Sports Fonseca suspended indefinitely H\ \shlev ( onklin l merald Spurt-. Reporter Oregon distant e iiinnet i'etei I'ouHet a has tieen suspended indelinitelv irunt the I)ik k trat k team In i nai h Hill 1 iellin ger over ijuesliuns on whether hr at i epteil S 1 I 1HI0 m pi i■ • monev altri finishing llrirtl in Sundav -- l.ns Angeles Mar athun l emsei a rail in his Inst mar athun on Nuniiav i umpeting Im his native i anaila and ran the laslesl time Im a I anadian this veai H\ linishmg third l uilSei a was entitled to ai i ept the pri/.e mutiev . hut In do so would have been in violation of \(.\A rules prohibiting am i ullage athlete from ai i opting am mmiev in am spoil I onsei a said Tttesdav thal he did not ai t.ept the numev be cause lie wants tn run Ini I tie gem. hut has to wait hn Delhn gei to i leal the wav tot linn to return tn the team I'm suspended until lie |l tellmgei l (mils nut it I took the mnnev I onset a said It he allows me In run fur tile t -4 ( ) I will loregu the numev . hut 1 have tu du vvhafs best tin me and so I must at eept the monev ANXIETY MEDICAL TREATMENT You may be eti.f. ,t a re search ■ a.jcjy tf you are .ver 21 anti suffer from anxiety as rry nervousness inner tension and physical symptoms of ,'reus ' imOU. he svvj dry mouth pounding heart etc This rosear 1 - an Deer' fedc-M iy appr ved and - tak rr■ cj 1 ->evera' • i' _.j*■ dies 2 , s, meet the ■ , .Jj.f'yir , : , jf'-n a ‘ty : • ' Oer Aithou! a so'? us'v Oe ; ->ed rvjoO y n\iv (B reentng and ed -I .it" el't ' • al ’ m n?r list!. : . i. hoi or drug abuse or poor!, •trolled medical problems ; be as ceptea for this re • r ,\ ,"ier ‘ * :: ■ i i'K; ;■ tentiai must tie usn ;; a neti i , i eptablf. birth control rHE EUGENI ■ l INK Clip out Oregon Dailv Emerald louponstor big savings! il I ( .m'! keep friv s» Hoi; .uni run (or tin* i tui ks I think he has to ttrni out ' sri .1 '•ail! nt I tellingc! Mteinpts to ri .<< h i ti'll inget tin comment Tuesday w etc lin >111 i essllll \i i i Hi 111 isA t" I I'tM’l a tin i onflict betuct'ii him amt 1 VI linget began when ! onsei a de i idud to run in the marathon, and !Vllingi'l said li ! onsi'i a ran he would lie oil the team I thought he would still let me run lor the team ' 1 onsei a said, (although! tie did tell me I i ouIdu t run ha the team We re different people w ith I old I Iris . i j Intel esl he .aid I just wish lu could under stand me and I could Under stand him Despite the i ontlii Is id iiltei es(. | i• n••**. a said 11• wants to lelni n to tile team f{U:i! I w ant to run tor the ! lot k s that's the bottom line he I’OIIMM .1 h. hat mini'* on strong at the end o! the season and plac ed second m the lU.OOt) meters in the l\ii Hi meet Last x ear he Was bothered b\ a sttr*>s Irat lure tin* hist hall of the season tint rebounded this year to have a strong cross < ountrx season and had t)11.»11 lied ‘or tin- Nrf A A tmtdoor meet in I lie 10 ntH) meters ba< k in 1 )e* ember Intramural Results March 5 Men's basketball SpiMf Poss >0. K.lpfi.i Si^ma I Rtinmo Kt*b«*ls 81. hi Phi Pm II Sit kni's*. '> Delta l.tu Della '>2 f .raduate-- 4 I l .irpi1 Du iti MOMosheis I'l bombers 42 I lin‘1' I ),i\ s I .iter 11 Co-ed Basketball shoot lo thrill dot Mons'Mons! (tort<-ii' / M lls \ A i.UMVN Lusi ) OmIci s i.. ( ,< >f 343-6235 ( »..iil\ Spi'i i.ils < >n l>cli( kmis, . 111 i i \ vS. l<»lifsliii|K Siilimaimi Samlwii Ik s BURGf K SIM ( I \I lillllM'l flli'S 1*1 IIS I '/ o/ soft ill ink 25 Wir Sprechen Deutsch” III I lin».»if\\.n • \» ( "s> |lunkiti Dmiiits Moil ill i H.I III S|» III RTSW EAR DAYS ARE BACK AND Co * 0 Q I N IN K RSir'll r MEET FAMOUS MOUNTAINEER LOU WHITTAKER MONDAY, MARCH 12 ,■■■, p ■•jsed that Lou vV’vtt* '•bribe's a Dt a: the ■ JANSPORT . ■ ■ Save 20 on all Jansport Sportswear! HOURLY GIVEAWAYS ON MARCH 12! EVEN MORE EXCITING! MARCH 5-17 EXCITING DAILY GIVE-AWAYS 20% OFF SELECTED ITEMS ADD 10% OFF SALE ITEMS MARCH 5. 6 20% OFF "OH SHIRT!" MARCH 7,8. 9 20% OFF "RUSSELL" MARCH 12,13,14 20% OFF "JANSPORT" MARCH 15,16 20% OFF "CHAMPION" A. '.A { NA ■ „ AS’ . A UO BOOKSTORE