RESUME WRITING AND DESIGN ASSISTANCE For ALL MAJORS ■ ALL CAREERS Professional Service - NO CHARGI CAREER PLANNING AND PLACEMENT 244 Hendric ks Hall 346-3235 Iftl RE-ELECT TOM HEGER EUGENE'S 4J SCHOOL BOARD Paid lor by the Committee to Ro Elocl Tom Roger; Thomas R. English. Treasurer OPEN 24 HOURS Kinko's Copies • Binding • Laser Design • Gourmet Espresso • Coffee 860 c. 15in 344-7894 44 W. TOtn 344-3555 Spring Break Car Care Specials firestone AMERICAS HOME FOR CAR SERVICE LUBE, OIL & FILTER '•Hvm'* Who can you depend on (or (heir in depth training, computerized equip ment and work backed by long term warranties9 The Masters of Master Care, of course 6 MONTHS/6.000 MILE LIMITED WARRANTY COVERS ALL PARTS 4 LABOR1 Most cars s quart maximum MAINTENANCE BRAKE SPECIAL Free inspection & estimate! Technicians install premium grade disc pads oi brake shoes and resurface drums or ro tors ASK ABOUT OUB COMPREHENSIVE BRAKE OVERHAUL. FEATURING FREE RE PLACEMENT PARTS AND LABOR FOR AS LONG AS YOU OWN YOUR CAR' s59" P*f a. it* disc (»' d'un me Jail ic pads '»*p*K k >ng * bearings seals TUNE-UPS Trained Technicians Solve Over 2 000 Eng Problems Every Day ' • Install n#n» 'esisto? plugs • Adjust idle speed • Set tuning Test battery & hrf'gtng system • lnst>e, t «ey engine systems A part-. 4 Cylinder 6 Cylinder 8 Cylinder 549.99 $59.99 $69.99 nterfererr No Appointment Necessary Downtown Eugene —East 11th store only 345-1593 nwHnnnin—■■ mu i 11n■mimmwmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ^Letters Pathetic The I’tiblit Interest I -m ( jin fcrent i’ held .1! till' law si drool Irmti Miin Ii t lu Man It t is the largest 1 nnferem e of ils type in fin' world Now in its eighth vimi attendant c risii liril ,111 .ill tinit* high of over 1.111111 people pi'iiplo from .ill over 1111 • world (Soviet I joon. Imli.i, South .mil ( entnil Amerit .1 l.i pan l-uropr. and mori'l doth i .iinl to environmental i on ( el Ils ( onsiili'i mu the important e and size of tins event the ini 1 Trill I s ( uver a ire was absolute I \ paihctH Montlar's Man Ii j is Sim only 1 overed National Wildlife Ii 10 ndal ii in President |.n Hair’s sped h. vvhie Ii is rathiT ironii considering flic audieiu p’s re.k lion to him (from mild to strong disapprm al), and that there were so main other speei has more rep resentative of the 1 (inference j Hu also missi'd thi' opporlu mt\ to picture and discuss \ andana Sima instead of flair sfic ns i'i \oil a standing ovation after a verv moving speech I next year's c onii i i ol m s leltei to thi* rfl 1 tor ft )l )i Man h it) lu it hi- stated "Poor Stephanie Nelson is so bruin w ashed bv this sot ielv lliat (•veil alter a women’s studies 1 lass she refers In her sex as a rat e The purpose of witting ms letter 1OU1 March 1) was to show support fni llie women's studies department Anyone who 1 arefulh read nn letter w011 Id haxe realized this. Is his point so weak that he is fori ed to base his argument on a denotative erroi |.11 kie t trrdav I aw student i In t’..u\ Mid Malcolm also lumps me uilh organizations that he i laims to hi (list riminatorx I wonder how 1 can lie linked with these entit ies sun e I xx as voic mg support for an organization whose purpose is to. in fact, fight disc riminalion. Malcolm calls me brain washed by .1 society on c outages separatism" and dis c riminalion I low c an tins he d I have public l\ praised the wmk nl a department whose slated purpose is to light the very separatism" that M.d c nlm speaks of? Stephanie Nelson Art histnrv Under oath In their reply to allegations made In People