Thursday, March 8. 1990 Oregon Daily Emerald Advertising Supplement ISA is altering its image A "Jim riminat ion-free rone” has been declared In students I hi' 1 ■ >r etgn Student Or/ani:atton, .1 defend er of international rights A otlut, on tin.- second floor ot the l \H , H't'ini small tot the amount o| audent' it represent'. Maps ant) t!.i_• - u«\ei the u all' on holizmp the 1 'tu.lent attending the l tiiver -it\ Isn: in m.i t lie 'A orld. A majia itv ol the internut!' >na! -Indents tome from Aon, although people x < >nie from as iar awav as Bur tnu, Nepal and Ireland. I 111' year t t aunt no are represented at Untvenstv, iih L. i ithree student' from Russia for the first tune. Aithoueh the ISA had a- ifi. i u start in !’■»('ir. litre' dune that the mtei nat ti inal tradition dates hack to is7< Hie tir-i * lass ever .it tlu- l in versus had one sttklenr from lapan A .-tn.>{>• >lit.iti i iul a .1 -et e. in the ' n N t,, provide a aitahte pi i. e Ini iniernanonal uni Amen, in -Hi dents to mtnsile. Now , with the annual Internal ion ai Festiuii an. I the week Is Interna ti aia.l l . flee 1 i it , the ISA i tending its rea. h I heir main purpose is to promote cultural, poliuvai and si h tai aware iu - ■ amt'in; tin ivnrral -indent hikiv, i..inmumt\ and (lie interna f 1. * i. 11 -I: i.let i! tin::: el\ i I lit ! . \ also help- nnv -tuderit- make a -u< . e--ti.ll tran aii'ii ini ' tin l nr. cr--it\ a!el beyond ulttlie -Inn k \\ i H k-1 u >} - are et up durtru; orientation iveeL and toui "t tlu- lampu- are .liven !'\ mote ex peneiue.l international -t . lent Next year the IS,-\ till m ’ .: folios', up workshop- !i> help trident-- make t hr> a.'In it tIn- vf it I here .Hr ele\ ('ll I"' \*"', 'A ! 1 tl.. .\!; i. .in Student \ mk I a f i o 11, the It .its Student (At mii .11 loll .111.1 flic A .* *fl I >1 No! \m ' Student A!: id 1 lii ISA ;u In a* ,m umbrella org.ini.uvtjon to help the member group* turn non more eileitiveiv ,md otter m.mimim hTvu e to both indent* ,md the mb I’l l Hip*. \ >r I 11 • t ISA ( IN11, tor III.Hilt.I Soeruki H 'oem.lh, the ISA I* ,i whole provide* ,i ll.u.'ll between the llltel tuition,i! indent go Hip- .Hid the general indent K dv and . mi miinitv [In'. io-*poii*or event during the sear with other gt. nip* *iH h a* t tSI’lRC i. the Surviv al t i nter, and the IMa* k Student l Illon. ‘AX e do a k H . it netw. i king auI ISA INre.iol l irolllie Steele, 1 think other at ton* an trying to do the itile It go, I lor i* to e* t ablidi m >me sort of an ire I he !e*tival April ! •> 1 i i d.c, •! I lir i ci i dcvond r. > diftctcni niinm itt' 1", Ji'-pLivm.: i rati-- and i ukure from (hat riL'ii >n. the hio|>!i',:lw >>i ilu u. .I .itm - Sunday, April Srh when hull :u' i.i. Ain. i, rlu M, IdK i iu, tin Amiiii.i', A ci and t.unipc ill will uiiiif lusicthcr for . iti'tnf tollow»\l hv i amplm.' of d.tiui ,ind MHhii irom the -a\ differ i i.i . ontiiunu. la,. \I,KM IE s AERICAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION ARAB STUDENT CMOS CHINESE STU DENT AND SCHOLAR ASSOCIATION HONG KONG STUDENT ASSOCIATION PERMIAS INDONESIAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION IRAN STUDENT ORGANIZATION JAPANESE STUDENT ORGANIZATION KOREAN STU'DENT ASSOCIATION MALAYSIAN STUDENT organization ansa ASSOCIATION OF V iRWEGIAN STU DENTS ABROAD - KI I.TURA PILIPINAS PHILIPPINE STUDENT i iRGANIZATION i\ti:r\ \tiov\i. STl DIM \SSOCI A I K)\ Here are opportunities the International Student Association pro\ides for tlie International students and the l ni\ersit\ community: • Information Corner Discover and learn mart about other countries through our colorful collection of books, bro (liurcs and pamphlets. • Social Activities and Sports Events H alls over to the International Coffee Hour ev er\ fridas for coffee or tea and talk to new and old friends l >m ind and rela x during our un i otts spoils activities. • Cultural Presentations / xperienee and heller understand diu rse eid lures through our annual International /estival. ( ultural mollis mid \liek presentations • Discussions on Clohal Issues ■Share and exchange views on pressing issues ill oryanzied Jorums \\ h\ not stop m tor a chut uml take u break train the sometimes hectic and trying school days at the t Hi versif y. I Ml KIIIIM .'III, ■ I SIMKSin 1)1 I IK I I .ON • M (.INI • I IK 'i III I • | .11(1 t II. I 111 .