Don’t Leave Town Looking Like Don King Make My Day I ha\ e \\ hat s ou \\ ant, creative hairMsIinn be David R Fletcher at Studio 340 ** 1‘ilolxilus Dame I hi .lire is a iifii form of |Ki|) (lanif. \ form for which, so fat as (Hipularili U'H-s. I hr ski mold lir (hr limit. * Clive Baine1. I tie Vr’u i. •• limes Hult Center HW HU \K1V Tickets 68,' 5000 MUSIC Fridas March 9 Lane County American Peace Test benefit conceit /.-ill be .it the WOW Hall tonight from 8 p m Tu kets are S4 8 sliding v ale For rnun information. . all Peace Works 343 8548 Satan.'.n March 1 The Tones Thud Birthday Bash .it thi M< ran. .,;n C.iff ih-d n the crimei of Fourth Avenue and _( aleiular_ Pearl Sl. will bogm at 9 m Ticket!! ire $5 Ceiebration also will include music from Cahante Doug Daniels and Donna U Neil two locally based singers will perform m concert at Dough Daniels Recording Studio, 156 W Sixth Ave a! 8 p m Tickets are $5 Rumors ol the Big Wave will tie at the WOW Hall tonight from 9 30 Tickets are $6 in advance or $7 at the door For more information call, 687-2746 Sunday. March 11 The University Singers under director Richard Clark will perform in Beall Concert Hall. 961 E 18th Ave at 8 p m tonight Tickets available at the dooi are $3 general admission and $1 for students and seniors Purim Carnival sponsored by Temple Beth Israel will be held at 2550 Portland St from 2 30 to 4 30 p m Small fee for admission, prices (oi kids in costumes Friday, March 16 Dead Moon and Some Velvet Sidewalk and Bottled Hungarian will be at the WOW Hall tonight (torn 9 Tickets aie $4 Saturday March IF Foxfire with Patrick Dodd will be at the WOW Hall tonight from 8 30 Admission is $5 !W TTTT UNITED COLORS OF BENETTON. SPRING COLORS OF BENETTON. Valley River Center Tones to celebrate anniversary Saturday. March 24 James Cotton will be .it the Hilton Ballroom at 8 p m Tickets are S12 m advance, and are available at the Hilton Front Desk. Compact Disk World, House of Records. Face the Musn . Record Garden and the EMU Main Desk Must be over 21 to enter show THEATER Oh Dad Poor Dad Mama's Hung You in the Closet and I'm Feeim' So Sad v. 1 ; ■ rformed from March 9 to 10 at 8 p m. Tickets are S3.50 tor general public and $2 50 tor student:- and seniors, and are available at the Robinson Theatre box office 1109 Campus Lane VISUAL ARTS Weaving. Mixed Media Exhibit will be displayed in Gallery 141 from March 12 16 Students featured include Mary Carvantes. Leighann Wittenberg. Vladimir Babich. Paul Chatalas. Edward Davis. Matthew Lewis. Stephanie Schor. Betty Goodman. Barbara Rau. Amy Smith, Genevieve Hull. Drake Miyasato, Chad Boutwell. Steve Jacobsen A free reception will be held from 7-9 p m in the gallery on March 12 in honor of the artists Computers and the Creative Process is an exhibit of computer capabilities of acting as artist s tools and will be on display from March 8 through May 6 in the University Museum of Art Galleries 1C and 1D Ritual and Regalia is the title of an exhibit featuring the costumes, music and tubal costumes o( the Maidi Gras Black Indians of New Orleans It will be on display through Apr 15. in the Lobby of the University's Museum of Natural History. 1680 E 15th Ave Photojournalism in America is the title of WISTEC's reopening exhibit which will feature 180 photos ranging from early Civil War works to contemporary color works The exhibit will run through April 1 at I.imes Cotton WISTEC. 2300 Centennial Blvd. The Golf Course as Landscape Art is the title of a landscape photography exhibit by New York artist John Yang at the University Museum of Art The exhibit will run through March 11 It will be on display in Gallery 1A of the Museum Songs of Clay a ceramic sculptures show by Geoge Kokis. is at the Hult Center's Jacob Gallery, and will continue through March 30 Artists at Oregon: Works from the Museum's Collection, an exhibit of University past and present artists' works, will continue through May 20 in Gallery 1B of the University's Museum of Art The exhibit is part of the School of Architecture and Allied Arts' 7Gth anniversary celebration. Visions of the World by Four Women, an exhibit featuring artworks by Margaret Zegiin Brand. Debbe Cornitius, Barbara Hazard and Janet Ivie. in the EMU Gallery will run through March 16 The exhibit unites many art mediums such as oil, silkscreen. watercolor. conte and bronze School UNfVfffsrrr or oetooN of MUSIC THIS WEEK at BEALL HALL: 961 E 18th Ave ) MOZART'S ^"REQUIEM" The dramatic final work of Wolfgang Amadeus Mo:art. performed by the University Singers and Chamber Orchestra. Sunday, March 11 8 p.m. $3 General Admission $1 Students > Senior Citizens For more information, call 346-3761 (Music School) Looking tor a good deaf7 Check the Emerald ADS _EncoreL Display exhibits faculty talents B\ |ulie I )ei ker I m im1 ( ontrilnitor It is often assumed latent .it tin' t'nivei sit\ Art Ifepartment lu's within its students A iturn1 nt exhibit .it thr 1'iii\itsih, Mii'-i'iiiu ill Art reminds us thr students not ouK .irr taught hut often .or inspired In the talent within the facultv Works In past anil present ! rive: ;!