—University Group fights to save sign classes H\ I .unit' kilhnurn I met.ild ( unitilnitor Ament .m sign language t lasses will he tail next \ear tin less a neu h tunned studenl group ( an < hangc some (let i sion makers' mitlds ASI. \tlvi» ales are students t i tnt et net) ah. ml the deal turn immilv who are working to keep sign language t lasses t tit runt I v offered to I ’niverslH slit denis through Ihe spent h pa timings anti audiology deparl menl ()n March li the ASI Atlvo tales |tresenletl a pet it ion to tniversiU Provost Norman Wessells signed In more than r.OO students ret|uesling sup port til AS!, t lasses said I aril Ivn Kemmers. a sign language lah teat liing assistant and pres ident ol ASI. Advot ales Kemmers saitl besides col let ting signatures, the group is .list i t ol let ting letters AYeAe already started col let I tug lettei s written b\ top members ol the t timimmil\ Kemmers saitl AYe'ie going to he out there show mg our sup port lot ASI. and answei mg ev ri \ tpiesl ion w e t an U e re try ing to lie as y isihle as possi hie ' Although ASI. is primarily usetl h\ memhers of the deal community it must also he taught to people w ho inlerai t with people who are hearing impaired.’ saitl (Catherine lot it eiit in. mi'inhet ASI. \dvt i t ales \mi'ri< .in sign language is .1 i omplex language in »1 s nu n right, using lai nil expressions gestures .uni formal signs to I utivcv messages. using its own structure grammar and uii lav. said Ills IVtrrs u ho tent hrs sign language at the I 'nivcrsitv I lie strut lure ol ASI is dil lerent Irolii standard language Peters said I 01 example a hearing person might s.i\ Last night at |i m I ueut shop ping f.verv thing was really ex pensive Uv the lime 1 was done I tiitlll I hat e un\ mullet lell ' In ASI. that sentem e be comes, /’as/ niL'Jil time seven. stale lilr go In hmil llherel i t pensive Inn finish brake mallei left mil Peters said Sign language classes are ten difficult to enroll 111 he 1 ause ol their popnlaritt fall term's registration was a madhouse Peters said " Che 1 lasses were lull in 0 SO on the lust ilat and the unit jug list had ot er I all people on it lit the end 1 4 the d.tt 111 the nine t ears I t e been teaching here 1 lasses have been Idled and I've always had a long waiting list, she said "Heture this tear I've taught tour classes each veal Iwo beginning, one intermediate and one advam ed I taught about I 10 students eai h term, and at one point, two ol us were teaching sign classes \i 1 online to these numbers Peters has taught sign language tu approximately I.HOC) slu dents Ai i urding to .1 PI t report troin the \atiolial I echini ul In statute tor the Ileal, an eslimut ml I t million \rnerii .ms ale hearing impaired. ^a llot) peo ple in southern Oregon have impairments ranging from moderate hearing loss to pro found deafness Him .ium“ hen r mg i m pa ired .people arr bei timing more m,im s I r r ,i m r il I) n I h in si hou 1 ,i ii il m work sell ings. ..pic .in' i;ii ing I n lie i timing i n i nut.n t with iinnc iic.il people -.1 nl Is a 11 ml I I lev i - H.tsi ,i me in lie i nl A S I. \ il \ in: ii I e s Doctors Ie.u hers |,l\\ \ ers si ii 1,11 sei V ii e .1 gem' les r i gilt ilnu II lo bus drivers .ill v\ 11! ll.IV e i.iiiil.H I v\ lilt pen pie who .ire Ii e ,i r I ng i mji.ii red ’ I lev i I l.isi desi rilled t lie need Ini sign l.ingii.ige skills .1 s .ihsidiile 1 \ impel,! live Sign language i hiss e s .ire being phased mil bei anse the spent b pathology and and ml ngv deparlmenl del id ed In spend more mini c\ nil uirn giiiiiu.iir piugi.iiii s.iid \rd ('iiristiciii.M'ii. spun li piithnlogN and ,iudtol(ig\ dr p.irtlllrnl hr,id I Ihristi.insrn rvpl.iinrd th.il sign l.iligtl.lgr i l.issrs urn- til ing ini In rii.ihlc ihr ili'p.ii'l inrill In ntlri nthrI i l.issrs ,imI dr( ir.isr sludrut Ir.n hri nitiir, thus qu.llilvillg I hr muster's dr grre pmgr.ini lor i rrliln uln>n Ai i irdlt.itioii of mil m.is In s priigi.im has ,ilu,i\s burn iiptlllll.il, lull il nun I hr lh.it I'holu t)v i».iv nf Mu. .. s/mi. n.i llolli mi ,n . si if n sliulrnl W.1V in .« trw \ fills hr S.ml Ur W.int Otll sludrllts lO lit mill l.ibJr at .1 nalliMi.ll IrVr 1 InslfMiI i if tr.u him; -iKii Ian v;uaMr tin* (Irpartnirnf will of fri nnc I• m !uf» i lass on sii»n language hr said This w 4» \ mil st udr ill s will grt w h.il thrv nrrd . ( ihrist lan sen said lhr\ iluii’t haw* lo i oinr out of hurt' lop noli h signns hut jsign language is) lurn to Sign, Page ** NNOCJAAvV LOSE Vhasop ESpM.%0 Rom 8dS OWvV CQo\A ^QO Q^\c £gcP ^ We ship your stuff home! 1 to 1000 pounds, ('omputcrs. strivos, IVs Insured, custom packing I luxes lor salt* ITS. Finery, Motor Freight 2705 Willamette. Eugene 344-3 106 r r ,ri* Packaging Score Oregon Daily _ - Emerald r O H'V »l*‘* I UW« IM 1*1. k-..n Witt I T c>.*.*, ‘ 1 ;*v »■'«• 0*U'»r> D*iS» FmoM’i! J*Vif '.him; 1 .«t Untv*!,,;il> iil 'h. 5 O^fjon Th*:> !*. *;• }»’p«*'n|*»nf p? ■*#!« ;■ i-vi? fh«? un-,»w?uf femovat •' >^0 ■*- p OC-UtAbto by i.iw l ditor ■" 1 ; Managing E dilof EdltO* >/il Editor Graphn n Editor E ncoro E dilor Aiioo-ilf Editor*. .V Don P#t#rs M t ■ - Krv . f. N«w*. f <1*tOf Sports f c1il or SuppU’imjnt*. Night l ddof Editor uhnstopnff HUiir T*at.y Sorrmor Daria Jai.kson As* *• vVhfv^-F Community “ . • Sludenl Government Acf•» Higher l due ahon Administration " f eatures Reporters Photographers ' V ’ ’ Advertising V « . . ' Production '■ r <" ' ■ ' General Stall Advertising Director Assistant to the Publisher Production Manager V Advertising Coordinator Classified Managei Accounts Rfi eivable Circ ulatum Newsroom Classified Advertising Display Advertising Production Graphu Services 146 SMI 141. 4 14 J 146 1712 446 4161 Get a cool cut for the hot spring! I (lis S|)l ill<( doll I let Io11(I h.i i l u riejh Noll d(n\ n. ( ool oil with g the help of the deadly club-poison frogs