_Universitv_ I'holo b* M.ir k > I«-■ Ion l).i i is has helped set 1//1 .inti m.iint.un ret vt.lint; pmitrams in morn than JOl) I nnersitt otth cs since /ic /ice amr primary transporter tor the Pearl Uni A Ke> \ < lint; Program in lim/sl Recycling ( ontinucd from Pago *> contat l. she said I leising has taken rei v< ling lu heart "I gel so mm li paper work eoming across the desk that I'm realh aware ol wasting paper ’' she said ’ ()nt e 1 do rei vi ling, it goes into other parts of mv life I do it at home The hislorv department often sends short memos on half sheets of paper instead of whole ones. Ileisingsaid I link mail stuffed in professors mail hoses is now tossed into the re cycling containers instead of the11ash. she added rills is |ust u hiit I lav is likes tu hear Hi' iii kiH>\vl«*«lK‘?d that in vi ling has '‘kept petjpli- at the I 'niversih more informed about the rea I it it's ut paper pro t.esslllg " \\ hilt- 1 lavis noted let \ i ling has ini leased in recent vein's, he thinks it will her nine e\ en more i oniinon in the future It is expanding " he said "It you eonsidttr statistic s on landfills it has no i hole e hut to ex panel " In addition to saving spae e at landfills, ret voting also saves tesourees l)a\ is add eel WE’LL GIVE YOU FIRMER, LONGER-LASTING CURLS! Lot us design youf very own upet sot! Mutr ■ oenn and expenenc o fu’i bodied wave filled with life' Enjoy long-lasting curls with a healthy looking silky shine Call Our Style Experts Today For An Appointment. 686-1435 50 West 13th, Eugene juit ihut I SPRING HIGHLIGHTS i $15 OFF COLOR WEAVES . AND PERMS jfttsg, $5 OFF Haircuts Kami Kaplan ri'i voting 111 ordinalur lor the Survival ( ru ler. lias been working v\ 1111 Da \ is In enlarge his program I think he's doing a Icallv good job. sin- said lint we need lull port ir ipation Iron) stu dents Tile llewlv illiple inented pilot re< vclmg pnijei I in Walton ( simplex is .1 mov e in tli.it direr lion. Kaplan said Cargo Sale Best bargains the year'" Up to 90% off • -n iL>se*>uts arui slightly dama*jed merchandise many unique items while they List' A' .- lots ! new spring stock rnivtnv1, laily at both lutes } iffh St Put Marl***! t > 8 3 2204 762 I I.lth Avr ^ n«*xf t • th«* l * «*iMor i‘l \ H6» > 7 FOLKWAYS IMPORTS CLOTHING jeWttPY & KXK ART fROM AROUND THE WORLD Is student health insurance cutting into your budget? Call 1 he Garr\ I Lida) Corporation ami find out him von can save hundreds ot dollars. (»ARKV 1. \MW\ \ HON I i m V\ (I l At .11 l I ''I'll HP M. I l l » r *» >\ :*»* Ut l NKOHI.U1N • . GARRY F. LIDAY President Insuranee Broker Investment Broker 484-6885 OMINO’S NOW THRU FINALS WEEK! $^99 1 ITEM MEDIUM PIZZA GOOD EVERY DAY. CAMPUS STORE ONLY. CALL US! 343-3030