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HAIR SALON 1669 WILLfiMETTE .University Women's Center to add programs Academic support group created Hx Ann Ziegler l merald ( ontrilmlnr I'lic A SI ( ) \\ omen's ( enter plans in enh.mi e existing pm grams anti add new sen it es this spring as a result of a fall term survey sponsored b\ Women In Transition I niversitx students Holly I lame anti Antie Marshall sin vexed 11 t yy omen (or tfie Won) en's ( enter program to discover I niy er sit y \y omen s needs An overwhelming number of respondents to t lie survey xx iiit 11 targeted 18 to JL! year rdd yy omen i iterl .a adernir pressure as then most pressing i orii ern .it the I im ersIIy tol loyyed by self-delense and rape Marshall said In iesponsi 'he U omen 's 1 enter yydl offer an academe support group as one of three neyy programs this spring Otli er neyy programs im hide a les Ilian support group and adili tiolial women's general support groups to ease demand on the three existing general support groups Tel respond to women S pro let lion needs on and around campus the V\omen s ( enter is yy orklng yy it h the Of I it e of Pub In Safety tocovei marches and caluileliglil y igils on campus and to improve mu arnpus lighting said Hullv Stegner. U H ur-direi lut Het hum1 the tuivcrsity does nut offer sell defense instrui turn. .Stegner said tin1 Women's ( enter refers students to other soon es m the i oninmmt\ She said the Women's ( antler hopes to have instrui.tor Nadia Telse\ from \ma/.nn Rung I ti studio t.u ilitate a self defense program this fall Stegner and her i mmtei part, Ruth Songei lohnson. the olhei 10 dim tor for \\ I I are also planning a new orienta tion iei eption ptogiani for women considering a transfer to the I im ersit\ The program will target stu dents from live community < ol leges in northwestern Oregon I he Uomen's t enlei is work mg in i ontnni lion w ith the 'i WdA which is sponsoring a peer menloi program to help women peiseveie through the frustrating ohslai les new and transfer students encounter, Speakeis will he invited to talk atrout (main ial aid, lions mg counseling and oilier stu dent i mu erns as part ol the 011 ent.ition reception program It will also include inlormation p.ii kets tours of laigene and discounted motel ai i ommoda I lolls Songei lensen said this anuti GET A 14” 1 Item (wty S5.00 CARRY OUT SPECIAL 687-8600 • 1432 Orchard Behind McDonald's on Villard Soda or Seafood Items not Included No coupon Necessary 11 a.m. 10 p.m. .iI program m.n help women m.ike the (iei ision the I'nj versitv is more supportive of women than other universities The or imitation rei ept ion program's until ipated debut is Ma\ It and 12. Songei Jensen said expei tat ions for p.u In ipa turn are low this year, hut slie liopes the program will grow and be supported b\ the dean of students ill the tuture The Women's t lenlei s awareness of needs is its first step to planning how to meet those needs Songer-Jensmi said several free floating pro grams were incorporated undm the Women's Outer umbrella of programs two veurs ago. Marshall and I lame disti ih ilted the surveys fall term m women's studies and inlrodui lory sociology classes, dortui furies and sororities, the Worn mi's Health (ienter the ( i ill 11 soling < entei and the Women's ( entei hoping to reveal the needs i if \ ounger w omen Tile Women's ( enter is in terested ill being able to ad dress the needs of women of all ages. Songei |ensen said Stegnm said that of about 1 7 HOP students at the I uiiversi t\ li.Half are non traditional "Women in transition" refers to the noil-traditional general i\ older-than average female student with special emotional medii al and fin.nii ial needs Mam are single parents The Women's ( enter i urrent ly oilers support groups toi women ta and older, a group tor women experiem ing confu sum about sexual iilentiU a graduate women s support group and a group that disi uss es post-gr.idu.ition concerns ()thei groups facilitateiI In tlie W omen's ( enter ale a life i lion es group to dismiss preg mini \ lei mi nation, a non set u I a i spirituality group a mothei daughter support group, a slip port group tor arclutei tine and allied ,uts students and a group to help women through the “empty nest sviufrome ’ a depression suffered In some w omen w lien then i hildien grow and leave home behind l lle Women's ( eiitm also of tors da\ hikes to get awa\ Iriini daily stress through its ( hitduni Ail vent lire Program on every first and third weekend of the month Job Hunters: Contact 1,000 companies for only $69.95 After ,i S40.(NX) college education, did ling out an added S69.d> tor a job seems like a small price to pas Particular!) it son land the' r/g/i/ |ob It's possible ssith JOBS ON I'll I- a reference guide that mils on sour IBM or Macintosh personal computer At J( )BSource u c eliel the leg ssork so sou don't hase to I or major companies nationsside. select am ot 40 disks organized bs 1N1HSTRY I ike ad agencies, banks and hospitals. Or 30 Cl I V disks describing major companies in a selected cits Like Boston. Chicago, or Seattle. bach J< )BS ()N HI I disk is a gold mine of current informa tion on up to I .(MX) companies Search thecompain into to select \ixir companies Then use the built in word processor to pull the address into \ourco\er letter, cutting pivptimc by as nuicli as *n Order today w hile supplies last 800-437-8376 ».... HEALTH PEER ADVISOR POSTIONS AV AILABLE (»ain experience in... ts Promoting Wellness ^ Out reach Programs ^One-On-One Health Advising - *t‘rm l'racticum in Dept. of Health Kducation Please call Joanne P rank or Laurene Sheilds 346-4456 at the Student Health Center Deadline for application Fri. March 30th