-University Magic ( onlinucH from Pj£r 4 (,uiM' of this lf \ man spent .1 lot ot time figuring out how people performed links in his earlv da\ s .is a magit ian Itvman now desi rities tom self as a modern dax ghosthuster. mosth for govern menl ageni ies Some of the more interesting (hums Ihiiuin has investigated ini hide one b\ a woman w ho was able to read through hei fingertips and another bx .1 man who clid lesean h on 1 ells found in human salix a in the i ase ot tile w oinan a doctor wanted binding to in \estigate further the i laim that she could read regular print through her fingertips lie hoped to tear h the tec hniipie to the blind Alter looking into the 1 laim I l\ man said it w as ( leal that the w oman w as cheating ( airi oiish flyman said, the woman had no moli\i1 to ( Ileal the (fix toi 111 the I ase ill the doi tin who ( ollo( ted saliva the dm toi used (ells tiom saliva in .1 test tube to tell when the person who gave the saliva was agital ed The dm toi ( laimod that lie could tell when a person was agitated, whether thex were in Itir next room nt .1 milt* or two aw.n In whether or not their saliva w.is agitated m the test tuhe ()n tlie Natlonal t 1 him 11 Against Health I rami llvinaii looks into .ill kinds ot (|nai ker\ mainly |>eople who i laim the\ i an ( lire diseases sm h as 1 am er and All IS I he ( annmittee tin the hives ligation ol ( la 1 nis lor the I’ara normal ails as a skeptical in ([iiirei and provides a skejitic.il \ lew ol the paranotmal I Ins committee publishes a journal that I ly man desi 1 died as a con liter ot the \,ilnin.ll In quirrr As a member ot a snht omiliit tee ol the National Keseart h l IIUIII il t nmimltee 11\ man e\ jilores to what extent people are de< eived lor groups sm h as the HI A I he ( 1A US(*s I he 1 0111 111itlee s researi ll to see il it i an tell whethei 01 not intormants ale lying. I he (!l A feels they < an tell when thex are being deceived hut objective tests show that thes 1 an t I Ivman said Ihe ( 1A does no better than toilette students rile dlfleifill e is that collette students know they t an t tell w hen lin t are being del el Veil llvinan h.is authored ur to authored tour hooks on various suh|e< Is dealing " ilh both psv t linings ami the paranotmal Ills newest work I lir llusi\r Qihiir\ is a t ollet tion ot lus writings about paraps\chologv and the paranormal llvmatl s.ild people do gel outraged when he finds th.it lliev are Irautlulent but that lor the most part lie is a lair t ntn People do gel outraged as this is a ver\ emotional issue llvinan said Main people have built their lives on this Iparapsvi hologv | and tv hen thin are . ailed on it it hut Is I tr\ to be lair and lor the most part 1 am on good terms with parapsvi hologisls I am a Ian ( rilu in that 1 at least read u hat t Inn do I It man s m.on interest t nr renllv is whether 01 not there is anything to parapsvi.hologs IIvman said he liiuls it lunnv and ironit that w 11It all ol tin ev mils that hat e mini red in the I.astern Hint i outlines, now psvt hit s are appearing lot the first time mi television in Kus sia Swindlers ale ovei there tin the first lime llvinan .aid So mnvbe now it's oil to Kus sia loi Kav I Ivman SHIC to hold afternoon meeting Ml.I TIM ;s Sill deni Health Insurance Committee ..ts toihn .it 7 JO p m in tin- KMl Oak Room Studrnts Against Apartheid meets lnnhili! at J 10 in KML’ (>dai Room I Men Xgainst Rape will hold 0 weekK _Kt als mi'cting tonight at 7 in KMI' ( rntun Room I (lull Sports ( w ling will nn-i t tonight at 7 It) m Room J07 I)ead\ SI’K.XKKRS AM) I KOIVRKS " The Materialization ol the Hodv " is tile title ol a let tore to he given In 1'rot Maxine Sheets lohnston from the phliosophv depart ment The lecture will he todav at 4 |i ill m the KMI 'in Room Mist I I l..\\l.( )l S The KMI' Cratt Center craft workshop si hedules for spring term are available and registration is undet wav tin workshops m u1 rumii s. fiber arts. glass. jewelry and more lor more informal urn and registration, stop I >\ the i 'rail I .elitei. or i all MO I tti 1 l llimale Mountain Hiking" a how to video for mountain hikers will he shown to day at I 2 10 p m in I All' Koom .! i I he sie iv\ tug IS sponsored h\ tlietJutdool Hrograni Students interested in volunteering tor the national peat e studies < onlerem e may at lend an information session tonight at o in Koom til I’ll The Nicaraguan Klectiuns: \ slideshow report and eyewitness at a mint will he given tonight at to in the KMt' (Itumvtiod Koom (In hand will lie Nton Van Aelstvn who |Usl returned from National I.aw vet's (ill i Id elections tit-legal ion Student Mass will he held tonight at 0 at the Newman ( enter. IHall Kmer.ild St Summer Kmployment Orientation Session w ill he held today at HI ill Room 1 g I len tint ks Wolff TANNING SPECIAL Must bring in this .id! 1 345-3491 i r FREE TAM GLOW! i intensifying (icl with I <11 <(r I ,innitH| C.u K.1