GO I IMG GO I IMG_ Al l PANASONIC BIKKS J ARK DRASTIC ALI A RKDl CKI) * 19H9 Bridgestone Bargains Still A Feu I .eft! Paul's Bicycle Shop 2480 Alder • 342-6155 "25 Years of Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene. Oregon 97403 _ Sports, Tournament c»minufcurompjrc 12 season In tin- last meeting hr! \ve<-n lln' hvn teams tin' Dm ks shut "2 I |m■ ri cnl from tin- floor in (In- so mill half anil oulsi ured H I A t>2 5 t m dm final 2(1 initnili's (Jregon gut duuhlefig ini' perforinani es from tour pla\ ers and espet iall\ big ” li.imi-s from lfi tel I Hiandun fa ( aim high I 1 points) fxe\ III Mixon la i arerr high 25 points) and Ki• iill Reynolds 121 points 1 1 rebounds) \\ lion \ou ha\i- kids 11ki ll • ri i-11 Keith and ki-v in you're inil i-xai dv talking la\ ins. hut 1 2 foiiti-rs and thrci- pointers Munson said in n-t«• n• ih i- In (It 1-linn s sizzling shooting in tin last 1 ( I A game \\ lull- ()regon inisi 1 iI In- tlii biggest sni pi isi in tin- I’ai 10 this vt-ar I ( I A could possibh ; In- lalii-li-d as tin biggest disap pointmen! in the ionlerenc r The limin', were expeoted In i nnlciici lm the i onterenc e crown this year .nul were lied fur first p1.11 r v\ ith (iregori Stale niter heating the Heavers '!•) HO |an J7 Sinc e tli.it game I '(!1 A v\ ent lii in the I'.u - III and Inst live straight at one point lietme heating Washing ton State and Washington last V\ eeh I Jespite I hen rec ent proh loins. the Hrtiins have perhaps the most talent ot any team in the league with Don Maclean I rai \ Murray I revoi U ilson and the rest "l'(il.A is a \ er\ talented team, Nionson said Hie\ re hound well, get old on the break and usually all 11\ e guv s gel involved in the offense. They have good balance good shooters 1 hey pose a lot ol problems Th.- biggest problem is M.k l. ean. the 11-foot -111 sophomore who was the conference fresh m. tn ol tin' ve.ir last se.ison fills si'iison, M.k I .e.ill led the Hiiims in st oring with -111 H points per game and was sei ond in rebounding w ith H >t hoards per outing Wilson hasn't had the t\ pe of season tins year he did last veat hut I he feH senior still a\ eraged 11> U points and *■) re hounds. finishing sei ond in the I’.h Id in rebounding Throw in (• H freshman i enter Tra< \ Munav and sophomore guards (lerald Madhins and IJarrii k Martin (111 points, le,un-high ~> 0 .issisls pel game) and the Hrnins are dnwnrighl si ar\ "We < a me out enthusiast ir and pla\ ed well at home. Ore gon s Hrandon said "hut we MEET LOU WHITTAKER, INTERNATIONAL MOUNTAINEER MONDAY, MARCH 12 10 a.m. -1 p.m. 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. AT THE UO BOOKSTORE I ou Whitaker is among the world's famous mountain climbers. In N84 he lead the successful 1^84 China/Fverest Lxpedition, after the tragic death of a team member ended the lyH2 effort I fe climbed Mt McKinlev in the 60s and the glacier peaks of the Northwest. In 1 *485, Lou's climbing expertise was reached t wen tv intact burial sites on a 1,(XM) foot cliff face m the Peruvian Andes I his spring Lou led the first American team to climb Mt kangchenjunga, a 28,1(>8 foot mountain m Nepal, the third highest peak in the world. Six team members made the summit via the treacherous North f ace, only once before climbed by an American, in N88. This is an ama/ing teat m itself, but what vou don't hearabout make's it even more incredible: border wars between India and Nepal, delays in food shipments, debilitating illness, and more. Uni and his twin brother Jim startl'd climbing as teenagers to combat their asthma. This convinced I ou to lx- chairman of The C"limb," an annual fund- rais ing event bonefitting children with asthma bv taking corporate executives to the top of Mt. Rainier. Lou is co founder ot "Summits" an international moun tameenng group of renowned mountaineers world wide I ie is a charter member ol the Mountain Rescue Council, and member of the National Ski Patrol Since 1972, Lou has been a spokesperson and design consultant for JanSport, Inc. This includes product testing and R.M.I. guides, l.ou will be here March 12 to sign posters, in conjunction with a special sale of our high ijuality line of JanSport Sportswear. UO BOOKSTORE k 13TM AND KINCAID M-F 7 30-6 SAT 10-6 PH (S03) 346-433! man ' |* 1 <1 \ iMilt wi'ii ,i! r.nin-y 1 i\ ilion.' Hi,union si'! 1 lie kov In stop pmg 1' l -1 . \ who averaged HI) 'I points pi■ i game. u,is to stop its t.ist break Iransitiun defense is 11 h ■ m.iin tiling.' lie said Wi ll.i\ i- to get our t.ist break going Willi Il Ml' lllll Ill'll' (.it Mill ( mirtl .mil rebound .mil kui'p tlii'in Ironi doing those things In Oregon s win two weeks ago XI,ii l.e.ni scored (1 |)oints ,md h.ul Hi rebounds while M.irtin ,ind Mini.in h.ul !H and r, points respectively Wilson nn.is held to 12 points and sis rebounds before fouling out I ai mg tire Bruins again is not exai 11 \ something Brandon 11nds eass We have to pi.in solid He tense lie said "I ton Mai I can bail a great game here and you reallv i an t stop him you just have to trv and contain him I hi'N have so many weapons and they i an all shoot Brandon nn ho reinjured his left ankle against Arizona last Nveek said he didn't expei t the injury to be a lai tin oiu e I ri day’s game stalls Meanwhile Munson said Mixon's knee m jury also suftered against the W ildcats, wasn’t as serious as lust thought The wilinet ot the Oregon I ( 1 A game will face the nn in net ot the Oregon State Arizona State game at 2 p III MS I Sat urdav I he tournament i tin i hides with the championship game at 2 p in MS I' Sunday bamboo m Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs & Try Our Dinner Upstairs Hours: Downstairs **• T »' i ' • HI f Sd ’ ; ( , Closed Su»uJt»v *• Hours: Upstairs M J h 4 Jn | o 00 » S4*>00 10 to ;ret» * * tMJNDERlAND * GRfc at for parties and birthdays 54PVIDF0 all games work r Alice *'™N,c*tLS uAIMtO ADMISSION 1 SO STM STRUT PUBLIC MARKIT lUGINI • $13-8414