ALL APPLICANTS ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND ONE OF THE FOLLOWING MEETINGS: TUESDAY, MARCH 27 CARSON HALL GOLD ROOM 7:00 PM WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28 UNIVERSITY INN LIVING ROOM 7:00 PM THURSDAY, MARCH 29 BEAN WEST CONF. ROOM 7:00 PM APPLICATION DEADLINE: MONDAY, APRIL 2,1990 FORMS NOW AVAILABLE AT UNIVERSITY HOUSING OFFICE WALTON COMPLEX ; MEET FAMOUS MOUNTAINEER LOU WHITTAKER MONDAY, MARCH12 Vii are .e-,; easeathat Lou vVh. ttaker onethe *:< J s moss fenow^eo mountain cumbers, will be at the bookstore tc sign posters ana JANSPORT as;. clothing line lor Ahich he is 3 . r . .. :,r ’ Save 200 - on all Jansport Sportswear1 HOURLY GIVEAWAYS ON MARCH 12! UO BOOKSTORE ORTSWEAR DAYS ARE BACK AND EVEN MORE EXCITING! MARCH 5-17 ■ EXCITING DAILY GIVE-AWAYS ■ 20% OFF SELECTED ITEMS ■ ADD 10% OFF SALE ITEMS I MARCH 5, 6 f 20% OFF "OH SHIRT!" MARCH 7, 8,9 20% OFF "RUSSELL" MARCH 12,13,14 20% OFF "JANSPORT" MARCH 15,16 20% OFF "CHAMPION" •Au SAILS f **Ai ‘SELECTED ITEMS ONLY *WHIL£ OUAWTIT1LS LAST _Sports_ Women rout Pilots Bv Ashley ( onklin Emerald Sports Reporter It was .1 t lean sweep lor the women’s tennis team against Portland Thursday afternoon as Oregon won every match to heat the Pilots o (l The I)u< ks took all sis sin gles malt lies and the three don hies matches, improving its re i ord to 1 I Pile only real serious dial lenge for the I )i it ks i a me at \o 1 singles and No 1 doubles hut (slum Nagamoto held oil I heresa I lallow a\ at No, I sin gles with t Although Oregon and the Portland aren't esai tlv equal teams, (ireider said he thought tin* match important tor the 1 )u< ks Sometimes you might only be 1 pencnl stronger than the other team and still heal them n o lie said We might have been 1 pen ent stronger, hut the si ores certainly weren't .ill 6-0 "It s alw avs nice to plav oth er teams and people you don't know and get some good, qual 11\ mati lies.'' t Ireider added Hattling the i old winds at the outdoor i ourts as well as bron i Intis \agamoto trailed 6-2 in the first set against Halloway before winning the next 1 1 games to take the opening set 7 6 and the sei nnd set 6-11 "Theresa is a good player and Kumi couldn't control her shot selection because of the wind " (ireider said "She made some adjustments when she was down 5-2 and then won the 1 1 straight games The doubles team of \agnmotu-( loheen also had some problems against Hallo wa\ l ine leading 5-2 in the first set before Hallow,n-Ktue took file next four games to go up n i Nagamoto .mil (.olieen r.i 11 it •< I In pull oil llir tiebreaker .iiul then won the lust three games ot the second set In win the mati h Mthougll N'ugamnln had ear liei beaten llalloway and ( aiheen beat Mile ill \n .( sm riles pi t. ti -4 I, ( a eider said that didn't guarantee a doubles win bn Ins top team "Doubles is completely dll terent from singles: it's like ap [lies and oranges, lie said In other .n lion, I lilary Rob eits Mini her \u J. singles mail Ii over Sandy Quilter n 1 tel Shelley lirandt beat Kamo n.i 1 lumen ti 1 . teii .it No. 4 sin gles, Margaret I raleigh won at No a singles over liei ky Hauer. I. 1 lit, and in N'o l> singles. |,u kie I lei ord topped Midori Karasurvan. ti J. ti ll In other doubles play . the No J team ot Roberts Hrandt beat Quiller-Donien till ti- t and the No t team ol I raleigh I)eI mil deteated Hauer and I lari i Hrosnan !> -I tel) Twin bill set for softball I In* Oregon sollliall team opens its 1000 home season Saturdav with a non < onteiem e double header against Oregon State at Howe Held I'he twin hill begins at noon I he 1 hit hs started ott slow ly losing seven ot their tiist It) games, blit have rebounded to w in seven of nine tor a 10 0 re ( ord this season. Oregon is led hv sophomore pitr.her Katie Wiese, who has .1 7 t re< ord and a 1 12 earned run average in la As a team, Oregon is batting .21.7 on the season and is led b\ Iulie Cavanaugh with a 117 av erage so tar l-Diversity students are ad milted free w ith v alid fee 1 arils Adult admission is $t. Oliil then's and senior 1 iti/ens' ad mission is $2. Save some money!! Cl sc ODE coupons. I'XlVKKSlTil V