-Letters. On it goes ( In is Hounell 's M.ir 1 the gon lluU I inri.ihl review ot till' rot rut (Irl).ilt' helw i 'i'll till' Student Insurgent > Kevin Ilurnliui klr representing mi i ialisin. ami ot ononiic s proles sni Henr\ (loldslein represent ing eapitii I ism. was interesting Houneff observed that while in the etnl "nothing was solved. .in open oxi liango ot i onflii ting ideas about divei gent economic systems did ot enr "something both debat ers said was the priniarv pur pose ol the luruni I lie lev lew i ont luded with a predii lion that this debate will probablv rage on for v ears Indeed it vv ill loi e\.unpie. on Sept 27, Itl7 1. the Inwr.ild published a i onnnentarv ot mine entitled "(snistilutinnal Iieinim ratit Sot ialism sure enough it was piotessor (add stem vv ho c.onti United a rebut tal in defense ot i apilalisin These periodic ext h.iuges are healtln in the i ontext of the libel al univei sitv's old igation to provide opportunities toi the i ritu al examination ol i onllu t illg ideas on unsettled issues ot the il.i\ Int idenlalh -| w.is our i ham |iion Kon Knusseve Professor (uiunseling psvc liologv Jail time It's about time'" VOU stall'd in \our I'ditmial ol Mai 2 \ oti apparently lelt the imposition ol fines as puiiishnieiit for the < i iiiiin.il behai mi leading up to the /wiiii \ aide/, spill is a sul In ientlv nasty slap on the wrist to make them sum lor their mistake as you i ailed It I las it m i ui red lo \ oil that because I-won i an write oil as las dedm Irons mair, ol then losses resulting hum this i rime \\ e as luxpavers .li e ai til alls subsidizing Kwiins as s.rult on the ecosystem ol I’rini e U ill tain Sound? 1 las it occurred to you that the ah seiu e ol i leanup ei|ui|)inent v\ fin h d present in the lust tit hours ol the spill i mild have averted mill h ol the damage was not "a mistake hut a i on scions business decision? Has it in i lined to ton that mono tan policies are "just the cost ol lining business" to an entity the size lit Kwnn ' lad time is what w ill gel 1.won's attention. I oi instance t t t S 11 Sei tion 1.1 Hl|t | pro \ nil's for imprisonment ut "any responsible corporate ttf 1 n.i’i lor up to six years lor i\h h ( mml iit know im> violation . it thr (dean VV ater Ai I Hut ev i dentlv out \ltornev < ivner.d «11H'-. not think it si'i'inlv to put nice. white. businessmen be hmil bars thill's only tot real criminals after .ill I util thus*' in i h.u>;»■ of man aging tin- c\li.ii lion i it profits trom out earth arc tori ml to re ali/.e that it vou can t tin the t line Mill don't do the I nine we are destined to see ni.uw more tragi! I >/)/ editorials praising mam more tragii ally inefh'i live penalt ies l)a\ e Ha hr I aw Bjloney \ sail state ol affairs has i nine about Something, am thing must be done to test ui' humanitv front it si* 11 Sep atatisin ami the eventual ill-, trust it gelieiates have taken hold nt even the must betiev olent ami well-meaning of or gamy,limns Disi riminatmn is [.unpaid Stop tint) look ,ii wh.it we .ill .ire doing t'lojei ! S,deride will lake us home onlv d our genitals meet the required standards ()ur government will help pav tor our edui ation d we solemuK promise not to tout h drugs Ihe Salvation ,\rtm will teed us only it we .11 t religious Poor Stephanie Nelson \()Di Mat a) is so brainwashed hv this so i ietv that even alter a Woman's Studies i lass she riders to hot sex as a rai e Quit this hulonev right now l h.it person right next to vuu is not an island I'hei go to the hatImmm. its i opul.de and stink |llst like Mill do I i ink lol problems and I guarantee \ou will find them look lot solu lions and mhi just might bo sur prised (..in Mali nlm I me ails The O Univers The I The f *•< utabf Oregon l)uil\ _ _ Emerald »• i » Hi.\ » uuuh <»iu-,..i *<***»' , •• : i.i'iy t .». • . ,.uf M' hiy H- . ,* f I i. ■ • . ' ye»*K Jiui vacation*, by the Ol*Kjoo Dairy Emer,ti;j PubM-fong a? ity of Oregon Eugene Oregon ■ • • ■ ■. ■ - , ■ ' • ■ . ty wit* >»,? .a !h»* Ffb Men •• » u- • .m--t •• -I o * -•**;-<•? ??••• a , . .»I».os p" Emerald »*» private property The ur-iawfui i ' us«- *♦ ; e •“ - . ’ fr ditor ' i ‘ M .IM.KJIIKJ t UMOf l ditonal Editor Graphics Editor Encore Editor Dun Peters M it K i-' Wee iirw -» i umui Sports fr ditor Supplements Edilof Night t dito» associate tailors Community . . t>< Student Government Activities Higher Education Admimstiation 1 h . "features Reporters A -5» :• A-.r , - • \ *■ , :.y !;!,■; H. . I i t ' 1, ) I *• r* !J t V -*!•••• Stf..'f. I M' • r Cun'. Siv**m''1 Alice Th. nit- ■ Photographers n V ’ 'r Advertising M «..'•••• •-.» . ■ • *C» . •- M-« ’ “ • An , Mitln '.! Mr;-. . N» P.i" . Pet , hath, hr : vtner fcdw.i: I V\<-: Production h Ar • h 1" , f’ r C , < * A 1 -uim Lt.’us Child JUT: f n Yvette G*H Jennifer Huey 1 hi fCuusUid t h-.u ' . ntncr J • ».* . ,V-. jr M . 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