—.Oregon Daily_ _ Emerald W cdiifsil.n . Man li 2H. 19'lt) l .uui'Hi'. ()n'gnn \ iilunit1 ‘I i \untbtM 1 1H _Inside_ ■ Radio comes up for vote, Page 4 ■ While you were away ... Page H ■ Those computer viruses. Page 14 ■ A split with No. 2 UCLA, Page 2 nt the l ni\ersit\ s 1 ontmuinu phone s\ stern rrrnnotion And they're tree for spring term |fv Kirill Si hreibcr Sivesind t mer.ild ( ontrihutor over spring break in anutl phase nl tin' University's new phone system. permitting tin- I ’niv * rsitv t*■ be < unir I he phone i ompauv 1" norm resi dents said Marjory Kamov direitni ol I 'iuversitv I lousing University I lousing owns the phunt's and lilt' I niversitv leases lint s Irom I S Wi st ( omitiunii nitons Kamov ex pi.uni'll l ilt' phones .in1 lire to dorm residents this 11*rin lull stinting next t.ill residents will havi' to pay S1 i fhi inmilli pm mom lor Ihi- service in addition to long (list.lint' lulls Kesidents will lint li.tvt* dir i him i' whether they want a pin. or nul Kamiw said 1 like not [laving for it (spring term)." said Aaron lli'iirv a iri'slinian living m Watson Mall Now we don t have to deal with hall phonos, which won't hug evervtxidv anymore f’av phonos .mil old campus extension phones will he removed from dorm hall ways sometime spring term K.uney said Kornev said there are henelits to the University s phone system She said it is (.hooper than MS West and that stu dents will he oflered a long distant e calling ( art! which will give a It) per (cut discount when used during spoil lied hours "It's nice that von don't have to pav lor installation said < airs luitiherg a freshman living in Hawthorn * nmplex I hex had phones at the l niversitv Inn so I guess it's only tail to have them in all the dorms Phone duet tones will he available trom the University within a week oi two Kornev said Students to attend protest at test site Uv ( .ither nit' H.m ley t moruld Vnmk inle I ditor \ L; 11.111 > o! illlt It 11 .11 I I III i! ' lit ! i!. I • • 111 Ulll join ill, Ills,mils of Ilfhl'l .Hill Illlt lfMl [HoIi'sIim. lilts work curl lor the .umii.il \mt*rn «m I’c.u e I. xt .if tin- I S govei ninents weapons lost '.i!*' ric.ir ! a- Vegas \ei I'hc students who i .ill llii'ii!',fin's llic !)'".i'il Iftitks will tlcintmsli.iff lilt'll opposition to nuclear weapons Ii‘M11ik .if fin' fom il,i% protest ivlm h will in i Imlc niil'.ii .pi l l hi", workshops .ind Shoshone Imh .in i cri'niomi'i ,ts well as ,n is of t n il 11 isobntiiem e 'Wc w olf lo pul piesstlie on llir government .111(1 mi,if,isc awareness.’ s.oil setlim I’.im liirl.i who will he attendiMg hci third protest ,i! the Nevada lest site Wc lc >.;ot lo wake people Up Protesters also plan lo express then support tor the Shoshone Indians who are in a dispute with the l S koi eminent oi ei I lie right s lo the land on w hii h the lest site Is lot ateil Also this \e,n the main at lion ol the \rv.ida pro test on Sunday coini ides with anti mu leal (Molests in the Soviet I'nion. West (ieimanv, (ire.it Hntain and 1 I.lilt e Protesters run the risk ot arrest tm .u ts sin h as set tniK lip him kades and trespassing on I )e()artinent ot liurrgv properly. hut partu ipanls who do not wan! to tie taken into i ustody ran show support tor the protest m other ways I'm la said "It’s really a personal derision.’ said I mla who was arrested three times at last yeai s protest lire i nnseiptem es tor being arrested and the i in umstam es at the protest i liange every year Students travel to the test site in "affinity groups whose meiiihers provide support and cm mil agement tor ear ti othei Students who do not want lo lie arrested will support members who are taken into i ustody . looking after belongings and ,i< ting as an out side i uniat I for anyone in jail jumoi |ohn t tig.m does not plan to get arrested on Ills (list trip to the Nevada text site hut lie hopes to re I Old the weekend s events lor a slide presentation I have the intention ot wandering everywhere taking (jii lines yiith my camera he said \i lu,dll protesters airesteii at the test site are usually nut jailed I'uila said Instead m most eases protesters are taken to a holding area lot a tew hours issued a i italion and released II would take too much time and eneigy to pro lorn to Protest, Page Parent! blasts imperialism in nation's foreign policy B\ Hon Walker i morale! \ssoi i.itf t ditor !mperialism is still alise and it remains a majot part ut I S foreign [mlii s said Hi Mu liarl Parent! a leading vim e oi the Amerii an politic at left The pnk ess ut imperialism js the must powerful ton e ill tin- hislors ol humankind he said it cut up the globe it gave us mu political realities ot tode\ and it's not taught; it s nut mentioned in the media Parent! spoke to about > people at the Firs! Christian ( hull h 1 I nil t ),ik SI Tuesdav night as > fund t.usei for 1 hr Stuxirnt Insurgent i ampus pub 1 ie.it ion \eo- impet i.dtsm is happen mg tod.is in t mitral Xmeric a I’.uenti said Thu l titled States sssleinatit idIv estouts nations wealth, putting them into debt and de industrializing the I'liiiiuim he said These euuntries are not piior i . uintries 'lies he i ll li I’arenli said "Vim don't i!'i In pool < nuntnes to make money I In- people .nr pool tint tin'll’ is incredible wealth in tlii'st; ( I it 1 lit I ii's i Capitalism iii k s A lid 1 in' ! |.•• i it diu's it works Hut so din" torture work so docs as -.assm.i! mu work A lot ol (hihits u 01 k hut the question is toi w hum do l!te\ wink and how do tin'V w ol k he said the tost ol maintaining a global military mat lime i’arenti said, is steep about S tun billion (ter year to prntei t internallunal interests, lie said Most Fortune Util i onipanies have investments in the third world leaping lienetits tor the i n h but nothing tot the people ot the third world or the \uierit an taxpavei i’areiili said "\\ Ill’ll it < nines to protei ting then iniiiiev. vour money is no olijei t And that's tile i osl ot imperialism lurn to P.irrnti, Page Phulo h\ Slur I 4t«! Mil h.irl I'.irvnti (riiilitl l.ill- > to »» i //-iws/iits .(//<■/ spr.ikinu to .ilintil 77> pi-oplr I ur-.il,n nif-ht in ,i hrnrlit tor I lie Student Insmyenl <.imptis pi ihlit a Hon