..University Students Against Apartheid to meet tonight Mi l l INI IN Students Against Apartheid meets ti mix lit ''I 1 in in I Ml ( I'd.ir Kimm I IN' 1 I K VII \\ S Sulim it lulls tin llir tnllinvim: mli'iviHvs lull.is in Kiiiun ’ ll I tendril ks • Indus I’ S M,ii inr < m p- (pi l<>t innn.igemriil. I.iss ! I All 1.1 ihlis in a in in i |i m • April 9 Bonneville Posviti Ad ininisli.ilmn {student i impel,i I is I- rd in . 11 h i n prstKr a lit) ( I.ii k.ini.is liilin .tltoil Si'is ii i Dislriil M.irvllnust |spn i.iI film .it it >ii| N( K (’.urp Itrrnlon manag fi sales rrpresentativf I i' s i) i »<; i IVp.sl ( 'nl.i (In group _Ft als_ meeting. i) In II p in in 11ii■ I All ’ \\ 111 n111 Room Iimlifilinf Systems 1 m (snllwair engineer! • \piil 1(1 Dm \ lliailstieel (business anal\ si 1 II IS I main i.i! Sitv h i s group meeting only 7 to H to p m m TAll ' ( eil,ir Rooms I .mil I) l,i\ Jin ol>s {assistant manager trainee) Wen,ill her Srhool llistriit W en.iti liee. Wash ledurnlinll sper iai eiltK ationl • \ (it 11 II h Marl < -in 11 s is lanl manager trainee) group meet i ne In Held pm I All ( entun Room K I -am ei | ,|i| |sales lepresen lalive) Xahisi o (iroi ei \ Direr ! {sales I epreseiital ive) Scars Roebuck ."> (,o. [retail management trainee i reilit management trainee). I' s Marine < Imps (pilot, management, law) IAII l.nbln 1(1 a in to 2 p m • \pril 12 ( KN Sirrine l.ngi neers Ini lent tv-level engi neei projec t ->1.111. summer In ternslupl \lu rusott ( orp |rei ruiterl Russell Stover ( 'undies (sales representative) Sa\ On Drugs. Ini (retail management trainee). EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS HOT TUNA ACOUSTIC Featuring Jack Casady & Jorma Kaukonen of Jefferson Airplane Friday April 13, 8 pm Eugene Hilton, Playwright’s Hall $9.00 G of O Students $ 1 1.00 General Tickets available: EMU Main Desk, l ace the Musit:, CD World. Recoid Gaide11 MIM I I I.ANPOiS A non-violenc e workshop will bo held by Student Cam paign lor Disarmament toda\ from 1 1 id .t m lo "i to p.m in Ihc F.Ml1 lion binder Room A "Welcome Ba< k" student mass will bo hold tonight at <> .it Iho Now man (iontei , 1HA(l Kmorald St Scholarship opportunities for study in Israel exist through Iho I'niversiH Hebrew I 'uiversilv of lorusalom ox i hange program The deadlines vary. but some are immediate (lontai t Paul Primak in the ()l lire ot International Services at Un iiioii tor information and applii at ion forms The deadline lor Stud\ \hroad programs during the Pl'iO-'i 1 ai iideinii year in ( an n.i, Denmark. Israel The Noth orlands and Si otland is April J ('.ontai t the ()ltii e ol Interna tional Services. Room :t;i() Oiv gon Hall tor more information the I'niversity ( allege Howl team w ill plav an exhibition mail li against faculty inenibeis todav in the RMt I- isbbow I at noon Dv.hlliiw tar submitting til .its to thr Lineraid hunt desk /A// ' Suite Hill, is no on the i/.n helnre publication tit ills run the it,i\ ut the event unless tin exent occurs hetnre ft non /’/ease submit I t a/s the tini he tore they are to run onlx \ lues ut events with a donation ai iidtnissiun i Inirge will not he ai r epteil School Supply Super Specials N_ pai ii r PAPER CUTTER POST-IT NOTES \s>OR !i IK OEOR 58' 79' bos m u i MINI STAPLER IU I 1.69 IM\v IN TICONDEROCA PENCILS 1.75 KU i .. I \ VI \ IX VI \ on I Kl.U'l) I URL 4 14'>0 UO-Bookstore ART AND SCH(X)L SUPPLY DEPARTMENT