Candidates Continued from Page 1 to fat e next year. Stickel said “That would be an issue where Kirk's and my purpose, if we are elected would be to represent the students and ad voeate foi the students.'' Stickel said “There’s • and they "don't have to learn the ropes' ol how the system operates Dailey said "Sheila and I are very oriented toward getting something done, keeping tilings moving, (and) our experience is going to lot us not have to learn those ropes, he added "We re going to hit the ground running Commission » )m I Ilcniim. '.vim is program manager !m SKI s ri.onunik: (.uinpi't it i vt'iH’ss venter, -■ .1 id I hr answer is In slniiglin'ii post s.-t oik!.11 *\ edm .ilum 011 ,i!i Ihri“i“ < ,mi|HiM‘s ( )ui 1 it till’ themes U ere idfntliving iirn' is tiir mli' the !’i 1 i t 1.1 mI Mi'tiupniitiin area must pla\ is .1 knowledge sit vh e ( I'illiT 11 III 1 Irsiitm I * Ini III'' rust iit (Iri'gmi 1 ienton s.uii 1 Ienton said hr lines nut see tin- 1 ommissiun's work .is lie mg ,1 /um sum game Uu uthei higher i’ilm iitiun institutions where iumhin es .ire realli 11.1 led In the l'i n t land area "There's going to be sharing ol responsibilities between uni versities depending on then spot i.111v. he said lire report outlined !U areas when- I’m 11,uni s higher edni.i lion institutions need to tin prove to establish the region as an "enterprising global i out inunitv Moreover the report eoiti pared the direr lion the i’url land area is mov ing in to e< o nomii al and i trends on international and national lev llrmton said three hev find iugs ot the report ini lude the Portland area's ahilitv to he en tel prising in eeonomii expau I)mit>lus Ilenlon don ,imi in solving soi prof* il'IUS rile final diiiit'iision is Inch is (lie iinisl t rilh uI m many nays is m,nut,lining and pro ■aTving the quality urban i*uvi iimilli-til that lllaki's I'ottiami so unique I li’iitim s,tH1 Post si a mill,11 \ edlu at mu is ritual to achieving tin- visions lh,it an- laid out m thr report In- said FRITJOF CAPRA Saturday, March 10 7:30piu, i lull ( enter JANE GOODALL Tuesday, April 10 7:30piii Mult ( enter I ritn>K'.‘pr.t, i I’ll I) , pilNM cist, environ ! menu! isi. and futurist at 11 HcrkeJey pre sents a public lev lure w ith ex (ended OA A In I hr hut of ( hi July M. I960, line ( mm» .'6 \i*4f old woman Ifom Roumern* mih. IIII’!,u. ! s|i*jij.vd Iroiu .1 government launch onto the I ny.vir v. he showed parallels aiu lent mystic ism arid nnidem physivs In I ht J urnin^ 1*01/11 ^ \ 1 holtslK approach, ecological and feminist jvrsjvv tivcs. and global a" nuimc alienlativos In l ncommon Wiulom he re*. alls cons ei vs iill remarkable jvople trom I lei>eriK r^ to Knsnaniurti \lsolo£!M. paleori lolnpsl, Ikt laiuisS tt la-akey.tu fvjjin a lonp term study <>t i liimpan /ees in the wild. Jane's arrival at ( kinihe IvjMn llte fulfillment ol a twofold ehtldhood dream "to study animals in Ah IS a and to w rite a Is ait them" I icket.s .n.iil.ilik- at the Hull Center, and authori/ed nutlets. Student discounts a>ailal»lt*. Pr»-M nlttl by l>:c Incutc ! >: S-. c KU'( 1 M, h»ril*nd Suit l r ven 1 Aiivamod < \*v.puUng IriMilule aiui ( >rcg«ri I ngu * J\>Ikv C < IV Wigjtn iKiv. Hmatk^ling ^»pco*l lh*r;k a ( minon * off *Houe w-* $2 •" .(MS The best pizza in the . • . 14711 W ill.imrltf most convenient location in town... 345"4811 YOUR HOMh! ..... ■ a < mipnn NOW FREE /DELIVERY A FRI & _SAT! j t < oupon IT'S COURSEBOOK BUYBACK TIME MARCH 8-17 7:30 A M TO 6:00 P.M. TWO LOCATIONS MAIN STORF SFCOND FLOOR EMU COMPUTER SHOPPE INSTANT CASH WE PAY HALF THE NEW STUDENT PRICE ON BOOKS NEEDED NEXT TERM DAILY PRIZES ENTER TO WIN SUPER PRIZES!! MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY CANON ESIO TYPEWRITER SHARP STACK STEREO SHARP 13" COLOR TV FUJI 35MM CAMERA KIT SANYO PORTABLE STEREO GRAND $200 UO BOOKSTORE PRIZE GIFT CERTIFICATE 20% OFF COUPONS USE YOUR BUYBACK COUPONS FOR 20% OFF MOST ITEMS STOREWIDE. FAST SERVICE ENTERTAINMENT WHILE YOU WAIT ^ Wt HI DIDICATFD TO GETTING YOU “ THROUGH T HE UNI IN 20 MIN OH l I SS' FREE CANDY UO Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M F 7:306:00 SAT 10:006:00 346-4331 Get the word out with an ODE classified