_Sports_ I'h<»1u til Nmir* Kanin \ in her (ioheen leil the women's tennis team to wins over PSI Iriil.n .mil Whitman Sunil,n Duck women sweep Whitman 9-love Bv Ashlev ( onklirt I merald Sports Reporter Dim I be footl’d In the e.lse with whi< tl tile wom en's tennis team's dumped Whitman in J and \mber (ioheelt. at No t sin gles beat Kristin Turnet tel n .1 While Oregon's top thtee players rolled, the lourtb. tilth and sislli plavets |Shelle\ lirandl Marita ret I laleigh and |ai kie Del-old). also won easily . some thing that Oreide 1 said is important d tin- I tin ks are to lOITipete with some ot the bettei teams III tin- I’ai 1I11 II) Oolite rente "You're always going to have tough malt ties at une two and three Oreider said. and you hope the four 1 ne and si\ mati lies aren't as strong but it's net essan to have depth then- Dial's how we build our ret rutting "Your goal is that vout No 1 player can pins evenly wilhvmirNo 0 player he added Hr,unit .mil Il'Tord Inst nnl\ one game .it \n i ,iikI \, '> siinrii" H'‘-!>ri.tivrlv Hi .milt In',it (ill 1 ,m kc ii li I, ! u Inlr I ti l uni topped ( helsea Mari h 0-1 . 1,-0 Oregon's other single!* player. Iraleigh toppled Laura SeniiHi ti- i. li m \n "i singles I he Dm ks tup tt'.im id (adiecn Nagamoto tiirni'd Ijiii k Turner Turner i, . o I ,liter the\ pulled within one game at I tin t ho set mid set Roberts and Hrandt teamed up in \'o 2 doubles to i rush Lindquist-I.m ke I, I, 1 and the No t team ot I)el ord- I r,u uy Miller beat Senino-Marsh 0 0. li-2 Despite the blow out. (,reider said it w as an impor taut mail h tor the Dm ks as they i ontinue to gain e\pe riem e As ,i coat h and teat.her. one ot the things I'm looking tor is it people are learning things soil) as learning to i lost at I lie net In- said \gains| Portland State I nda\ (ireidei sw Hi bed things up giving \agumolo and Roberts the da\ oil lbs other top players moved up two note Ires and that gave Miller and Jennifer Tat liibaue a i ha nee to play at \ii i and No 0 singles lire 1 tin ks heat the Vikings H I Only Tachihana lost at No t> singles, to kim Wait at 7 i t, 0-1 (arheen heat \ n ki Arena I, t. let) at No 1 singles Hrandt had an even easier time at No. 2 singles, thrashing Shelley Smith on. n o ('arheen and Hrandt then teamed to dispose ot Arena lleeann Rohirds by a 11- !. I> 2 si ore I raleigh Treat Theresa Delapa/. t, t. I, i at No .1 singles DeTord won at No •) singles over Mit belle Mi ( ahe t, 1 led Miller rounded out the singles ai tion with a 11 1 "j victory over Rohirds In other doubles ai lion, DeTord Iraleigh topped Smith Wait i> 1 t, 1 in No 2 doubles In No .( dim Ides. Miller I'ai hrbaiia beat Delapa/ and Tracy Spen i er 0 1.01 CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 346-4343 101) CONNECTIONS 105 PERSONALS MELISSA Happy 22nd! Have a SUPER day What a great way to begin your last Winter term finals week of your college career (Ha didn't think you ■were getting an ad. did you?!111) ids PERSONALS SANDI So sorry about missing your birthday Hope it was great Watch your mailbox. MR BELVEDERE IH ANN I 0 I'A HI N I HOOD Recycle this paper. KARIN C. 105 PERSONALS KKI SAMANTHA CONGRATS ON GRAD UATION' WE WILL MISS YOU' COME AND HAVE SOME MARGARI TAS WITH US THIS SPRING' LOVE. THE KAPPA SENIORS SUMMER SESSION 90 Univi-rs'ty o! Oregon 1490 l of O Summer Session Bulletins \\ ill be .i\ .ill.tble tomorrow ' (a*t \oili I K I t U.p\ .it the C ontinnation C entoi VII (Irrpm Hill 105 PERSONALS MEXICO Disneyland & San Fran TERI ConGRADulations!!!! I hope your travel plans work out It'll be exciting Send postcards Michele TERI Wort' H s really happened you IS .1 graduate We know* you will do great m the big working world Don t YOU' Work Buddie-, lob PERSONALS V h >{>Y Sf NT m,. .. - NEW COURSE WORLD POPULAR MUSIC Reygar African Salsa Indian Soviet l u'opean Chinese Others MUS 40? Tue 3 30 6 20 Open !o all students. Fee added D» Paul Fieidlander BEST ELECTIVES MUSI* • AMt RICAN SIUDlF S ROCK MUSIC ★ ★ ★ ★ HISTORY OF ROCK MUSIC 1 Blues f Iv*s Berry Holly Slone-. Beatles Who Wt D 10 30 21 00 HISTORY OF ROCK MUSIC 2 TM 15 30 IB 00 mb PERSONALS HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEL! Love you' bud Ett&e ODE TO THE GRUESOMf 1WOSOWI PRIVATE HUP F ROM f HiE NO! F't>f Pregnancy Testing BIRTHRIGHT 667 86S’ Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU I . v ViONF.W f'- The BMP OF THt- EVEN/NO MARJLW MAPlf cj illl-L BE THt ' W: •, . IVORIV' '•if HOTTEST' : GUARANTEE IT1 IWtAWthU BACA AT THE UJHA1M i 1 MAR? MIN I I M \L \ II h . •- \ WOLFF TANNING II I / $24.9* 2 I / $39.99 2 ■ nan VI Nintendo Games/Machines • 3,000 Titles Video Poster r Ktr,: Wjth Renta| 99 Rentals Mon & Tues 1888 Franklin Blvd ne*l to 7 11 on VtUara • 344 2691