\ iai ul t v artists \v ill he on display Ihn'illgh Max A) in the Museum - t la!lei \ 1 H lilt It led W/.'sfs ,il l If •, ■ Work s bow thr Museum s t 'olleitiun. the exhibit is part oi the School ot An hitei lure and Allied Ails >111 amm eisarv i elehration t matins loi the exhibition are Max Mixon t mversity prolessoi emeritus ot line and ap plied ails, and Hattie Mae Mixon, a Museum ot Ait doi e ill st ulpltitp dcparlnn'iil l)nM h was i onst:ripli'tl in World U.u I .mil lilt'd III .in infhlt'MAi I'pldt’tnii ills pipit'. lilt- Auakrnin^ ' list'd .is .1 hook pliilt* illiisir.ilmu • m tlif libr.iiA s Brown mi; Ki«mi ()lht‘t stiilptors rt'|ii't’Nt'niftl m tin1 t-vhiln lion iin hull' Kh hard Hm li known .is I l.lovd \\ light s st nJjitoi win) dfsiKiiiHi da' In nrtli' si u Ip 111 ip in thf XluM'inu'v t oiirt\ar«l j But h was au,mlt'd .t lin'd.ti .it tilt' ( tdumlna l'\pu m IMH.i I In subject i'l Iin- pift a iin hid i-d in this exhibit is tuiiiii'i \.\.\ lanitor Bills KiViTs a poptdai Iffi* sludv model Arvitl lairbanks is .imithei sculptor v\lu» t .niii' In tin' ' imt'isih m iin' I'l 'U s and was responsible lor mans lai^p i online iiiorativp si ulptiio's iht'omtlioul dip t oitnin ini hiding 'input \ln,ili.on Lincoln in \pu S.iIpiii. Ill Thr \ix()ns .iImi wrir i iimIhi ■ i»t Art -nut Mi'mar.ihili,i Ihr I it *i i > «.//•. nl thr Si lnm! ot Xnhiti'ituiv .mil Mlinl \rt* . t (i.i I l*-r\ III h ihition last October According In lummy laiffin i uratoi ot ex hibil ions lui till' Museum ot All tile ueyy exlu bilion roller Is the range ol talent has been the ot the I'niversitv Department ot I ine and Applied Aits far uit\ . and provides a historical perspective on the evolution ot the arts in (Iregon I'he exhibition features works tn >o ta< ult\ artists and mi hides paintings drawings, prints, photographs, sculpture, ceramii s and silvei smithing The museum's collection ol fain It v works was ai quired during the past . i years liv dona I ions, gills and pure liases Visiting faculty artists such as Robert Motherwell, a contemporary New Mirk painter and prinlmakei and internationally renowned sculptor \lex.mdei \r1 tiin In.i Rivrt Barrett earls ilralli mli*rru|iti■11.ii t.ili'iii tliiit i uulributi'il In tin* .lit ilfpiirtiiHMil .it tin* 1 'niviTsitv hi yc.ii's .iiiii i milimil's 11iiI,i\ \it/,s/s ,il l irciinn It i '/i s Irani Ihr Musriini's I olltH han is mi 11ispl.i\ ,it tin* I ' Mu si*u in ut Ait (.. 111«* r \ ,’tt 1. L. 1 L L t_ u L. L EAR»*». IpXmtoa as? ISfeuAS ISSSot Mm % Off SUEDE BELTS :a i f it t: vALLEY RWER CENTER * 34^-2267 ODE ODF ope] We Buy Quality • St. !t . • : • . • PA amj Stereo Workshop 1021 I l‘)th il* m2 M I ‘I 0 S.,i 10 2 V__J Tom's 1 Tea House ^ Restaurant ^ SZECHUAN/ HUNAN SEAFOOD DAILY SPECIALS till U 7lh \\t i 4 4 - 71. Ill r ———————————-“—i Spr ing Tune-Gp Specials S( lioll'l S V ' "" 1 Motou y< l*'s > l*11>(! uul up i SJM! k pliKj*. IIH IvJtW J) v Youi . . , , , hjnspottdtion C.omplt*tt* Hie V< It* I llllf (Ip In J une f or "• 1 * (W ■'** 1,(' Spring! \ m v. > 1 ' 960 W. 7th Eugene • 345-7389 J V .mou, 'n.i* '.A* u -.0 Mli) ’.iWfOUW W k K>0* AIWAtSI-M^ 1HY OUH HAPPY Hi AH r PiWPtn I* C AHiH A l*l THt M* Al THV C H±*±± r ^ * • i' • ^ Nofnmaiad »of 5 (.'»•<»• Irulwdtng Meat Plc*ur« (teal Ai (of 4 Bmi Oirw tof THIS ONI YOOSfi FOR THl WRF L OVt ivr uni" i • r - .< and '«■ h» .1 *ri »;tng Ktmyi lu j.» • ■}■-•' ' «*'«' h**fv • \t *+0 *'• (hjMm t*»" «*»■!•« po*t •'"l * •<«»■ I ' <■»«'> ■*-*• ' * ' — the war Off . THE KOSESI TT^a * .’0 » 10 • Sv TN ? 1i • V«- Wa! 4 K) 1 ‘Michael Moorv'a dommrnlar) ■l»oul ti.M tul« plant cloainjfa In Flint, Mich., i« ■ aliarjily latiriral look at American mum in the Kcatfan «*r»i a reel life black comedy about the have* ami the have noU w - Roger I jtm Jarmv*.-* t MY?.»T l HV • '< 3 om »t t* 0« Y'i fH OPf N 7 DAYS A WEEK SUM M\SX OIMtli'ISI H DIM. U I)( I U.lts K ' I) MOW. IDS! M BUM (> X \S Ml IRRN IS mil ( (IMIS' (, III Ml |\M|s UHOR I'll s Ml ( H Ml IRI