Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 28, 1990, Page 10, Image 10

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p^0| | C ontinut'd from P.i>*r (>
i mniM'liiig proKmin. .uni is
uni l inn low anl her hinli
si hi ml diploin.i
1 Ii'Iimi .ilsu li.is .iimllici i hill
ll'IH;i' tl I f.ll !• 1 .111! (>l
It viitir litisli.mil in sumt-nm*
wiTi' lii'i'i- In nivi- sou ,i lint; it
would In- iliflereul Iml Ihm <|t|sr
\ nil ii' .illinr M \ hie ,i di nililc
u tiamniv she said
Helen th,inks lift friends, and
( itiiip lor helping her through
the dill l( lilt les She said she
ic(i!m,s In dwell on her troubles
iiml advises utlicrs to ,ilso
in.mil.mi .1 positivr approai li
Win should voti go 11 it (nigh
hie like .i dud7 Some people
exist but lhe\ i|iiit ||\ iny
I lelen ilf) I think it there •,
.nix help .1 m\one l .III I’et U‘i
tor if
The pmui.mi is not linnteii to
widower! .mil bereaved l.imilx
members such .is Helen It ,iiso
.issists people who have expert
cm eii the ile.it ji o! someone
T G I S ' Thank God it's spring! However it is also a time
when many of the students of the University of Oregon
think about their housing needs
At } >i 1HASANT PARK the demand for housing
skyrockets as early as Juty Soifce €*e now taking
Cteposifo ond making reservations tor apartments
which will be cMoitabte ini June *.
Enjoy^his summecJn one of tt**fceskrt0VLSing vtfues
m Sprihgt^ki u : *
A A F' A R ! M I N I V
SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 747 5411
Formally Ashlane Apartments
We’d like to
introduce the new
Macintosh IE
\i m mcftilk-n/, the next
M.ti m{< >sh * lltx bi tlk' fastest
Mat tnii ish ever designed
Glut's exen mi ire impressive
are tile Ixmefilsol tlui s|xvd
Ilk' Manntnsh lltv nukes
qunk work out ol all
Mai intosh applications Iron
general Ixisiness to advanced
ik-skti >)) publishing And that
sjxvd helps yi hi xxork more
rfhvienilx And that helps son
lx- nxxv pnxluetive
'A lut s more, the
remarkable p< iwer and
enhanced res|x msixeness i >1
the Mai intosh llixopen the
du>r to an entire nett world t
applications Gimplex
three-cimkTtSK >nal m< xk-ling
Real time amnutkin
sequences And image
pnxessing, to list a text
And with six NuHus ’slots,
\<xi have plenty ol mom for
expanskin Vi xou van add
additional hardware
Or grjphiss cards ti h
photi igraplm -qualm true
uilorormu-gr.lv scak'
vajialiiliiKs ()r comtnuni
salmas rants to help
vihi work wiih different
computer environments
lies! of all you get .ill
this power and sjxvd
without lias mg io saenfke
the Macintosh computer s
legendurs ease ol use lust
point and elk k, arxl you'll
Like full advantage of
thousands ot existing
Manntosli applications,
t that all work in the same,
graphically intuitive was
Onls now with
the Macintosh Ills, thes
work even taster And
V i w ill u III
Mop in for an
mtrodiKtion. and
w e ll show sou how ^
The fastest Macintosh. Ever.
Introductions here.
Microcomputer Support Lab
202 C omputing ( enter
M-K 9am-5pm 346-4402
Special pricing for l of <) students, farult) and staff .
* jt •nv^^n. '
( lose tn ihi’IH i'\ i'll .1 pet
It virmi tliilu nil for people
to seek I nullseling I tr\ to
p,imt a more realistic picture of
u fiat i ounseling is \\ e help
I pie through the prl i n.
t amp said
I lie program serves periple
who hare experienr e«l ,i loss re
i entlv or in the past. and is also
open to those who |ust want to
talk and sort out u hat some
problems might he
I havi a resper t lot people
who i ome in It’s a sign of
strength, not weakness." I lamp
( amp said it is often more
dlitK ult tor people with losses
from the past to ask tot help
when soriotv saws tiic:\ should
ho ovor il
"Somo pooph' inilialh think
tltov i .m li.mdlo it thon ,dloi
suvor.d voiirs it lots thorn sin
I or pooplo intorostod in sup
port group assist.mi o. the prii
gram makes referrals to the lie
roavod Support (imup at Sa
i rod I load and tho Widow anil
U idow 01 Support (I roup at Mi
konzio W illamotlo I lospital
I ho Widowed and I umih
(a lot ( ounsolmg I’rogram. lo
i alod at 11>2 \galo St is upon
u a m lo noon and I MO a p in
Mond.n through I i ida\ I in
inlormalion nail 440 4220
Svnrr'er rapidly approaching You're proba
biy wonder mg how to combine the fun of sum
m->' with the reaiity of working
At Hurrah s Reno the summer is the most ex
citing time of year' The areas recreational ac
tivities abound with golf, tennis, water skiing,
hunt'"king fishing, or just relaxing in the
High Sierra sun on the beaches ot Lake Tahoe
■- e ar ,i” hour s drive from Reno And work
us.t as much fun with the continuous thrill of
meet nq r„ w guests and meeting the day's
are looking tor enthusm is: outgoing appli
a' •• who would enjoy 1 ervicing our guests
H.i".iti s Pf sonnet Repn-tentative.' wT be on
imous to interview tor wmmer pose ons m
" • : i" ■' g and loo j •. -v it partm* nt You
am ■nvrtod to complete an ipp • ation and sign
ec ‘or ar rapivu'W in your Student Employment
Oh e Room 12 Hendricks
‘Make Some Bunny Sfappy
Efis "Easter Season
Wf invite you to come into the
UO Bookstore and choose from
our wonderful Spring Collection
• Beautiful Cards
• Easter Baskets
• Jelly Beans
• Chocolate Eggs
• Specialty Candy
• Fun Gifts
• Cute Stuffed toys
• Easter Books
13TH AND KINCAID (PH. 346-4331)
MON-FRI 7:30 - 6:00 SAT. 10 - 6:00
Looking for .1 good deal?? Head the
Oregon Dail> Lmcrald Classifieds