Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 08, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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Education promoted
at USSA conference
B\ |olie \ndrade
( merald Reporter
Oregon's c iingrussiunal rep
1 eselit.il i Vos showed Mlppult till
tin' I 'nited St.iti's student \sso
c nation's pnipris.ils during a
weekend long lobbying etluit to
promote higher education, said
Tim Hughes, t.hah ot the t sv\
\orlh U est I'm ilii region
I would say it was the most
sunesstul t.onferuiu e ('SSA
e\ or Ji.nl. ' 1 Itighes s.inl
KopreNorit.it iv es generally
supported I SS,\ s issues ot ini
mediate (din ern, lie said
I'lie top issues addressed l>\
I'SSA were the reuiithoriz.ition
n I \,11 ion.il Sen K e At I and
i ItiId i are
The tiist and loremust thing
on the agenda was the re,in
tluii izalinn ai I hoi anse it is up
lor i onsideration and itioditn a
I ion this year I lughes said
l lie I ligher I dm alum At t ot
I'lli. eslahlished many pro
grams through w hit h the tedei
al government supports highei
edueation. attortiing to a tail
sheet liv ! SSA t SNA is work
ing i inselv to ensure that ('on
gross will imprme tederal ti
naneial aid programs and ser
\ ii rs
Ifn \ears ago Hu |it• r< ent ill
thi‘ 1111.1 n< i<iI .ml In-inn distrib
Ull'll was ill till’ Ii M 111 nl nr,lilts
I lupin's said Toil.lV *41,lilts
make up mi I v lu puli rnt ut ti
iiuih t.iI .1 til
\\t* (tJSSA| would Iiki■ In
set' ,i linin' rc.isiiii.ililc ImIiIih c
lit'lwci'ii In,ms ml gr, mis
I luglurs s.llll
Right now 1-1.oiiu students
ale going In lose then Cell
grants next I,ill liei mist' ol the
i tirrent st.ilus for the higher eil
m .it it in budget
Hughes .llso ilisi usseil some
ol Hush s recommendations
with represent.ilins including
one on the n.itioii.il budget
Right now Hush is propos
ing onlv J peri ent ol the entire
national budget go to edui ,i
I ion I lughes said I 'SNA
wants to double il to 1 pet
i ent
Hughes said the represent.!
lives agreed Ifi.it it was a good
idea, bill didn't see how ( on
gress could afford the ilit rcase
I he reprcscnlaliv es replied,
that's a fine idea but w here ale
von going In gel the monel
1 lllglll'S S, i 111
Aim.null) Month's 1 SSA
vn o t han ill Ihr I’m ilii North
west rogiou, s.ml In' suggoslod
lu tin- roprosunt.ilivi's tli.it thu\
use l N unlit.ir\ w r.i|>nn hinds
In inako up Ini till' diiturniit u
McihImts addressed the \.i
tiini.il Servii e Ail with lh*‘
saint* toncerus as 11u*\ did in
prrvious vuars Hughes said
1 SS A is lobbving In i liange
tlir at I sii llial il will allow sin
di nts in pa\ hm k tin'll loans
through t.onnnuniU or militan
servile aftei gradu.ilkin rallu'i
ill.ill lirtorr I bight's said add
ing that Ihi'\ also air seeking
nioic options tor sluili'Hls to
pav tlit'ii debts
I SSA also addressed tIn■ is
sun ot i lulil i aif on i ampus
I login's said
(Ini' plan that is being unit
sidt'rod imolvus a lax i ri'tlil
system that would ti'imbursr
sludrnts tin i liild i an* sen ii os
at ihr end ol I lit ■ \oar ho salt!
This posos a prnblt'in hot atlso
students w ith i hiidron don I
usualK havo Iho inono\ to pa\
(trogon l)ail\ I inerald
for i hild i an- in thi- in--i plat o.
I Itujhcs added
AVltat in' want is more
funding from Ihr slate lot < hilii
i .Ur hr said Hr ir also ask
illg lilt Inirial government In
malt li stair funds
1 ill rr ill K . 1 flight's saitl thr
i im t*rsll\ is linking in liiuds
fin adequate i luld t air
I hrtr air mi infant t arr ami
mi till Ilnur i an* in! |irn|)lr u ilh
night i lasst-s ami olIn1! pro
grams air just silting limit- hr
t ausr Ihrrt* is no niniiri
1 login's said I llild t ait- Is (tin
rsprnsivr ami its nut serving
I hr nrt-tls nt slmlrnt parrots
t Ithi'i issues at 1111 rssrtI ill
i 1 n<It’d thr I Iran \n \i t and
tin- (avd Rights At I ol limit
ami minoiilx issues Hughes
Wr it- alarmed at tin* horn
hlr tlt-t Imr m thr inimbrr of
stndrnts nt rolol entering ml
leges I lughes said
MoraIrs. w ho conducted a
workshop nil rat ism nil tarn
pus Stiid students nt color an*
being discouraged from attend
illg universities l)ri ausr nt the
lat k nt itn.iiii i-d assistant r and
ilist nniinatinn on t amptises
Ill the workshop Mur.ill's ills
i ussi-il u.ivs In (Irtrr ilist.rimi
n.ilmii mi t tiuipus b\ bringing
in I In1 il illfif at i u ll mi's lie
s.iiil in* g.ivi' fXiimpli-s iii him
Unii'iit groups like Mi l li \
who ill hi,iifil ,i imiiiil lo tin*
I All ,iri‘ i'li.ililing nlhi'is In
slum' IIumi i ulluri's
Mori' ih,in t,(Hill sludi'iits
p,irlii ip.itod in (In' I• >1 ili\ i lfiirls
lli.it i lim.iseii mi M.iri li > on
I 111' slops 111 till' ( .iplll 'I i >111 11 1
I SNA will In- I.mm hing ,i
i .niipus .uni st.ito ill ivo Ibis
spring lot using on tht'se issues,
IlllgllfS s.llll I’hl'N Will .llsn In'
conducting plinni1 ins and let
lor i .nnp.iigns
Get the word out with an ODE classified
** *
Kah-Nee-Ta Spring Break ’90
\ M-m?'
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\ V' MV^St^
mV discount on ■, * v ' , • .
n^mstoaWact^ v-‘ ..
students &
Kts (Ml i
ok'rot >