Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 12, 1990, Image 1

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    ___ Oregon Daily_ _
■ Sign classes threatened, Page ,1
■ Rhet/com protest, Page f>
■ Peace studies speaker. Page 8
■ NIT invitation. Page 12
Mnml.n . Man h I 2. 1 'NO
l-.Ugi-nt', ()i'i‘gon
\ olumt' 'I i Numlii'i ! I ’
Campus political groups
k gear for '90 campaign
///(■ elephant iind the
donkey are alive and
kii kinp in the l 'niversitv
politii'aI arena.
B\ I )enise ( lit ton
f meruld inte I ditor
Al .1 time when must stuili-nts are
fm using mi finals and spring break
plans ul I hi s with ,i pul it n a I aw aU'
iness aif thinking ul rift Inins anti
Muir tli.in JIM) students have tak
rn sides and imiiril either tin- ( ul
lege Krpiililit ans m the t'niversitv
Democrats two groups that Irv tu
pniinoti' lIn*ir partisan politics tin
t atnptis lot al anti statrw it it* issues
"II vim Irri there is nothing vou
t an do to alfet t how the world is
going you're wrong, said nrwlv
tde< ted I niversitv I tellliii rats i halt
woman Heather Wright ’loti tan
get involved Students tall get ill
\ n|ved and make i hanges
\ltllotlgil otllv ahuut 10 peri fill
ot eat h group's liietnhers are i ill
renth active on a rrgulat basis
liotli organizations have made good
on their goals to participate in and
influence the direction of state and
local politii s.
Metlllieis ul the t 'ullege Kepullli
t ans ret entlv returned from the
I ton hestrr i ainterent.e a statew ide
Photo In M. v. i ,,i.l
I hr i>otilii.il fihihisiifihir'. nl
llr.ilhrr Wright .mil (I.nth Irr
n.imlr/ It.nr i>l.n rtl thrill mi till
Irirnl sulrs ill tlir .il
trill r.
(,()|* |ii11ii \ i iinvrlit uni wliitri* lhr\
ili'li.ili'il i uni'iit issui's will) Ii’hinIh
tors ami ^nrnimnil ottu nils
I Ills Is W here (lie pilbiil and
students can has r smile 111) • u I
and volt* on tin* issues sm li as
higher education and unvironmen
lal issues \nd tile leedliai k helps
the legislators said ( ullage Ke
publicans i hau man (iaitli I email
lie/ w Ini attended the (onletellie
Volt i an really debate tin issues
with the people who ale making
the polu \
I he College Kepuhlii .ins also
keep III tom h U illl stale legislators
although the group has never done
am lobh\ ing. I ernandez said
"We h.ive the i onlai Is in the Ke
publican i am us that we i an alert
them toiertain bills and alert them
to situations where there i ould be
some legislation atlei ting eilura
lion and the students, said tunnel
College Kepuhlii .ms duet tor I an
Stine males
Raising tielI
Hie I'niversits Democrats parli<
ijiate in oil t umplls politics as well
In tat I, the student members are no
tin ions tor raising hell' in heated
debates at monlhh meetings with
the Democratic Parts ol I am* Conn
At tile |an ..’S DPI I meeting
members ot I'lmersitv Demoi rats
submitted a resolution t omlemning
lorn to Parties Page It)
Apathy's the enemy
of both party bosses
H\ Jo® Kidd
I mrr.ild Reporter
\lthnugh they head opposing parties. ( ..1111>
f er nandez aiul MiMther V\ i ight .id in it they sh.n e a
i nminnn enetm pi>1 itu .11 apalhv iimnnu 1 uiver
sity students
Ijimnif! hum difti lent bai 1 .round-. .Hid
moving tow.mt opposing political goals leiiinii
di'/ md U right lend lln- 1 < •* i< • Kepuhltt .111 . mid
the I uiverslty Demin (.its. ii-Sjiet lively 1 heir (lit
feieiu i"' .tie mure til.in (list poliln a!
\ turil.iiiu 11I libel.il jnisleis .md b.iimeis
surge .1111111111 U nglU's desk I lie Ifi-ye.u old
le.idei ..I die t:ni\eisit\ liemoti.ils works trum .1
Mil lie I .|| Suite I in llie i:\ir \ 1.' Hull il lustra
In.il <.t Id Ke.ig.in u.nes bum one of hei bill
letm boards the e\ president standing m bis nil
del wear .1 red hammer and sii kle drawn on Ills
III lels
Hut m I fill, Hide/ ■ of fit e ol gnni/.itfcm t lies
mil tin men y
l emandez 1 and .1 tormei Demini.it runs
the ( iollege Kepublleans from mileiU Room 11».\
in the I \!l I'holugiaphs ul I'resident (ieorge
liilsli and three nlhei piditiiiaus and a pail ul
bumper -tn kers make up the lew adornments on
these white walls I Ini' slicker "< Inna has gun
i imliol indicates the politii al leanings ul this
Hut putting 1 if lice settings and ideology
aside they are holh working low.ml a common
‘If vou believe you cun moke
a difference. that's when you
begin to make a difference.'
— Heather VVrii*ht
goal They c omb.it an inditleient .iftitti<it* mam
students have about politic s
l lu? apatlu late among students 1H to J l
Will's obi. 1S huge I imumcit:/ Nani
‘Political parties are looked ilmvn on
\\iu»h! said People an* disenlranc hised with
pol it it s
W right and la i n,nidi*/, dm i t thru groups
hoping to bin* mow l *niv«*rsit\ students into the
world ot politic s | low th<*\ gut to thru position*,
however are t.ib*s ot two v * • i \ different political
aw akenmgs
I was .i soplioinon* in high sc hool during
tin* In i n c on I r. i si ami. d W right said, explaining
that c onc.ei us mei tin* Reagan administration >
polic n*s jolted her into politic al a< turn
Reagan s politics .diet ted im t.imiK she
said Despite tin* economic growth ot the 1‘tHOs
“both of m\ parents h.ni to work to make a de
c ent living
\lt»*i p.ntic ipatitig in a mock Democratic
convention with students from other high
s< hools W right said she realized she enjoys poll
ties I found I could do jiolilns she* said I
c on id work w ith people and do it well
Wright, who will majoi in political sc.ienc.e
graduated from Beaverton High Sc hool last yeai
Affei coming to the l’niversit\ last fall sin be
came active with the I’niversitv Democrats till
mg the role of c.ommuniti liaison • mine d
two weeks ago she was elec led to I I) c hail
woman after tin* previous head Robert ( ken
m ill resigned to put more time into managing
Thr Shul&nt ln*nit)irnl the new left wing campus
W light said her personal goal is to coin me e
students that they < an ac tuaib c Range the pohti
c al sc eue If vou believe you « an make a diffei
ence that's whirl i \ on begin to make* a differ
enc e sin* said
W light said she hopes to present that mes
turn to 1 eaders, Page 1 1