Don’t Leave Town Looking Like Don King Make My Day I have w hat vou \\ ant, creative hairstviinj; hv ' David R Fletcher at Studio 340 _Sports_ Fonseca suspended on two counts Money, desire both involved Hv \shlt'\ ( onklin I met .lie) Sporlv Reporter Aliliuuyh (Ircuun r m»t hmsi-i a rr < n\ rd the third pla* r pri/c inniii'\ tin* suspension also cam*'* about bee a use } onset a s part it ipation in tin* fair was Hot ill thr hrst interests of ail involved Ah ohjet turn is we le tl\HIJ4 to ^iM ready tn| thr dual n)n ! si’hmiii which is a vvwk i \ £££J£LJ Hill Dellinger awav Dellingei said I here was no real purpose tor run ning the marathon I on mm a said hr ran m the marathon her ausr hr frll it was in Ins hrst interest to run I low r\ ei 1 )rl|ingel pointed : .e-. p that La.,Vh !ta*~ :ne the wo'‘ct $ most renowned '"cuf-tam ziirnbes aii! be at the b( •istce to sign posters and JANSPORT a " ■ clothing line tor which he s a c o tar- Save 20c: on all Jansport Sportswear1 HOURLY GIVEAWAYS ON MARCH 12! EXCITING! MARCH 5-17 EXCITING DAILY GIVE-AWAYS 20% OFF SELECTED ITEMS ADD 10% OFF SALE ITEMS MARCH 5, 6 20% OFF MOH SHIRT!" MARCH 7,8,9 20% OFF "RUSSELL" MARCH 12,13,14 20% OFF "JANSPORT" MARCH 15,16 20% OFF "CHAMPION" •All SAl£S FINAL -ELECTED fU MS ONLY •* HA £ QO AMT I TIES LAST UO BOOKSTORE I’eter I'onser .1 mill’ IH'i \ard event and that lie's had had experienr rs u illl mnni'is 11 \ 111 u I" 1 unit: bar k ami 1 mnpete during the spring liar k season alti'i running a marathon " I'vc had I lie expel lent e u till a 1 nuple nt ntlrei limners 1 ompeting in a marathon and i nine but k and ne\ er do am tiling during I rack season lie •-aid Sliemi Sabag in ltIHl tried to gel ,1 (pialitving lime tor the ()lv inpii s mi lie 1 on Id run in the marathon lor Israel and lie never did do anything in track Holli Dellinger and I onset a salt! lilt t oat h told I onset a lie would be oil the leant should lie run in the marathon. I here \\as no real purpose III tel Ills ot llat k to 1 on 1 [lete and that bothered me Dellin gei repeated I tell ingot also said he was disappointed in I onset a be t arise lie hail to tint! out set Olid hand that I onset a was going to 1 ompete in the marathon U hen I 1 nnlronted him he admitted he was going to run ami 1 was disappointed." Del linger salt! "Had he gone through me I still didn't want him to run het arise it wasn't in the lies! interest I told him d he ran a bill marathon he uas oil the team Dellinger added It wasn't like he wasn't aware ot the situa I lull I iilbn .1 said hr w ,inis In ro turn tn tin'tin "1 want In run for t In* I 111! ks 111' said ' I' s thl' liottiiin liiir At cording to I Jollingoi tin' hotti 1111 line is thill In? is not sum whothoi 1 otisi'i .1 wants to inn lor tin' liMin or not ,iiiij Is till' ll.lsls lol till' SllSpt‘11 sum Shoulil Dollingor holiovo I oosi'i ,i u .nits to ho .i I lilt k. he would wolcomo llio riinnri I Ml k I'otiT s.n s In- didn't takr tho II lo i ii' \ hut till' \l A A to ho i oin mi oil ot " Dollmgoi I ho othoi stop is to show mo ho ro.ilh wants to run for tin- to.iiii. hut ho didn't show mo that '* imjnkrund *' C.HIAI (OH PARTItS AND BIRTHDAYS C0VIDEO W GAMES ALL GAMES WORK WITH NICKELS ADMISSION 1 50 »>* 1IHU1 PUBLIC MARIE ( EUGENE .(13 1414 Recycle I This Paper f