Bottom line I interested lei the mmments m the letter trom I t.ilene I i>v 11■ ih the Mat 4 Ore non l),iil\ I'.mernh! I lei mm meals suggested the resi di-iu e halls slit mill nut have voting booths I stronglv ills agree The students in the dnrnn tones are fouling the hill to build and stall tile booth be tvvet-n the Hamilton anil Hean (Timplexes So. it am othei i ampus organization u ith a substantial amount ol people wanted to build a booth, tliev multi do so as w ell I lie bottom line here seems to be l.ovie seems In want to riu mirage more pnrtic ipa turn but she utters no new i on slructix e means in v\ liii li In further her ends The personal i ontact w ilh people and the la filing strategies will i onlinue as before 1‘lie need loi new .liter As a member ol the Kew deni e 11,ill (iovernani e ( lorn miltee. representing Hamilton ( dimples for the last two \ears I have tough! hard In get the booths installed In last veal's eumpaign. \nd\ (dark pushed hard lor voting booths It was, and still is. important to him t hat u e ini lease part a ipat ion I agree u holeheartedh 111 I.OVie's let lei , she 1,1 isei'l the spectre of unfairness Site seemed to iitiplv that we are a special interest groii|i getting preferential treatment I !ovve\ or. w hat she tailed to realize is that there is no \SI ( ) binding for resident e hall \ ot mg booths ' N A T V R A I ;F I B I* R S | o u a 1.1 r v I (BA)TH I NG i AI IORDABI I ; I’ R 1 C E s ■?. 1 j;ins\m 'Iree i, Mun Help Wanted Looking (or employment? Check out the ODE Classifieds -Letters n,i{iv»*N is iippiiivnt ()ur idea to pi.n r \ nting booths m tin* dorms should hr givrn a i liiiiii I1 to sin rmI or tail on ompirit «i 1 r\ ninu r S«i\ •• \ our i i it h ism tt and when. it is uarrantml Mu h«irl ( olsnn KH(»(’ rrpirsrnl.ihx r Hamilton ( omplrx Right track Ralhel attempt to refute lah I i km.m s latest ill,iti ihe i ( U H I i'll -HI l \ r ilri lilril In t.lkr In In'.lit uni1 simple \ i-t lor ions statement which he makes in Ills letter on < I \ Im mg prat 'These people are driv en In their letl-w mg, anti \merii an agenda I had almost forgotten that mv liberal sympathies rendet me anti American I sure hope I ran get liar k on the right irai k Perhaps I should support all ill iln ,ii I ii 11 it-s n huh h.w . i ii i iirred m Ami'i n .i in the n.imc of '•ijiit'li hink .ml) Anierii .in ln'h.umi I I uulil tmv .i Met ii Iln I shirt .mil st.iml mi .i ■-1rci i nrtii'i shouting .ilmnl our righteousness in evi utmg S.n ru .Hid \t'ii/i'lli Ill'll thin wt il'll I \uu rii .ms .nn w .n • lllil W s .1 tl'W gtiols \\ Ill'll vvi** i n keeping I In- i s strum; .tin! II I Ail s iiiiii h bettei I A c li-lt so ilirt\ being lumped with tliusi1 11,uni'll r.idii al h'tt wing I'Is. Ililtlnisl'MI.lls .mil hlllg Ii.mi'il. II.ig Inn mug weirdos \uw I Vi- In.imcil tliu p.illi toil irrt'i (thinking I i .m hr .in iithur glorious i og in thf Auier II ,11! Ill.lstl'l I'.lt I' 111,II llillf I tl'I'l sn i li'.in now I ti'i'l tliu in ni In i in it .mil jirtitit t nn now 1\ purilifil 1 nHiv I think .i u hitu shi'i't .mil liooil will do thf j»ih nn civ Sim r ( 11iso I nglish I in i' THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON It s a fax from your dog, Mr Dansworth It looks like your cat Biikemtotk [> eaf And discover ifn- ' new luoK of Birkenstoch sandals and shoes in ex Boston S79.00 BIRKENSTOCK 342 6107 < ni m i 5111 A l\ .ii I \l*»n s.ii (. Sim II ; Watch tor our new location at 5th St Public Market Cat's Meow Jazz & BIues Corner Gift Certificate's! Spot id I Orders Gladly! In the I ilthptMrl sin>(>>. Fifth & PiarI • Eu^isi 686 8/4^ Emerald kCl Managing f dltor Editorial Editor Graphics £ dilor I iicom £ ditor Editor * i •' New% £ ditoi Sport* £ ditoi *■ - Supplement* f ditoi Night £ ditoi A '.-.mi iate £ ditors Community • - Student Government A< trvihes • < .■. Higher Education Administration ■ " Feature* He porter* A ••• i ?.• • • ' ■ A ,t , » \i f. * , Photographer* Advertising Production General Staff Advertising Director Assistant to the Publisher Production Manager V Advertising! oordmalor Classified Manager A. count* Receivable Circulation Newsroom Cl.i .sifted Advertising Display Advertising Production, Graphic Services 34b *» r» 11 346 4343 146 )7)2 146 4»H1 Value Quality Service HEY COUCH POTATOES DON'T OVER EXERT YOURSELF CALL PIZZA ANSWER AND HAVE A PIZZA DELIVERED RIGHT TO YOUR COUCH! •couch porjrces Pizza Answer starts serving at 11:00 Feast For Four Buy a 16 3 Item Pizza anf ; '6oz Pops for ONLY s10.95 (Reg $13 55) Name Address 687-8600 One Coupon Per Pizza • Expires 3 18 90