Donation < ontinued from Pan.- 1 Alpine Import Service The VOI VO Spec ialists 12th A. Main Spring Fitness Analysis • Oil c hange, genuine VOLVO filter and 4 quarts of oil •Complete maintenanc e (heck of major (omponents • Inspection of brakes, exhaust, suspension, u joints, h.itterv charging and starting svs terns,cool start systems, heating and cooling systems, tires, wipers and all fluid levels For Appointment call 726-1808 YOUR VOLVO Philip knight Li TAXED TO THE MAX? 1 1 L 20% OFF CAMBRIDGE BUSINESS WEAR V PADHOLDERS, 3-RING BINDERS, ZIPPER PORTFOLIOS BANKER’S BOXES • HOLDS LETTER & LEGAL SIZE • NO 701 703. AND 725 125% OFF I <*M I U /IWML MRD-BOUND ACCOUNTING BOOKS • 5"x8 k • 7 ’ 2 x12' COLUMNAR PADS • AMPAD • 1 14 COLUMN • 8 <11 . 1.65 FABER CASTELL 10-PACK NO. 2 PENCILS i 69° PANASONIC BATTERY POWERED PENCIL SHARPENER • ASSORTE D COLORS • NO KP 24 REG 1b 95 14.95 REG EABER CASTELL PINK PET ERASER LIQUID PAPER WHITE ONLY 99° REG 1 69 SWINGLINE TOT STAPLER KIT 1.49 I REG 226 OFFER GOOD THROUGH 3/17'90 UOBookstore _ 13th & Kincaid M F 7:30 6:00 SAT 10:00 6:00 346-4331 ART AND SCHOOL SUPPLY DEPARTMENT I hope this will he just the start nt ,i long lusting relation ship " MiVtike said ins i ompanv does not expect to realize anv direi I lienefits from the dona lion Other than to show their appret iation lor doing business with \ike and improve rela lions w ilh C Jregonians "Sometimes are ( ntu r/.etl tor making too nun h mono . Mivnkc said 1 m sure this will ( hange some view s of some people of ( )re gon that w e are not a monel eager nionevpursiling (ompa in Akira U atanahi' consul gen eral foi the consulate in Portland said the 11st < en tun w ill he the age of the Par d ii and that this t\ pe ot gilt fos ters good relations "It is vital that the i itizens of both our communities learn to work together. W atanahe said "It is important for IN'issho Iwail to a< i ept the responsihili ties that i nine naturalU with luring a i itizen of this stale Ihe knight l.ibran expan sion and renovation is a V I million project, w ith more than S1 r million i (lining tmni the state s general 1 uml The 1 hiiversitv. w Inch Is re quired to raise the remaining S'l ii million still needs to an additional S.' t mil i a is* lion The most significant tiling about this is it i oiitinues an et tort to keep Oregon's lirst li brarv In the ranks of the best li hraries of the l Inited Stales. (.nldsi hmidt said. Knight said serious disi us sums about the gilt began five months ago but that the seeds for tins type ol dona tioo were planted w lien ( .old si hmidt tirsl took oflii e and be gan fostering relationships with lapanese businesses Knight said Iroui the stall of the negotiations that the inonev was earmarked lor the lihr.iry expansion protect I he librarv was renamed in 1‘tHH for the Knight famih in ..gnition of their support The projet t whit h is tenia lively slated to begin in spring 1*101 and llllisll in late 10*0. w ill add about 1 tll tlUU stpiare feet to the lihrarv l ,eoige Shipman. 1 adversity librarian said the second llooi will house the libraiv s Asian literature I ollet tion Shipman, in an intei\ iew with the (Jn't’un Huh hnirnilil in late I ebruarv . said the li brars i urrentlv seats eight pei rent of the student population which is tar below the national average I if J’> peri ent I a en w dll the new addition the Knight I.ibrarv will still not meet national stand.inis he said . SPRINGFIELD | SCIENTIFIC ; SUPPLY i Hours: I Mon.-Sat. J 10am-6pm 726-9176 1 1124 Main St. Springfield