Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 12, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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Students protest cut
in program funding
B\ ( hristopher Blair
I morale! News Iditor
Rhetoric iiirl i ummunic atimi
slmlcnls v*lit fii (heir nmmiis
about their .tiling department
with .1 letter and petition to
1111 iversitv (itt ii i.ils Friday
A group ol ,10 rhet i om slti
dents crowded the nil ice i it
speei h department head Ktm
aid Sherrills <oid presented him
with the letter and pelition.
siened I is more than (i()0 stn
dents ol viirious majors
Kei entlv funding ii.is been
i tit bar k drastically foi in.m\ ol
these schools within the ( ol
lege of Arts and S< ient es in
p.irlit ul.n tin' the are.i ol rheto
rit and connminit aliou stat
ed the letter, written b\ student
Will Patton. Without a strong
rhetoric department on this
campus, the I ’niversiti s < taint
to prov iding a solid liberal arts
education tor today s students
will he tar from legitimate
Sherrills said he shared the
students' i oneerns Hut he said
recent funding cuts b\ the < ire
gon Legislature which have
led to the elimination ol three
lac idle positions and more than
I "> courses in the past two years
make solid ions tor the d Isi i
plines problems lianl In I inti
You know what the bottom
Iiiii' of this seems In In'. he
said ifi.it in the dollars
throughout the slate system |ol
higher edm ation) li.ncn I Ini
l( 1 M i'll I lie Students
Slit-irifts In11-1 added lh.it the
versatility nl a degree in com
munii.ilinns has increased stu
dent interest in the maior. more
student interest lhan I lie de
|iarlmi'nt ( .111 handle
Aitei then meeting Mith
Sherrills. I he students walked
In Johnson llall to wall lor a
si heduled mi'i'ling with I Di
versity President Myles Hrand
As the i rowil stood «j1111• 11 v on
tile steps ol Johnson 1 lall the\
presented a letter and petition
to Provost Norman Uessells
w ho accepted it a*, he walked
into the building
The students explained latei
that lliev had not been able to
get a Pi id.n appointment w ith
I lie provost ’ s oil hc
Hrand then agreed to see the
students earls and lie ai < epted
the letter petit ion in Ills ottii e
Senior K11 k Ihlenberg. who
presented the petition to Hrand.
said it was proof ot the .Indent
body's support ol the rhet com
students' i uni erns
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Srninr kirk Ihlrnbrix /Jivsi’iWs I’rrsiilrnl \t\lr\ Hr.mil nilli .1 fwlitinn s/i;/ic(/ l>\ hill) stinlrnt'.
(»/(/«■( f/nt; In i nth.ii ks in Ihr I nixrrsili s rhrlorii .mil i iimiminii .ilinn i>nn;i.iin
We have business majors
leisure studies majors almost
every ruujO! on tins t ainpus h.e>
someone representing it .mil
u ith then support tui our peti
t ion he s.lhl
Brand s response to the stu
dents was simihu to SherriftV
I lie l niv ersit\ is all hut poi\ ei
less to a I lev late the depart
infill"s ptuiilrms
I into vmi t inning
tn Hr.mil s.ml I heir's nln i
uuslv .1 Ini dI suppurl lirii' .mil
.1 Ini nl i uni rm sonic ill it this
been the influx ut m.iiuis in tin*
ilrpui line nl in rci ml \ c.n s .mil
the department haxii I lici'ii
■ iiili' In keep up Sume nl il is
bet .luxe ul ,ii . 111 < ■ 111 li ilei Islillls
th.it h<tvo boon tnadr
brand promisod to rola\ the
studonts' < t>ik t*rns tn his I n
* I • • i .niii.it*- I tliu .it mu task
I nn o
Studonts anil nttn lals aipood
that tho uathmin^ went uoll.
hamporod nnlv I>v tho present
In k of opt ions toi thr sport h
dopni Intent
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