_Sports_ Stanford runs away from Oregon, 75-45 By Cam Sivesind Emerald Sports Reporter It was icuI news had news for the ()regon women's basket hall team Thursday night .it Stanford The good news is the Dinks plaved one ot their best games of the season The had news is ()regon lost the game . >-4 > (Iregrin uas in this game tin the first to minutes ol play mm h like they were against the ( animal in \h Artliui t out I earlier this \ear \\ ith 7:02 remaining to play the Dm ks were v\ ithin twelve at vi -t I The second ranked t animal went on a rampage in the next three minutes si ormg layup alter layup keyed by Ore gun turnoveis At I (iA the Ducks found themselves ill a deep hole dim n 1.7 -11 l he I )u< ks man aged only two baskets in the last se\ en m mutes ol the con test Oregon coach Hum flrmv u.is im. ressed u 11h his team's t'lliul. despite the linal l.ipse II we w oil Id ha\ e pi.wed as well as we did here, our lei old would have been a lot dittei ent," he said "We really did pla\ well with (the l arilinal) for in minutes r.ii.t Vanlteiveei Staulord In sid i i i.ii h for I lie Iasi loin veals, w.is eipialh impressed with Oregon's elfort ' I hat w as the toughest III pinnl w ill We've e\ er had she said Holding die Cardinal In ' ■ points is an m.hiuvomont in it soli and ti marks I bo ond luvvost output by Siaukml tins soason Hu il pi n oat shooting mark tho Dm ks hold tho < .ircii mil to in tin- tils! halt is tho Icnvnst poll out.igo in m\ halt by .Stanford tins soason as vvoll 1 loins i rodits Ills loam s do lonsivo ottmt 11ii tin- low mini hors ot Stanford ' ! tofonsivoh . w o mi soil i! up quito a hit and I think it k.opt t!ioiii a littio oil guard In said .stdiimm iim set «» si.noo.i r«* inn! m the priM ess dI whoop jn<4 the I )ui ks by putting up !'>• sini! attempts tui the game lenniter A/./.i last year's I’ai 111 player of the veal tut Stan tun! led ail si huts with to points A/./.i shot 1 'i Irom the three point sti ipe. The I)u( ks v\ere annihilated on tile offensive hoards, grab bing only eight to Stanford s -!H I lie ( ardinal uutiebollllded (Iregon for the game -tit to Turnovers u hit h liar e been a problem area loi the Iim ks of late were again a tai tor "We turned it ovei wav wav, way too many times lleim said. "Turnovers led to layups, and theii transition game w.is outstanding Senior Stelanie Kasperski. in her second do-lust game as a I)m k led the Ducks in scoring with 14 points freshman ode Recycle This paper Mi jilt,ml Vanessa Selden got hai k on tin* shooting !ra( k with her to points on ' o shooting Tile Dtllks found thoIlVM'lvCS down bv onh eight .it the mid win In oak at 11 t The ( anil nal extended their lead x\ 11ii two unanswered baskets in the lust J 1 minutes ot the set ond half ()regnn i uuntered hv si m mg the next eight points i losing to w ilhin 1 ive at to i11 with 1 -t o..’ to pi,'iv Ihe two teams phned even loi the nest seven min utes. before the (iardinal turned on the afterburners and ran aw in w dll the game ( begun now 'i ll in the l’,u 111 and 1" 10 overall pla\ I al Suturd.n at I lariuon ( n m Stanford .in 1 overall and In | in the i oniereni e l.u e the luwk Oregon Stale Beavers in its next i lash ''luN ptopii tfeet* Jx:? /' \h Tost - rf/j? Mbyte J, i A/ s/*t h'air.i f V. »< a. ?l Looking tor a rjooil donl? Rend section 130 in (tin classifieds CALL FOR ENTRIES p HOTOC, RAPHY CONTEST [ I B. lb - APRIL 14 [ he UO Bookstore is sponsoring a photo contest with this theme: "AFTERHOURS" We'd like you to photo graph what you do when you're not studying or working, whether it lx- a day on the slo[x-s or at the ocean, a romp with your kids, or a demolition derby. Show us what you do for fun and relaxation! Great prizes will lx' offered, and your entry photos will be displayed in the store. The winners will bo jx'r sonally notified, and their names posted in the lobby of the Bookstore, as well as announced inthe Oregon Daily Emerald on April 40, 1990. 1 lave lots of fun with this - and Gixxi Luck! ^ ! here will lx' exciting prizes awarded to four lucky winners: our "People's ( hoice prize winner will lx1 chosen by von the people! First Prize A | VC Remote Control Compact Disc Player (Value $300) Second Prize $200 Cash!! Third I’ri/e Olympus Infinity Twin Camera (Value $200) People's Choice Free processing for ^2 rolls of film: enough for each week for a year! txodalux RULES wo entries |x r person • All photos must haw Jxvn taken since jan. I, 1484 • No professional (.1 person whose principal living is made by taking pu tures) may enter • Si/e of photo (total print or mat si/e): Maximum: 11x11 Minimum: 5x7 • Color prints only • Judging will be done by Qualex, Inc., the UO Jour nalism I X*pt , and kx'al professionals outside of the UO Bookstore. The judges will not bo aware of who submitted any entry. DEADLINES I hr duration ol the Photo ('ontest will lx-: M B. 16- APRIL 14, 1490 • All photo entries must lx' received at the photo department ol the l () Bookstore ,(near the hat k of the main flr) no later than April 14. • On the back of your entries you must print very clearly (1) Your name (2) Your address (.1) The title of your print (4) The type of camera lens and film used (if possible) • "People's Choice" voting will take place within the store April 1 14 • Prints must be pickl'd up by May 31, 1490 UO BOOKSTORE I*h4 Kincaid M-F7JU40) SA I 10-400 I1I346-UJI