for the l lliic al Treatment of Animals Mic hard Posner and Daniel Kimble claim that evidence against Kic hard Marine no is not Inc I as these allegations tome I rout a pretrial hearing, since there was not trial " \OUI\ fob 2H| The tact is. huuevei that while it mav have been .1 pre trial hearing. Marroteo was still under oath when he ail nutted that in the la years he has Iteen experimenting with monkey s. he 1 mild not rec ail ever seeing a veterinarian c ome in and c bet k the monkeys atlei surgery Kven it they had not distorted the1 truth, the idea ol not hu man primates returning to out campus should still be epics tinned Do xxe have the right to treat othei living beings as non sensitive lab equipment Is out search lor knoxvledge worth 1 arising the pain and death that animal researc h nee essilates •' When yy d 1 our lust loi knoxvledge he satiated '' When every disease is c ured and xxe live in a simile environment? When human beings are im mortal ' I'osnet and Kimble say \\e CAMCORDER RENTAL AND DEMO SALE JUST IN TIME FOR SPRING BREAK, We're having a terrific sale. Now is the time to get that Camcorder you've been wishing for! Take advantage of these low, low prices now, as quantities are limited VHS ami 8MM CAMCORDERS FROM $600 SONY CCD-TR5 - ONLY $1099.95 UO BOOKSTORE E LE C T R O N1C S DEPARTMENT 1TIII ,WI)KI\CAll) VI I'7 TO A SAMOA 1*11 A4MW know Matrix < o to hr .1 careful humane and const ientions re sean her Yet. how humane ( an It he to fort e a fellow pie mate to live in isolation, to im plant skull ( aps in their heads and then to fort ibly sai nln e their lives for the s.ike of st 1 en< e ’’ Pamela W in h K nglisli Demonstrate W e believe Yicole Bourcier is misinformed on several issues cent timing animal research ( 01)1 l eh W e will address onlv her statement that thalido nude deformed hahies demon strale the unreliahiliW of am mal models Thalidomide was introduced in l'lfit) hv the (airmail pharma 1 fill it al firm (lliemi (irunenthal as a mild sedative Its ability to diminish nausea in earl\ preg nant \ led to its use in mam countries l 'nfortunately t irunenthal had little evident e animal or human, supporting its claims of safety No tests were done on pregnant animals to determine the effet t on fetus The first thalidomide bain was horn m in at: thereafter the number increased drnmatii alh ()nl\ w hen com erned st len tists began questioning the e\ tent ot thalidomide's ellects on humates did (irunenthai with draw thalidomide from the market Subsequent tests in (Inmenthal and thalidomides British distributor. Distillers Im t learh demonstrated that thalidomide does cause birth detei is m animals w hit h are si milar to those in humans The t niled States was large h spared ( Timetned w ith lac i of data, animal 01 human, tin IDA never approved thalido mule Thus ( outrun to Houn iet s assertion, the thalidomide trust ed\ is un excellent demonstr.i tion of the value of animal re secure h II proper tests in uni nulls hud heen done hetore te leasing t lie cl i'll 14 to the public there wouldn't he thousands n! people' suffering liee uuse ot malformed or missing limbs The foe t that use 1 it thulill* 1 mule results iii malformed oft spring in rabbits, monki'vs and humans but not in mite, tern forces the importance of com prehensile animal testing True ie Hoi k See retai l -treasure! Krie Si liahtae h ()ffie er And twelve other members of Coalition For Animals and Animal Research SPRINGFIELD SCIENTIFIC SUPPLY Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10am-6pm 726-9176 1124 Main St. Springfield