*7tcoUt/ts 2JStudlesit' /*7iiUk>. Feeling at home made easier You might '-.iv thev are world lenders-, although the two ol them probably don’t think ol themselves m stub lofty term'. I he vitrei tor ntivi t o-diret teir ol the Intern.itionnl Student- Awet tion .tt the l niversitv oversee and look ->ut lor of stuvleiit' from every lontinent on the glol'e I he or.uni ration i- mnde up ol I! separate -t i vletlt .tgeiu K ' , llv h .1" the Altitun St ,1. lent A-tut :■ m .ilid tie lapu tic -e St tident t Arg.mt .it ton. "With in.in-i t the intetn.it!. -n.i! students who ionic here, it s their I I r s t ! Ml U .! h I■ I >, i. 1 me! the', tie: -.in eomfnrt.ihle from tie beginning." said ( arolitu' Steele, dtte> tot >> 1SA. "Thes It el that they uren’t heine un der -food, that people don't know when they’re v online from. " 1 hes kin>s\ t hi s v un . t»me it' - tin ISA I lie lit we repre t lit inter n.it,on.il 'Indent', 'lie added I li re thev know thev have a solve Steele ativl tin ISA vo-direitor, luenitu Soerakot '.'email, aul tin s are ret|UireJ tt' spend at least IA hours ,i ss eek 111 tilt ofllie, hut etui Up working then nearly -A to V lit uir s w eek Is . "We hast to he really dediiuted.” Sot t akoesoemah aid " I llfse are p.iui positions but the p.iv is ten low. Hut wr it not here for the pav Steele, whose family still ln.es in Germany, spent mui h of her life growing up m Italv aiwi (lermanv. Slie said she < hose to attend the l m versitv tnamK ht.. ause <>f the journal ism si IkH'l ”1 aHo found that the\ ie really re eeptive to international student here," she said. "They responded cjlllcklv when 1 applied here. Soerakoesoemali, who plans to t’l aduate the term, Is from Indonesia and mew up- in tin Philippines. Both sIu and Steele think they’ve learned a meat deal about etlei l:\eh, uorkllie with peoph from their experiein e with ISA Ik--ides pu kit. : up organizational and budgeting skills, "I think we've also learned how to he tactful, diplo mat u and conside ran e>f different p'eople’s l\u kgrounds,” Soernkoe six-malt s.iiil I he ISA will Ix itin taking appln a tions for next year’s dtreetot starting April lfv I he candidate will then hi interviewed atvd must campaign and give a spec ah to ISA inemhei- I he i o clirector is chosen fall term, so new students will have a chance to. run lot the position, Steele said Steele and Soet akocsocmah said t’hoto I*\ M.irk N Irn Ihe ISA s i o-dirvctor. Juanita Soerakoesoemah. anil director. Caroline Steele. rela\ in the ISA ollit e lor a moment before plunging into the dai '% work they wouldn't trade their experience with ISA tor anythinij. despite the hiph demands ot the joh ,md the low P-'V. "I've hern vers happv with the joh," Steele said. "It ' .1 lot ot work, hut it heeoiTtes such a part ot your life." “hverv sear u i hanyes and have a new mllu\ i >t people ,” added. "We have the old dedk souls and maviomere who are curious, and they eradualls hoe more in\ i>1\ ed." \s e she ated vers onie I)tirht l