Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 09, 1990, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily_
■ Election update. Page 4
■ Encore section, Pages 7-9
■ Stanford drops women. Page 11
■ Tournament. Pages 12, 16
Fritl.n . Marc h M. 1'i‘in
Kugenr, ()rrj>on
Volume ‘t l. XuiiiIiit 1 Id
Speaker calls for end to conflict
Hv Ali( e I hornton
\ mtTiild Reporter
Mutual re< ogmtion between
Israelis and Palestinians is net
ess.HA to establish peat e III the
Middle Past. said a leader of an
Israeli religious < ommunit\
I hursduv
/eid.m Atashi is a member of
flu* I )i u/ i ommunitv a non
( bristian non Muslim reli
gious minonts organization
that has been m existem e sini e
the earlv Middh* Ages
\t.ishi a former member •>!
Israel’s Knesset or parliament
is t urnmtU artive in a demi»
c ratu movement for <hange in
I hat i imntiA « .diet! Shinui
\tashl spoke on ( auipus .is
pari of .t l S speak ing tour or
gam/ed In the Ameru an Israel
friendship league a group
dedicated to improving i inn
nninit .ilnm lietween lire I S
■ old Israel I lie |eu isli Student
t ilion sponsored Ins speei h at
tin' I 'niversitv
I am a Druz In religion an
Noth 11\ iiulumaliU and an Is
raeli In i itizenship Mashi
MthoUgll their IS legal equal
it\ for all in l a aid Atashi said
inanv groups do not teel equal
' I here is no equuliH in am
plate in the world between the
population ot that i nllttllV he
said In Israel. b\ law eveiv
equal hot in even'd.n
me is
lilt' |n>t>1111- ti'i'l uitfi|iial
\lasln s.ntl main p11>I>I«• u 1 s
in tin' Mitltllc I ast i oulil In
Milvftl il ill pat I if s im <>Iv fd in
thf t imflit I .a knim Iftlvtfil fat II
tilhf r U ars tin notliini; lull t if
.ilf morf i onfusiwi Ilf atltlftl
I hf histnrv til wars h.n f
prmfii lh.it it \am makf wai it
Is lilt i mi. I tlsl\f Ilf sa ill In
h.n f i i i nit lusn f u ai tut*'
tpntip has tu i nmpIftfU tlflf.il
thf nthfi tnif anil pu t ail ovt-t
that aif.i
I If past wars liftwi'fii I % i .it'll
anti \i.ib lalfs h.n f nnh ailtl
ft! tn pruhlfms Ataslii saitl
.\11 thtisf wai s brought nnh
tifslrut linn ami h,lira'll hflvvffri
[urn In Mashi, I’atff t>
Commission to release report
Kumi X.ninmato Icil tlw wnmrnA Irunis Ir.tm In .1
•I II win tnrr I’mtl.unl rhursiLn .iltrrnnnn \,n;,imntn
wiin .it \n I siiifilfs tinil lr,iinril with Amhi'i (iolwrii
lor ,1 11 in .il \i 1 I iloublos
Photo l)\ Miirtin Thirl
B\ ( hris Bounett
I merald \smk i.111* I ditor
PORTLAND Ihe iimmiiir's commission
looking into the mle nl higher education m lh»*
Portland Metropolitan area will release .1 prelum
n.ir\ report within die next two niontlis, said at t
inn chairman Dirk Reiten at a news »unfereiii e
Reiten substituting tor chairman Don
} risbee also released a report hum SKI Interna
tional that summarizes Portland's strong points
and ( reated a list of visions th.it the < it\ need
ed to a< hieve in higher edut ation
I lie report mili( ates a series of future <ii
lections tor jiost secondarv education necessary
for Portland ami Oregon A ei nnmnii and social
health Reiten said
The report is designed .is ,1 guide tor f otnmis
sinners when address the issue of tlit? state s high
ei cilui.iliiiri.il system .mil Imn il tnuld hetlei
-.!■! \ I' I III' Si ,ltl' .111(1 I 'l II I 1,1 111 I '..111 I I )l IIII* I. IS I li’llll III
I it SKI 111lcni1il111n.il
Till- I 111II III ISSII11 IS sUIIIIII.il \ SS till ll Is line ill
March lull in.u uni lie i <1111p 11■ 11•• I until \|iril m
M.iS ssill i >ut I in** | n • s s 11 > 11 • stmi lure changes in
the si.itc s hight'l t fit lie .itniii system
Ihe siiniiii.il \ will he y| l v e i i tu (Ins N'eil
(lulilsi hmiilt. sslm liimieil the lommissinn .mil
st.lte legislators
( tile proposal t(l tile ( unilllissiuilllulll .1 stale
elei liniiii s group suggested that Portland Slate
I ms ei sits he i Itiseil (loss n anil that I lie I nisersi
Is a ml (tregon Slate t oilvei sits he a I loss. I ti i pin
s hie programs in the Portland area
Anothei iei uiiiineiiil.itmu hum PSI edtii a
tins proposed their si hnul and the Oregon Health
Si ie HI ns Hnis ei sits merge to bet tel highei edlii a
turn m that region
lorn to ( omrnission, Page ">
Bailey/Stickel enter ASUO race
Promise to 'put themselves on the line'
Bn Donisr C lillon
tmoruld Assoriate Editor
I’lotlUSing til grt nit thr
trill r .mil grt tile joli tloiu*.
