BUY 1 get 1 FREE* c o u p o N P05TER5 • CDs VANS Si CONVERSE 5HOE5 10PK E2 Whip Cream Charges $3 99 ' selected regular priced posters only Lazar's Bazar Earthweek 1990 starts tonight Mil- 1I\(.S (hnsti.m Si ienc o ()ri>.ini/.i lion \\ ill uiitI linin'. ,0 . p m __ JKl als_ in the Koinimi.i ( entef l-i 1-4 him .mi st \ i’.ii itii - \mern .in Siu dent I nmn meets tonight .it > m the < arson i hill ('.old Koom 1990 DUCK SOFTBALL Premieres This Weekend CATCH THE ACTION ALL SEASON AT HOWE FIELD C D.llr M.m h in \ I > 111 N J1 M,.\ } H lomK Schedu ()p|mn»*nl l )r«»g«m st \nzun.i P Starts Friday, March 9th At Theatres Everywhere Students lor thr Him >il Treatment nl \nim.ils mi l ls In night -ii 1 in I Ml t Hoorn I I nu,mini Sexual Attention task him1 meets Indus tnun 'i tt) lii I I .1 in 111 Room 104 (hegnn Hall Creating .t Rape-tree K.nvi ronment through I’.dut alion w ill linlii .in information semi nut tonight at 7 in I All ( edar Room II A meeting on saving am lent forests is ill take plate tonight at a. tti 111 I All' Suite I Im nlental f ee Committee meets tonight at 0 .40 I lie lot a lion will he listed under the I All s si hedille ol e\ mils to das SIT'.AKKKS AM) I .It HI IRKS "Kthnography of the Old Be lievers in Siberia" is the title ot a let lure In he given hs I )i Lydia Rusakova. a senior si ien tilii worker at the Institute ot llistorv. Philosophy, at the Si lien.m brant h of the ,\i ademy ol Si lent es The presenlalion ss ill lie in Russian and trails luted In Kugiish .mil will take plat i- tuda\ .il I Id in Room g()4 (Million "The Failure id F\ori ism: An Institutional Failure ol the l ate Medieval (lliurch" is the title nt a presentation to lie gi\ en toda\ at 4 in Koniii ;toj (lerlinger (living the present.! lion will lie Andie (loddu nl Notre I lame I ’niversilv Volcanic areas in the (iin iun-l’ai it'll region is the li tie ot a lei line to lie given to day al I HI p in In Alevindei Mi Hirnev at the Museum ot Natural I listen Kit hard (.rnssnian torinei head ol ( e. I'SA will kirk ott tile I hii\ ersiH 's Kartlnveek loop festivities with a presentation tonight at 7 til in Room 100 Willamette The title ol the presentation will lie "Labor Toxins, and New Hi <>• logii al I’olii ies. MISCKl.I.ANKOl S Oregon Task Force on (ilo hal Warming w ill listen to puli In i onnnent on their report to the governor and legislature to night at 7 to ill the KM I 1 Wal mil Room lb A New Symphonic Experience >K I he tugene Symphony Orchestra Marin AUop, Conducting “All Orchrttral Spectacular” 8:00 p.m. Hull Center for the Performing Art* Ticket* $8. $11, $15. $18. $20 Mult Outlet. 687 5000 I rvc < mu rrl I rt lur*1 In Mai in Alsop I ou Nimim Man h H Hull (.ruin Studio I Spunsurvd l>\: THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA TONIGHT! STUDENTS HALF PRICE! Eugene's westside neighborhood cafe, fea turing home baked breads and desserts, Mexican, vegetarian, and meat entrees Good food at a reasonable price Weekend Dinner Special — Friday & Saturday Meat Pie, green salad, rice.$4.10 W 5th at Lawrence 7 a m to 9 p m Mon-Sat 7 a m to 2 p m Sundays Breakfast til 2 p m