University Award given to study math teaching B\ Stephana- Holland f merald Reporter I w o l iii\ i-Isit\ professors have reieivcd i three visit grant ol S.H4IMI(lt) to study mon- Hlei tr\ i■ methods ot teaching inathematii s in kuulet garten and elementary si hoofs file I .S ( It tire of Spei Is in. at ion and Hi hahililalion Services awarded the grant to Dung las ( amine, a teacher education professor, and I d haineemil. a teachei education assistant pro lessor. ( 'amine, projei t direelor said tln-reseanh is needed to improve the deficient math pertnr 'niiini e levels ot American students (ompaied to students in other i ounlnes 'One ol the big problems is ive do a lot ol things super!ii ia|]\ lie said I'nited States teai hers base their teai lung methods on a "spiral curriculum (.anline said With this type oi curriculum students are taught portions of a subject eai h ve.u rathei than learning everythin# at oiu e Teai hers progress to other subjects, even il all the students do not know the material. The theory behind this technique, ( amine said is that students who don’t i atch on to tr.u lions, for instance i an piactiie them again dm mg the next si bool \ear While this sounds good theoretically, (ini nine said, in praetiee this hinders students vvliit never cumpkttely understand a sublet! In runt 1 iiti.i 1 i\ putting nil their problems In hiture years I hr iiiiliuliw nir resetir< Ii w ii! ini hide .ilialy/ mg 1 nirent math 1 unit iihim materials .nut run dm ling workshops Im leathers .ii table <1 >1< i tv s lust 2 blocks from campus Stereo Workshop 1621 E. 19th 344 3212 M-l 9-6. Sat 10 2 ol l.uyene Springfield | in inform.i! ion is ,iv. 111.11> 1 • • Irmn I im ( '<)r 1 m m at 14 ! M4 i"> Workshops hi lling < iri les speakers ,iini mure .ire pi.Mined Hr,nil ini' ini >tibmittinx it .ils In the Kinerald Irani th'sk l \U ' Sill/.1 UtU, is iiiiiu) the ihi\ In'tori' puhli< .itioii I t ills run tin• tl.n ol thr i'xcnt null‘ss- thr ci ml in i m-, hrtini• iuiiiii /’/(•.isc sij/mi/f I I .(/s //ic i/.n /»' /on1 f/iei .in’ In run unit V files nl cicofs n i//j .1 ilnu.ilion in .lf/oi/ss/ofi rh,ifffr will nut In' ,n i eptt'il U N SUMMER SESSIONS '90 I V f R S I r Y OF CALIFORNIA JUNE 25 - AUGUST 3 TIME FOR A CHANGE? Summer Session at UC Santa Barbara offers an enriching aca demic and cultural experience in a setting of unique beauty The mild climate and seashore loca tion make IJCSB ideal for sum mer study an ideal setting to make new friends and take challenging and intriguing courses in a wide variety of dis ciplmes and special programs T he classes are smaller and the campus is less crowded Con tinumg students, high school graduates and students from other colleges and universities are eligible to enroll There are no out-of-state tuition fees. Write fQr ypyr free Bulletin & Application; Summer Sessions. Dept OR. University ot California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 Phone (805) 961 2047 Name Address City State Zip TWO DAYS ONLY! Thurs., Fri., March 15-16 - in the - Sportswear Department □T-SHIRTS □SWEAT SHIRTS □SHORTS / f0 all champion SPORTSWEAR v r i mi ui I I A\I >Nl :!K2SS ()Ni mlv ■.r . BUY ONE GET ONE FREE ■ s N,, I AI n V •_ UO Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M-F 7:30 6:00 SAT 10:00-6:00 346-4331 SPORTSWEAR MAIN FLOOR