Energy Diet 30 tablet box $9 90 — 100% natural, safe — money back guarantee — Get into your bathing suit for spring with Energy Diet send check or money order to erbs 1430 Willamette Suite 223 $1 25 tor handling KEN KESEY Cracks the Vault for the first time ever historical vid eos, book and posters, (from the Pranksters to the present) are avail able to tfie public For a free product list or more information, call or write m Key Z Productions P O Box 764 Pleasant Hill, OR 97455 (503) 741 1119 ODE : • . ! . i ! ODE ■-I ' ' i:.; F1 ! ODE ■ ' F ml» Fmer,iui: ODE _;i_: v , t ■' . ODE I -a.. , Kv ■■■ 111 ODE iMiiy Kn,rf«,.ij OMINO’ NOW THRU FINALS WEEK! $.499 1 ITEM MEDIUM PIZZA GOOD EVERY DAY. CAMPUS STORE ONLY. CALL US! 343-3030 Board prepares for spring vote Kv Marina Swain f merald ( ontributor With tin' tiling date !m student bodv offices lust thti'f weeks aw.n unh low t andidates have announi ed their plans to run tor office, and nn une has nffit i«dl\ filed with tile elections hoard said oloi (ions i oottlin.ilot hen Dodge Students interested in running toi anv eleit ed position must tile In Man !) to Howl-vet Dodge said lie is not surprised at t In I at I- ■ a i and idati" \h et v\ ailed till t lie ver\ end before putting in their filing petitions he said of last Neat ‘s elei turns Dylan ( im I ter -' ini tune- board ' hau .ittribut ed the iai k nt tiled petitions to politir ai sti.itegN \ lot ot people s tei linupie is to 'wait and not file right UNVilN . he said I think we ll - re more people filing lie noted that although t intent president ! \ III i \ 1 ia ' k .on! N h e p| 1". idi : l! Si ntl \ \ \ i I- o! t . 111 , ooiini ed tfieo ' aiuhdai N it! nod I ebinaiN last ye.n thc\ held oil tiling until i lose to the dr,id lint’ Any registered. lee-paving student .11 thr I’niversitv eligible to tilr lor offit e. ((oultei ■ -.tit) Students must provide verilit ation of status such us ,i lee i .ml, lie said Positions open lor spring elections include \St () president and vice president, four one lru I ee ( ummittee sr.ils. tun two l ee (iommittee seats two two IMI board seats. IJ Student Senate seats (three seats are tor a halt term only), and two one year President s Advisorx ('.mini il seats Primary elet lions will Ire held on Thursd.n April PI and I ruler the (Still (ieneral elections will follow on \pril 2I> and J7 t o ensure pnlilii al p.irit\ . the elections board has tightened up some campaign records regula turns, t milter said I'm instance, the board re • entlv i lanlied the deiiuition ol in-kind i ontrihti Turn to I let lions. Page t> Observer to discuss Nicaraguan elections , Ml HIM .S Korean ( Kristian I rllowship l will iiiitI Influx .it .! t() .it the Weslex ( enter I 2 tf* k ijii .oil ' S! Women's Sexual Identilx (>mu|l me'1!’. tixi.iv 111 .! i Him!! _Et als_ 1 lii I p m in I \lt I i’(iiii Knnin I) I’artii ip,mts are asked In ^ lirmn a lion li SIM \kl.KS AM) !.!.< i I -KKS "The \i< arat>uan 1 lei turns \n OliserxeTs Report In Mai Han’t I huniiis n i: i ’» pie-.i 1 rd todas .it I tl) p m in Room lull \\ i 11.11111• 111■ Hu- present.I lion is sponsored h\ the l. c ^^sgon Sen ce Fo- 3: i 342-3952 10% Student Discount PEACOCKi 9 TAVERN ™ 745-8522 • 125 S.W. 2nd Corvallis Live Static BILL RHODES & THE PARTY KINGS Fri. March 9 & Sat. March 10 (Downstairs) LYDIA PENCE & COLD BLOODS Sat. March 10 (Upstairs) ii i sim Ml.III & HocfUjfc $395 N H) Ml.Ill Santa t'ru/ $395 Mil ksim Ml.Ill v, 4mpi A *495 hklllW Ml.Ill \ Heviray. $3*75 s\l & M N M(»H I .V I . . Mfilk, I rits \ Salad I lam SpMi