EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT BURGER NIGHT V* lb. Char-Broiled Burger $2.50 5:00 pm 'til closing at Mill & Alllrr 343-0681 FOR BOOKS IT’S COURSEBOOK BUYBACK TIME MARCH 8-17 7:30 A M. TO 6:00 P.M. TWO LOCATIONS MAIN STORE. SECOND FLOOR EMU COMPUTER SHOPPE INSTANT CASH WE PAY HALF THE NEW STUDENT PRICE ON BOOKS NEEDED NEXT TERM DAILY PRIZES ENTER TO WIN SUPER PRIZES!! MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY CANON ESIO TYPEWRITER SHARP STACK STEREO SHARP 13" COLOR TV FUJI 35MM CAMERA KIT SANYO PORTABLE STEREO GRAND $200 UO BOOKSTORE PRIZE GIFT CERTIFICATE 20% OFF COUPONS USE YOUR BUYBACK COUPONS FOR 20°o OFF MOST ITEMS STOREWIDE. FAST SERVICE ENTERTAINMENT WHILE YOU WAIT WE RE DEDICATED TO GETTING YOU THROUGH THE LINE IN 20 MIN OR LESS' FREE CANDY UO Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M-F 7:30-6:00 SAT 10:006:00 3464331 Looking for a good deal? Read section 130 in the classifieds Community Environment to be women's day theme Bn Stephanie Ment imer Emerald Reporter _ The Lugene eommunilv will commemorate the td'ltl Intel mitioiial Women's |),i\ with .1 parade, musii . poetry tilius . 1 mi I speakers that retlei I the progress of the women's move ment and the solidarity of women worldwide Beginning Thursdav night, the l hiilanan Chun h w ill hold an event focusing on international women's issues with the theme "V\ omen in Struggle I tie program will include a poetr\ reading Irom tones Imm South Urii a and ext erpts Irom the videos South Urn a Be/ongs to I S which features the lives of several South Afri i an women, and Yuu '\ e (lot to \Un o whii.li portnu s women taking on leadership roles jn grassroots struggles in the southwest 1 'niled States Tile theme llt.it ties all ol tills togelhei is ihc pnwel ot women to make change and to lake control ol then own iues said Marion Malcolm Irom ( h-igv and Lait\ t on 1 ernet j. one ol tin* program's sponsors On Sal in 1 i,i\ , the Lane l ountv chapter ol tin National ()i g.mi/.ation ot Women is sponsoring .1 d.n long event higli lighting Women and I he l.nvimnment. the theme chosen !u the I niled Nations tor International Women's l)av Lite event will feature local women lot using on local is sin s through e it -itammeiit, speakers, food and t rails booths at the Lugene Downtown Mall atlei a morning parade start mg at the 1 Nil courtvaid Karen Wood Irom Larth 1 list! will speak Saturday along with Nani \ Dunn, pre-ident ol the Lugene Commission on llit Lights ol Women, who will speak on three Issues target ed b\ the commission tot the twin's violence against women. the lend 11 izalion ol poverlv and 1 -eproductit e 1 hoii e issues 1 think it's nice thev're giving people .1 chance to locus on women's issues." Dunn said t he NOW Lesbian (lam.us will present a musical i.ummh b\ Sally Sheklow "The Sound of l.eshians " at the West morcland CoiniminiW Center Saturdav night follow ed lit t he Saddle Soars Lugene s unK all-women hand I 01 more information, call Mali trim at in 1 ITVi or I lien i urstner .0 'l I'ls! J4li Musique Gourmet Catering to the Discriminating Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC & OPERA ON COMPACT DISC L_ow Prices SELECT CLASSIC FILMS ON VIDEO LASERDISC I located inside BRADFORD'S on the Ma 150 W Broadway OPEN 7 DAYS - SUNDAYS NOON-5 343-9000 We ship your stuff home! 1 tn KXX) pounds, computers, stereos. TV's Insured, custom packing Boxes for sale UPS. Emery. Motor Freight T?S? •n* 2705 Willamette, Eugene 344-3106