Police Beat The following is .1 list of < ampus .iri'.i 1.rimes taken tmm Ottiu* of l’uhlit S,if>• t\ and Ku*.;ene Police Depart meat reports between March I". ant) At 1 • About S ' f)00 in properts was rep irtei the Her re.ition and Intramural Ai tivities office .m Room lo t (.ei Iinue 1 to KI’D on Man h 1 • Inkmmii suspects 1 lit the set lints cattles and pad loi ks to two Apple 1 omputers. whir h tlie\ stole along w ith two Apple printers a i .mill 1 aniera and Sit. 1 ash I he I he! t or 1 Hired sometime hetueen Mart It .‘1 and March Jli in the office vvhic.lt showed no signs of fore ed entr\ • At . 1 i e n a 1111 a 11. ■ 1 r \ ■ n at t . : :::: h i a I I a : -a. i • ■; ■ 11 ed stolen and its a|,,ss displ.n case daniinted to 1 I’D Mart h At A I niversitv r nstodian in the hall (list overed tin* ( asr br<>krn ami thr i rvstnl gone utter itn rst r.\if mg a ( rush I In- i r\ stul is valued mi h 1.! » pound bum n h.un d white ill.ill' last • i'll ur.trmi; s.;i.i\ h,u,;g\ shorts. a llijhl ( nl nri’ti shirt with .1 u hiti- T shirt uiulrnirath, .mil 1 .in \ mh.; .1 sk.itrlio.ini Kl’l) is i initimiiiii* mvrsti gallon of (hr iih iilrnt • \ ; ■ ■ ■' ..1. 11 •- .trill .1 I'.iiIIim k w-ir ir|i":tnl .!• > Irn frum 1 1 rsulrni r at Mill \\rilur ,mi! hint .ml Slirrt to KIM) 'll Man h .Ml H|r ilrnr hail a S 11. , total \ .ilur •A ..Mill;. 1 I . I; ii I V r. I r I a till ill KIM ' < a Mm h 1 \ 11 unknown siisjiri I thrru a ( l.itor.nh hot lli through till- S.’lllI itm 1 u 1 inInu ot a I o\ ota ji.tfhril at K.th A vrniir ami him an I Sttrrl • HIT) t ilrnl for liring mmols 111 |iossrssiou ol akiihol 011 Mart h It. I tl'S oil'll ns ohsrrtnl thr slmlriils illinkilr.; a! thr ! lain I i|i >t k an-a ol ( oluiithia SI nr I ami i IM) u as ilispati hnl From the bench I .a hum llw m.iddf'iunt; crowds nl \lt Arthur Court. l'ni\ersit\ senior lien Henson ponders his spring term business m.in.ii’eiuent < loss options on ,< suiun hie.it hei ,iloni; ll.i\ word I iehi I’hulo l)\ Stc\ <■ ( .11 (I " Unlimited LTD nus service optional student fee That means refund-, art • available Keep m mind, however that your student ID now enables you to ride the bus any time anywhere all term! Also remember that by supporting unlimited bus service you re helping alleviate traffic reduce an pollution, ease the campus par king problem and provide transportation for thousands of students But it you still wan! a refund, come to the £ MU Mam Desk between 1 30 p m and 7 30 p m March 26 30 and April 2 6 Also ava-K ible at LID Customer Service Center April 7 16 Cai! 687-5555 tor more information Express Your sell! LaneTransit District Avail, ible to all U otOstu ter >ts m. udn : nv: •, k Records, Tapes & CDs l>uv 2 l sed Records or Tapes and (iet One FREE* .. | F i it list'll in mil m l.ipi' ill ii(ii. it hi Irssn \,ihn nr s 1 " Oi l a11\ (Innipact Disc Happy Trails Records, Tapes & CDs i > i ).ik Mu <1 i tn i welcome Back Students WE BUY AND SELL QUALITY USED COURSE BOOKS' history ^ english anthropology ^ music joumnlism ^ sot I0l0' !V ^ cirnmn ^ philosophy ^ psychology ^ i/vomer tudit biology ^ polit iCr.il ,t ic-nce ^ business chemistry poetry education linguistics law foreign language lit history religion r ('creation physics omputer science " economics ^ geography ^ speech literature geology The smith Family Bookstore 768 East 13th • 345-1651 I Block from Campus