ASl'O I'nivrrsitN altairs i nor
dinator Kirk Bailry ami AS! ()
ptihlii.ity i uoriliii.iliii Shrila
Sin ki• I amiiiuni nl thru i andi
ilai \ tin twill 'l I ASI t) pirM
limit and \n i• president lhurs
ila\ attrmoon
"Ur rrallv plan on putting
oursrlv rs out thrrr tin thr stu
dents putting ourselves on thr
line St it krl said \\ r don l
rrallv vvant tu frnt r it \\ r
don't v\ ant In seem u ish\
w asln in our philosophies
iialisin student who has been
involved with mam student
groups on campus At she
lets hold sereral positions in
tho l' 11 iv**rsitv housing system
mt hiding dorm president resi
dent assistant anti .1 seal on the
housing area standards hoard
.Shekel also plays (dub Sports
rugby In addition to hei ASt'()
advertising and publii it\ re
spousibilities Shekel was part
of the < me group that organ
i/.ed AIDS Information Month
in lauuaiy
As silting at tiVe ieadeis
now we really want to tarry
that on through next year she
"It's .1 Irmlnll) of ehoit e issue
and to have any kind of plan
imposed on the students is mi
tit i f?ptable
Moreovei tin* ( andidates
plan to confront tfit* l niv«*rsi
t\ s tm.nu nil < one fins. m« Itici
mi: stall- s\ sti-in funding of tai
1111\ salaries and atfdi-tn pro
grams. Hailes said Ilf added
that those issues will he (.mu
ing before the Legislature next
\ ear
The i andidates also want stu
dents to get then money s
worth out of the I’niversits
St K kel said
Hnilei _’d has .1 hint; history
in student |iiililii s .uid repre
sentation Ilf is .1 fourth ye.u
studfiil in pulitii <11 m iem f .mil
p|,ms In lift lure .ill I'.liulisll m.i
jor .is v\id!
In addition tu Ins experie m f
m tiif ASl'O. H.idf\ has hifii
involved m tin- I’re lau Sni if
l\ University housing and thf
( a)11st11ilIli)II ( uurt 1 If also sits
mi numerous i ampus i oniinit
let's ini hiding llle Ullilil I are
Task I'nri e and the l minuted
Sexual Attention Task I'ori e
Stickel is a third year jour
"I think Shell.i .mil I h.ive .is
the ultimate goal servil e to the
students. Hailes added "We
see some definite needs of the
students .uni issues and we
think we i an address them
Student health insuratu e is
one issue i urrenllv t.n mg stu
dents and Stii.kel said kirk
and I are taking a stand right
oil .saying that we are going to
aggressisels oppose any kind
ol mandators student health in
suram e
"Students should have the
option to i house then student
health insurance.' Hailes said
"A !i»( ol |K'oplt? illm I #<‘t nut
and vote and realize tli.it ''tu
dents jm'. S' IWurth (it lees ev
ore lerin she s.tit 1 I )<> tlie\
use those S‘t-' worth ol lees''
Bailee s.tnl stiiiienls need to
he aware that the I 'niversilN ad
inini.stialion is i onsidermg (Its
( (intituling the Silt general tie
posit s|ndents pa\ e.n h \ear
This monev Innds the AM '() as
well as main other student
groups, he said
"t Ilium os ,ue it s not going
to he there next yeai and there
needs to he a u av to deal W till
that disi repant \ and shortfall
ol funds." Bailee said, adding
that "There hasn't heen any de
Pholn b\ \tulrr Ktinirn
Kirk Hailex .mil Sheila Slit kel threw their hats into the rinu
I'hiirsil.n In a muni mini; then laiuliilaty lor the l‘lUt)-‘ll
ISI () e\e< (till e
I IS1III! \ ft
H.iilrs .mil St ii krl pi.in lu
i nil u .lie rcl.il inns with the
I'mirrsih housing students .is
wdl .is (hi- I ugrne coin nut ■ i it \
Uc re imining .is .in r\pcri
rni i'(l ted in W r rr running .is
strong Ir.tdrrs th.it .ire going to
hr responsive to student
nri'ds Mriilrv s.itci I know
th.it sounds rr.dlv « lit lit- but
\\ r t.ikr V i‘r\ SiTHHlsU tin*
n‘s|)unsil)ilit\ to h.u k up wh.it
WI* s.l\
I )iuy» trstin^ m.iv be .inothui
isstn* the' ASt 'O r\r( utivi* h.is
Turn to ( andiriates, Page ">