Curriculum ( ontim.fd from P.iKf I think probably 7a tu HO percent ol imr students m rc already taking a course on Mir or gender studies al ready In requiring students to lake ,i course de,dim; with other rail's ethnii groups or cultures the I'uiversitx is leading other schools in what llolho (eels is a new trend I think we're a little ahead on this one.' llolho said Portland Slate I'nixi'isilx is looking at doing this and ()regon Stale l iiiversitv is looking at doing something a little different I hex teijuile a i nurse that is just non Wester n Ihe rentimhermg of ionises follows .1 mandate from the Oregon Stale System of Higher I dm alien ( Iranges will appear in the tall Ht'lt) 1 nurse 1 atalog Students who ate here right now will not 11 e suh t le changes said I loll 10 ( nurses will liaxe different numbers II Ibex wanted to finish a ( luster lliex max find that the 1 lass has disappeared It’s the task "I at a demii advising lu make sure that th>• i<• lx an aileron 11\ e l OlliM- in til! t beginning next (.ill .ill the t.'s .mil \t'x will drop off the i nurse nuiuliers llnllm added Instead there x\ 111 be liOll ,uiil TIKI level r nurses x sl.ite w iiie. not just .it the I niverstk I'he proposed t min ilium i flanges ,ilxn mi hide re \ Isionx lit the Hill helm ii! Alt'. ,tnd Si lent ex field re ipiiremeiits We re suit til site,unfilled we . .ill tile lield requirements Hidbo said. noting m inn r is no longer 11 quin'd for .1 It S Ibisii alk it s 1 nine down to language tor .1 It A .mil in.till Im the H S \\ • assume it vim re .1 i hemistrv 111.11m. tor nixt.iiu e you re taking the XI jell! e anyway ( hixleix h.ive been leu,lined ,ix xe(|lien< e- smile thing the student senators rmii|il.iined of .it the meet mg I h.1 x 1 .dw.iyx tell the i luster i out ept \\ ,is .1 good pioipani hut the term w.w verv (.onfusiny I think this will In- easier In work with, for advisers and slu denis said Ilolhi> The < urrii ulum .it the I'niversiK was hist re viewed prim to the ll'ItH-S!) ai.ademit veal before Im the hill toon switi.h to the semester svsteni halted a in rurrii iilar i hanyes The task of al most i oinpleteh lev ismy the currii ulum to the semes ter sv stem was nnarlv iompleted w hen the state hoard i am eled the plans I fnlbo expel ts some problems from the changes I think for a year or so we re yoiny to be findiny eriors I h illio said It s sort of fine tuning. " Senate tei onimenii.ilions on the i urrii ulum report will ^o before the I niv ersitv Assembly Man h It The version ol the report imiorponitiny amendments and am i h.inyes the senate 01 assemhlv makes will be issued two week attei the assemhlv ap prov es tin i iiiririilum CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 346-4343 ODE POLICY DEADLINES LINE ADS t PM ihe day before publication DISPLAY riASSlFlf.0 ADS 1 PM two day s before publication Rf I UNOS WKl Bl t IMIH 0 TO CHI DITS ONI Y No i ASH Hf FUNDS fcHHORS . pifbHsbod »h;< tbf - «*'u *ll*ti I tn-.t's «'Ol the lad! i,f the ad..-' suiting from unclear Insertion order ot handwriting will nol be comptn Please note deafly all instruction* on ad lo»m '• •« ’ 41/P**'* &&6 4J4.} before 1 pm ODE POLICY CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT OOF Of FlCfc S 300 l MtJ UO BOOK STORE SI AMP COUNT! R ! MU MAIN Of SK PAYMENT ■ • ■ -r■ ’ •• • ' ! Mi RATES Three Im* minimum charge i•, $4 SO toi Ihe first insertion .md S3 00 tor additional insertion* : St i — »oc tltt first dJ, 3ml S» 00;— • -r- • >» .«H1 -41 '-lav. I00 CONNECTIONS A Printing | r,0f &*ue/ CUi uimis T C Interested CuMy B-u-Wllf to The {•■ i>d pi*i o«*i? ai .ii .iM‘ A ant ml! fi 1- hid d hurts t e! - j)« 2- .*J li'f’.rh III miss yOu" ToDtd! ; ■ t MARY W- Mt N Mj > ! i, '.r- •; •- ■ •! > ••' 6fS3 44U 100 CONNECTIONS MIKE B. SCUBA FIEND admIRe r U> T HI AM.H AM* • v * A i , | U t if, CPS **• w«* t'.t-lum •■».** •••• A BEAUTIFUL REDHEAD Ri,, 31! ».,u ■' ..if- > A It.f" a >f' .» JULIO <; ■ ■ ! >ut> Ai!f* • .»►»• i |hr< I . .* , Spring A*th you > , • ■ MI ; A N A 105 PERSONALS M< - tf>4* I cri I Uttef !l Rryanlt. 100 PERSONALS ME. •■'•/« AND KARMA H?M . t* .1 f 'u l,i •: * , » ’ $• ,-v ? - , ' 4tW it 03 Davi t tf»> •"tiiitx* 11i*!Ti Ms*.*. 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