iruses tll.lt .it tec l IBM IBM l output! hie .ind M.ic iniosh t oiitputers .K i ordins’ to the t dmpotcr Vi Ills I lid list 1 S Assol I,it loll \c 111,i 11s < omputer woes .ire mole numerous .ind more . run pies thill) |llst tie s it us epidcm ii but viruses .ire the most dc i eptive .ic c ending to .1 Septette bei 10H0 I’a/iiiLir Sin-nii' .nil ide llieie .ire "bombs ssonus ticij.iii horses" ,uid true s'iruses ,\ bomb is ,i program tli.it is timed to explode ot destros ihltil, .It some future (idle till" ere.ition ot bombs lets been .it 111tinted to disgruntled former c omp.uix empjosees A ss unit is similar to u s u ns It leplli .lies itself but It does no damage other tli.in m.iking so in.ms c opies of Us, It lb.it it slows down and ulti mutely ' i rashes s\ stems A trojan horse is .1 program, titirii released .is shareware or treew are I nun 1 omrnen ial soil wart’) th.ii purports to do some 11) 111K good lull t o ill a i ns hidden inslrm lions to do damage, sot li as re formal hard disks. i aiiMiig ail data lo he erased A true virus makes 1 opies ol list-11, like a worm, and eon lams 111st nit lions lo do various types ol damage, like tro|un horses and humbs who writes viruses) likes this type heeause it will inlet t ,i large i nrnpuler population he fore it is tlist ovored. thus doing more damage Viruses enter computers through telephone modems 01 shared disks The virus will then copy itself into the host computer's hard disk and am floppy disks used in the t nut puter. Holkan said It the computer ow nor shares inlet toil tlisks with others, or The worst thing about viruses is that they cause people to isolate their compu ters rather than communicate with them. They're crippling computer use with fear. ’ Jeff Bolkan Some iiu (heir damage imme ilialeK lull Mime like Iridin 1 ilh iinti l uihamhus i)av vi ruses -III limed In gtl nil ill ,| spel iiu dale AI lit lilt'll (heir ,ne "ke\ " VI ruses rme n| which infected Hulkars s t iimputer I lie |itnp ammer released (lie \ Mils \s ilh I nsl I In lions In in|i\ itself, do damage and wait im I he ke\ program, a ser mid i ii \ inis In he leleused betore il did any damage llnlkaii said tlie "i vherpunk' (computerese tor a programmer sends infected tiles to compute! bulletin boards, the virus cun tinues to spread itsell until de lected and th'stroved. lie said Virus programs are ver\ small, often loll! liVles oi less making them nearly impossible to dele. I Thev have ooferful names like I al h II". I ears day tilth. ' "Stoned Marijuana' and "AIDS." said silicon val lev programmer John Mi Alter, iban man oi the ( \IA and lorn to \ b uses, Page I ‘I Preeeesenting... jrfsl SPRING RECREATION CLASSES FITNESS Aerobics Aerobics Aerobics Aerobics Aerobics Aerobics Aerobics Aerobics Women's Weight Workout Women's Weight Workout Spring Training DAY TIME MW 4:35pm UH 4:35pm MW 6:35pm UH 6:35pm MW 7:35pm UH 7:35pm MW 8:35pm UH 8:35pm UH 6:30pm UH 9:30pm UH 5:30-6:30pm AQUATIC FITNESS Water Aerobics Water Aerobics Water Aerobics Water Aerobics Water Aerobics DAY TIME UH 4:00pm MW 6:30pm UH 6:30pm MW 7:30pm UH 7:30pm DANCE Swing/Fox Trot Beginning Latin Clogging MARTIAL ARTS Tae Kwon Do DAY TIME M 6:30-8pm M 8-9:30pm H 7-8:30pm DAY TIME UH 5:30-6:30pm CLASS REGISTRATION - 103 Gerlinger Registration: Mar. 28. 10am-noon: Mar. 29. 2-4pm; Mar. 30. 2:30-4:30 pm — S15 Late Registration: Apr. 2-13. 8am-5pm — $18 CLASSES RUN FOR 8 WEEKS FROM APR. 2-MAY 24.1990. |uo ■ RECREATION & ■intramurals