Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 07, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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Come b.ive the best summer of your life!
Come see us in Hendrick s Hall, Rm 22a, March 8
to learn more. Schedule an interview through
your Student Employment Office now, or call
1 800 252 6279.
If you are looking for this image . .
I. Magnin Saks Fifth Avenue
Bloomingdales Neiman Marcus
I have what you want,
creative hairstvling by
David R Fletcher
at Studio 340.
Heritage affects logging dispute
Hx Pat Malar h
I mcr.ild Reporter
Students and i omnuniitv
mcUlhi'l s gathered J lirsdav In
y levy .! film .Hill Ill-ill speaker •
tot using 'Hi 11st' heril.ige ill UiH
non logging and Imu tli.it Iihii
tagr . if 11-f ts the ( urinit timber
i outnn i‘!’S\
I hr i'v i■ nt u .is part nf tin- < it
I'gmt 11«-rit.ifii* l.ci tun- Series
spoils! a ' il In lilt' t 'in i-rsih
Survival ( enter s i )p.i| { n ek
( mrnmitiee
Run I min', maker n! tin him
\ ihtr.il I ii'ih' ! t oiinln ■ <i
rin'sseil tin' i rmvil along with
I n il Behm. a retired lugger
and Susan Applegate ,i desi i'-ii
diiiit ul ,i piuni-Hf Oregon I,tint
I In- old-time logueis realH
had a strung teel mg about the
Imi that thin ii.id toward 'In
tiin-st itselt. I mite said,
“They did Hot believe 111.it ill'
would destroy that they would
shatter that they would make it
1 iniie said when he made the
him in 1'!" 1 In- Imped in t reate
.1 vi'lili le tul the loggers In
present then thoughts feelirn;-.
and observation* while thin
were m the u nod*
I ties hei .iiiir surprised that
ultimately they were the i ,n;se
and personally responsible lot
the iiis.tppi ai.llli e iit that
which ihes loved the must
! lies didn't espei t that l>ei ause
The Saqa Continues
Get a medium (1 2")
Pizza for ONLY
(Just ask for the Spec ial)
(A<1(1*1 Ingredient .70)
Why settle for less...
than the BEST!?!
(l imited delivery, area)
1809 Franklin Blvd.
w hrn tmw on umr 1«m5
I jaily thr it‘« Hnt»1<»f4ti*s and
!(ii (j v. vs t'lv its! tin :« tn mak<
that piissiblr
Hrhrn. who got his lirsl a\
wIn n hi* was m'\ rn roars old
arid was working in a logging
i amp w Ill’ll hi* was mnr. sanl
at that time hr trit hr was .1
roai big shot
Hourvrs Nuu I‘m not so
pnmd of it. Brhm sanl i rut
down somi‘ »»t till’ last old
growth whilr pint* in Wiscon
rha ir w <0 no t hought ot rvot
miming out of timbrr bocausf
thrif w as plrnt\ aiound Brhm
said 1 le addfd that hr w ishod
tin- Sirrra (dub had brrn stai’
rd .'Oil roars ago
Hr hm -aid (hr a if a m W is
t ousan that hr loggrd was ltd I
so bairrn that no unr would
havt* w antfd to lisa* ihrir
]hr\ 1 .died us rahbit 1 hokrrs
hr< aiisr w r atr rabbits thro
w as uotfiing rlsr l!n,iiBrhm
Brhm vvoiknt in Wisconsin
Mimifstitu Alaska and Oregon
Ik- said when hr got to Oivgun
hr riMh/i'd In.it hi- i hum mil .
am larlhcr lu i u! limber. '' I In
i’.u iii< <i«**••-.ii t grim am in
Hfliiii j u»i n 11 •< I In forcstn
si liunls ,is .1 problem in iht*
• .hanging toresl tndiislrv "On
gun St,ilr 11 ni\ iTsitvl is pruba
bis oni' ut tin' best si liools in
tin- w itrlil Ini I, ircsli \ . Hrlin
Sriid Hill tin's h.isr never Innl
,i ( lass in lornsl eimingy
\pplegale s.iiil slic (i'll llii
priiblt'in is Iicil In llie tat I llial
nut as min it iliii'i I i unlai I is
involved ssilli lugging as m lln
das s mutinied In hur b\ bet la
I her
I in* « m k vs as direct pii v si
i al laboi ss ilh the tri'i' " Apple
gale said Ami I hr !pees ss ri.
' Sumi'tliiiig happened in Ihr
II1-1 Os wilt'll gas and diesel rr
plat rii strain and ssilli I hr
i hainsass rnti'i mg tllr Inirsl
and ' iri's ss inr mranl In hr tak
i'll nut ill grt'.ll S ulllllir I Ilr
mi'(:lianiz,:ilii)ii distanced tlnisr
mrii hum tin- landsi ape And
hum lltrii dun I rn< ihinli'is
ss ith I hr lirrs
Low heat
Limes Simon .1 sei imd-venr sculpture imijni. pre
p,nrs tv use , 1 Raku low tiring tet hnique on his 1 or,nu
ll si uipture I'hr R.iku method gives the finished pint e
,i multi 1 idnie-d etfei t
I’lioto l>\ Str\ c ('.ml
We ship your stuff home!
1 to 1(XX) pounds
Packing • Shipping
2705 Willamette
iMMO ®
Oriental Buffet l unch
Do ~ its lair s
£. Try Oui Dinner
Hour! Downilairt
^ oiini si
“ ki si AUkANi
Mouu Upstairs
>27** Alder Stfft» * 683