Sports Men to face Lobos in NIT opener Ii\ Ira< \ Sumner t miT.ild Sports t ditor i hr ( )|cgotl men s basket ImI 1 team. pickrd In must espeits In finish last m thr [’ill. if ii in ( alllh-rimi r tills season. added anuthri pars t< • its I'tH'l 'in irsuuir Sumliiy with an invitation to thr 1‘i‘to National Invitational liniina inrnt I lit- I)m ks oprn tom na nirnl plai I ndav at ' r> p in MST with \i'» Mi-mi o in AI I>l|i |lII-I»1111■ s | . | _’)t-seal I III versltl An n.i thr sitr of thr Ifui ks /i VI sn oinl round Nil loss to thr hollos two \ rars ago | (frrgon i i sn hi I foil Mini son and Ins haskrthall train has dour .1 jnh that drsrnrs post season plai said Orr non Mhirtii Ifirri tin Ihll llvrnr I ni delighted to hr in thr Ni l hut nr tai r a real 1 hallenge going bat k to I hr Hit ' Monson said hr was ilisap pointed that Ills train ilidu I gel a first-round lionir game hut still ph ased w ith thr tour iiainrnl in\ Hat ion "I'm pleased lol out plai rrs that thr\ w ill hr involl rd 111 post season plav. Monson said (fin ioitsli we w ish it could hair hern at home hr 1 atisr ol out 1 row d and thr lai I that it's finals wrek "That's a little disappoint ing hut we’vr hern talking about ,i post st-.iMin tourttu men! for .i inn time and Hr'ri' looking forward to it Ilf said Oregon endured one of its worst basketball seasons in s< bool hisfurs last \ car when it finished Ji .’I on tin season and wav on! of play Hut tie 1 )u. ks behind the plus of sopliornoic guard lei roll Hrandon as inucb .is am thing finished I . It o\eratl this \ ear with a i (inference mark < .1 Hi H It w dl In- the third NI T ap pearain e for Mattson in ins se\i'll \ ear tentin' at ( begun ill 1’IHI Monsoli guided the I bn ks into the tour nament vvheie the\ lost in the first round to Santa f ra. i t Munson's Dm ks In-,it the Htuni os HI I. i in tile I u si round ot the \I I in I'lHtt lie fore losing to New Mexico in I In • set ond round Hrandon shared Munsons disappointment in not getting a home game lm the tourna merit but stdl \\ as tiappx about the team s selec lion I'm a little disappointed v\ e didn't gel a home game he said I think the tans here deserve It Hie support V\ e get here from the students and from the < omnuimh is great I leel realh good about it though Hrandon said Heist season p!a\ is a goal we set at the beginning of the \ imi .mil s\ (* s e done it Were von hupps .it this < i mi * In- i (irjtimioii 'Nu mio oxpoi loti us in ss in. Massachusetts (17-1 1) at Maryland (18-1 3) Baylor (10-11) at Mississippi St. (11-1 1) louisiana Tec h (20-7) at Vanderbilt (10-14) Wis.-Green Bay (2 1-7) at S. Illinois (20-7) Stanford (18-1 1) at Hawaii (2 1-9) Tulsa (17-12) at Oklahoma St. (10-1 1) Southern U. (2.1-1) at Fordham (19-12) Friday, Marc h 10 Holy Gross (24-1) at Rutgers (10-10) Oregon (15-13) at New Mexico (17-12) Bowling Green (18-10) at Cinc innati (19-13) Kent State (2 1-7) at St. Iouis (17-1 1) Creighton (21-1 1) at DePaul (18-14) Long Beach St. (22-8) at Arizona St. (15-15) Wrestlers take third Oregon wrestler Joe Rissone took sei mill in hi' weight < lass to lead the I tin ks to a third |dai e finish m this weekend's I’ai dii til ( hampionship meet in Bakersfield . I la I if ll\i- l )| egoii w lest lers will ( ompete in the \at lonal ( ham pionships Man h 22 2 1 m (ail lege Park Md Rissone look second in the l‘»ll pound weight i hiss losing to Arizona Stale s Re\ Holman THE BUDGET GUIDE TO THE WORLD • FRANCE • ITALY • SPAIN • PORTUGAL • CALIFORNIA • HAWAII • MOROCCO • BRITAIN • IRELAND • CANADA • ALASKA • ISRAEL /•OFF LETS GO BOOKS Offer Good thru M SIX) in tlio semifinals S.itunlax to make il lu the i hampionship mail h Dan Vidlak took third In the 1 IK-pound di\ ision u ith a u t del ision over I’ullerton's Mi i had (Imkibs in the third plai e mati Ii Sunilav Vidlak heat joey I Mushy ill t a I I ’(>1 \ 1 J in t lie quarterfinals hut Inst to Ha kelstields Brian Higa 111 the seinilinals to set up the third plane mail h ( )Iem111 s 1-42 poundei Si utl t llenn took third m Ins div i sioll U llll a -1 (I shutout ot Boise Stale's l ony l(i\a (ilenn w on in the qiiarteitinals oiei I resno State's John Sardi and lost in tin- semis to Steve Morns of Ha kersfield h\ a t i det ision ( in! Straliin look thud ill the 177 pound division losing in the semis to (, 1 I ay loi ot Ari zona State he to re taking Mitch Mansfield of Boise State liy an 8 1 dei ision t tut Strahni was the tilth \e liouals qualifier tor Oregon at ter a third-place win Sunday Straliin won in the ipiarteifinals over Stanford's I rent Smith he fore losing in tin- semis to I ul lertun's Day id Jones Ari/ona State won the team title tin the sixth straight time with a st ore of l()«i jh for the two-day i ompet it ion I hi 1 State Bakersfield was sei olid with ‘Ml "i points followed hy Oregon W llll -IX 7) BMBtW ZPMlLiM A CHIMf S[ W Rf SI AURAS] Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs £» Try Out Dinner Upstairs Hours: Downstairs M l'h 1 I Ot, 7 00 f Sd I ! ‘Hi 4 v C tosed Sunday •. Hours Upstairs M T h 4 10 ! 0 (M: f Sa 5 00 10 JO ■iiaiiMUii