Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 09, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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Spring Break is just around the corner and it's time
to start making your travel plans
California beaches or Colorado slopes Hawaiian sorts or
Florida reefs. New York theatres or Mexican siestas
Take your pick and then pick Eugene Airport
Eugene Airport is convenient, just a short drive and you're
ready for takeoff Plenty of close in parking anew
mechanized baggage claim system, and tares that will please you
In fact, most fares are the same as Portland's
Call your travel agent today,
and get ready
because spring is in the air
Kah-Nee-Ta Spring Break ’90
C onlinued Irorn PaRt* 1
Arabs .111(1 lews he said
'They wricn l .11)I<• It) I <)ll< lildc
any i rvsta! clear victory tor
Atashi said pear i“ (.111 he
achieved i'lien one parts has
completely destroyed or suh
dued the other Israel has not
been able to deleat the I’alestin
i.ins inihtanK or polilii alls he
I he Israelis base not been
able to subdue the Arabs and
the Arabs have not been able to
deleat the Israelis Atashi
said adding that most Israelis
realize they i annot win the
w at
Hi i si ness negotiations would
he the best method ot establish
mg some sort ol conclusion m
the- Middle I nst. Atashi said
Wars do not i reate a pe.n elul
atmosphere, even when there is
a i leal \ u:tor\ . lie said
Making peai e IS just like
making war Atashi said
I’eai e is nsk\ and war is
i tsk\ hut a ( ham e to establish
understanding is mm h greater
through pe.n e
Mashi said Israelis must rei
ognize the I’ulestmian right ol
sell determination before any
t oca essions can he made Some
Israeli extremists will not talk
/eirian Atashi
ti i I’l.() represen tat ives. lie said
' Without talking tii the I’ll)
we ( .nunit priii red or establish
,mv solution.' Atashi said.
This i atises so many dela\ s in
negot lations."
Atashi said it the Arabs make
genuine peace u itb Israel. the
country might be v\ illing to
withdraw bum the 01 cupierl
ten Stories
C ont mued I mm Pa^i* 4
lions. Ill' said
In pri-viinis vi'.irs, main < .in
diil.iti's took advantage ol dn
nated i op\ niiti hini’s to pi int
iampaign niiil«*ri.iIs Sin h (mi
ll ilmtinns must now hr in onl
nd -
V\r w.ml to know this vn.if
wlmi■ tin- mnnm is mining
tmin < uultei said
l lii' board will p.n Mii'i ial .it
li iitioii to -tmli lit gr. aps v\ ho
donate llifir dollars In partii u
lai i .miliil.iti's (irmips iu.i\
give ini)ti(*\ to .i multltmlr ol
politii.il campaigns; however,
I he i initiibut ion i aniiot In’
made irnm luiuls from tin- Ini i
drllt.ll for ( oi li 111 i It t'i ■, ( amltei
In addition, i aiidid.drs liitisl
keep .in ,u i ur.ilr rt'i mil of tlieii
expenses In llif nearest dt>1 liii
r.ilhet lli.in 1111 ■ iKj.iicst Ion do I
lars. .is ri'ijiiin‘il in the past All
i andidates .no requested In
Slllllllit IOI oipts III! lllfil O\pon
ditures. ( miller said
Aside Imm ensuring t.iii
olooltoils llio olot 111ills hoard s
piini.ii\ mission is In nn io,iso
\ uloi I m mull, I )ikIj*o said Hill
duo to w Ii.i! I Judge dost i ilios .is
a 'tremendous budget
crunch I ho uigani/.atinii will
hav. In work ovon harder 1.1 t;oi
Mitel's atfoul loll tins \ on ho
Last voal the 111 tdlippod ui
llio ostia V1 (Mid it look io hind
olot lions he said I his vear tin
III has no reserves. and I ho
hoard is limited Io its allot aled
"Our iiu!\ i'- lo educate stu
dents. ( iiiillci said And let
thorn know llrn have control
A lot ul people think tins mon
a In! about it
The I nivorsitv i olloi Is tlio
highest mi idental loos in tho
nation at $tt*t pot form, ho said
I ho hoard plans to combat
student apatln hv visiting i lass
looms and studoiit urgani/a
tions to stress the important e oi
voting. An additional voting
booth will ho added between
Hamilton and Bean ( annples
t oultoi said, hi inging tho total
ti i seven
()n 1 \ J I pen out iit tho stu
dent both voted in last veal s
olootions. ho said
r\ ;4«h*-s h(Mr .Hid you <.an t <lo