Monday In-Depth_ Parties C ontinucd from Pjri* 1 llii' I' S in\ asion of Panama hnl "we wnrnji I 0\pe< ting them to pass it" Wright said ’’It was just to got thorn to talk about smoothing boi auso tbo\ sit around and pat oai li othm on llit- butt about stull Wright said Surprisingly. the Dl’lt passed the resolution, and the t niversits I )emia rats infill om ed the i hanging politii al di rei tion ol Lane ( aninlt said Robert r Kenneth, the former (hairman of the organization .uni author of tie- resolution \\ hat He re tr\ mu to do is to show students there .lie met hanisms ami there .ire wavs In plug their ideas into a s;s tern Renneth said The I IniversiK I )emoi rats vvhtt.h restrui lured its organ) zation and rewrote its bylaws this year promotes an activ ist' ideology W i■' re i ominitted to m« ia! .mil ft ononiit f .uni fi|ii.ilil\ sot ia] poi it it al and t-t tint mm ai tivism Kenneth said \Vf tli*t nlfd (he University Dfinot rats will no longer sim I>I\ sit around and hold meet mgs utu r a month, but at tually get out thfif and p.irtu ipate in‘s going on on t a lupus and in the i onnmimtv Kenneth said Burmin; issues In April I’niversiH Drum i rats will si hedule a burn inn issue event on i ampiis Wrinhl snid "We .ire not going to burn the Viiieric .in flag. she s.ud 'We del idl'd ,i better \\ .1 \ to et let i i b.inge and make people listen to us. instead ol get all upset at us is tu have white pieces of ( loth with words on them representing those as UNIVERSITY DUCKS PORTSWEAR DAYS ARE BACK AND EVEN MORE EXCITING! MARCH 5-17 ^ EXCITING DAILY GIVE-AWAYS MEET FAMOUS MOUNTAINEER LOU WHITTAKER MONDAY, MARCH 12 We are very pleased that Lou Whittaker one ot the wo'id s most renowned mountain climbe'S wnl be at the bookstore to sign posters and promoteJANSPORT asp rts clothing line for which he is a design consultant Save 20% on all Jansport Sportswear1 HOURLY GIVEAWAYS ON MARCH 12! 20% OFF SELECTED ITEMS ADD 10% OFF SALE ITEMS MARCH 5, 6 20% OFF "OH SHIRT!" MARCH 7, 8,9 20% OFF "RUSSELL" MARCH 12,13,14 20% OFF "JANSPORT" MARCH 15,16 20% OFF "CHAMPION" •All SALES F*Al -Sf LECTED fTEMS ONIY -WHl£ QUANTITIES LAST UO BOOKSTORE pi‘( Is ol American sot ict\ we .in- \ erv mm li opposed against Speakers will disi uss these issues .mil propose possible so hitions Wright said \o date lias been set for this vet In add11toil. I 'niversit v I)cm ot rats members ha\e joined in rallies protesting campus < 1A ret mitment and the I S gov eminent s involvement ill l l Salvador Hot the\ also strive to la ing students into lot al con i erns {fit* Mnrutiii- \k t»i,n workers strike has been one oi these sit uat ions "Students first and foremost need to understand the primal \ ot the economic and soi in justice that the strike over at Morgan- Nicolai 11 lust rates Kenneth said "Students need to teel some runner tion \v ith that " To show their support - otlt e a month I’niversitv Democrats partii ipate in a i ommunitv (in ket with the strikers I tee! almost compelled to go. because I'm here because m\ dad got decent wages through his labor union.'" Wright said "I couldn't attend the Ihliversitv ol Oregon with out that, and I think a lot of stu dents are in that boat 'We in essent e. owe to the unions and to our parents and to the comrnuniH to go out and sav 'We think what vou're do mg is wrong and we want it to stop bei ause we care she said Hai k to the roots Kenneth said the I'niversits I )emor rats are trv mg to go bat k to the roots ot the party’s prill 1 iples "The 1 )emo( rat it Partv from wav bar k was the party for the working people the partv (ol tilt- uilderpriv ileged. for the non-majorities, people ot color lor women's issues, tor t ivil rights issues all the wav down t he I ill*- ' he said With this in mind, the group is also planning on volunteer mg to work in an emergent \ lorn to Parties, Page I I RAINYDAY BOUQUETS 95 EACH A GRAND COLLECTION OF . BRIGHT CHEER 7 FUL FLOWERS j* TO BRIGHTEN YOUR DAY Open Mon Fn 9 5:30 Sal 9 5 MIMYMY fLCM] 20% OFF Any Dinner Item Eugene Store Only Valid 3:00-8:00 p.m. Not good vMth arty other disiount or promotion (»ood through Mar*, h 2" 19S0 -- INTERNATIONAL HOUSE RESTAURANT v_> 345-9976 355 E. Broadway /-> INTERNATIONAL BOOSE *'*«*«■ RESTAURANT v_4 345-9976 Good things cookin'. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. OPEN 24 HOURS To go orders available 355 E. Broadway