Sports Women face Pilots B\ Ashlev ( (inklin Emerald Sports Reporter Women's tennis i o.u li 11>m (ireider sirs Tluirsibn .mil I iii!,n s home m.iti lies with the I ni\ersit\ ill Port .mil Port kind Nt.iti- .is ,i t II 111 • up ol suits \lter pln\ inn two tough li'.tms .it l l I )a\ is .ind P.k it K List u crk in t .ilitui m,i the I tin ks will h.ivr it .1 little easier this week .ig.unst the Pilots ,md tliu Vikings "It s .1 i h.mi c to pun tice some skills .mil it’s li so we 1 .111 pta\ outdoors " (iri'ider s.iid The Ducks meet Portland rhursd.iN .it Z p in and Port land State I 'riday at .5: .50 p m (begun beat the Vi kings U 0 earliei in the sea son, bill missed a 1 ham e to pla\ against the Pilots be 1 ause ot bad ueather in |.m uar\ I louever. (iri'ider know enough about the two teams that (tregon should be able to imprm e units t t season record "I think there are four or live levels of pla\ |in College tennis).' (ireider said "Stanford is at the top and Portland is at the bottom 01 the level right above that I |Hlt Us somewhere 111 till' middle .ilung w ith I’m iln iiini I).ivis and I in a tiiin he Ilr\ cl 111 (ireider Hi.uli' it i himc\ ci. lie w .isii I tr\ mg tn prm iilc .nhlcil uispi i.11ion tin the I’iluts. just the skill If \ els lie tu eel I the tun si In mis arc si i Hilt like . 111 \ ill lie! 111 > III > lien!, (henlei believes the Ducks ll.ive tn he ie.nK tu |)l.i\ I'llurs11■ m111 u iimrii s mil! ti'iini took ninth pi,n r m tin' Hi I t,ill I)i\n' ( l.issn i^iill trninunni'iit lui-sihiv in St (h'orgi' I t.ih w illi .1 si mi' n! ‘IK'l n l strnki s Iii'IiiiuI tmirn.i nil'll! uinnt'i ,unl host lliighatii Young I \ nn Y inn• imitii vi,in tin' highest timslii’i Ini Ilir 1 lin k*. ,il i till u ltli .1 .1 nrr lit In Nh.innun i shot i ' l r good tm i "lli \niM ihanalto shot i >0 In! \ Ih pl.ll r Ini Inurd h\ \im I drlt it >„!nd \\ it!) .1 >,! m mr Nam \ ( r,»\\ Ini.I shot .1 .‘11 In finish nth,is l S Inlet 1 »* \ a •. \ \ \ I Washington Stafr Missoni i ( lici’un and Ba\ Ini rounded out th«* top HI ti'.nn si i»r**s 1 hr I )n*mm v\ nfiirn s next i nmprt it inn v\ ill hr Man h n M< >M)AV S I HKi H ( ,Hf KM ) \> s Luncheon Specials Phad Thai Thai Fried Noodles $3.95 t psl.urs \r\l In I Dl < > Hook^tnrr CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT M ’*) I I (Ih ( I i Jft (.' THE WATER A *’ •»* 1..J > ■ ‘ < I . 1* ( )n%f*' -#»sf )\V '•»' 1 »>- it *»f* A 1 'f ] -•»!'*> % ( l » SJK) \ S >p( " <’ !t*«1 t’, •>!»* t Mf%' *' ’»*• 1 > »"< 1 %41 r • ■••■■■ J f*l J • M f* » I • M. >\? "Ifj. : ■ * 1‘1'ly t>,». »M « '♦ > ' IA <>♦*' • t ■ 1, : *y ’ V 'f»\ ^Hjt . H/f hi.jt’ \*If'. j. )' 1% l'»* mp! h**». • yi., % I ' ' h Ifltl 1 .• vV I'M' bo billy Avlt«V NOUIU.Y HO! TU« MMTAL I lk /• J 'AlAi.H'i •■’ ! II K) |> n .**»»** Joyl jm»iI I 2 4S 14 *> :4t 14H HH I Mi'.if A , «* { i.. r> AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER PRODUCTION qL GREAT EXPERIENCE AN l-f i OH TUN T» NOT TOBf M \>->S 0 ALL APPLICANTS ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND ONE OF THE FOLLOWING MEETINGS: TUESDAY, MARCH 27 CARSON HALL GOLD ROOM 7:00 PM WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28 UNIVERSITY INN LIVING ROOM 7:00 PM THURSDAY, MARCH 29 BEAN WEST CONE. ROOM 7:00 PM APPLICATION DEADLINE: MONDAY, APRIL 2,1990 FORMS NOW AVAILABLE AT UNIVERSITY HOUSING OFFICE WALTON COMPLEX Prices are Falling! 11 he prices are falling,' I the prices are falling1 The prices are (ailing the prices are falling' 1 Catch a new price on a Mac Plus, SE, SE/30, LaserWriter IINT or IINTX at the Microcomputer Support Lab 202 Computing Center 9am - 5pm M - F 346-4402 for eligible students, faculty, and staff