“25 Years of Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene. Oregon 97403 Students, Faculty, and Staff are invited to meet with President Myles Brand March Open Office Hours Thurs, March 8, 3-4:30 Wed, March 14, 1-3 Wed, March 28, 1-2:30 ?Q minute appointments are available to individuals oi groups ol five or less Please call .546 30.56 to si hedule an appointment in the President s Office 1 10 Johnson Hall TANNING!! Oregon West - FITNESS - TANNING PACKAGES 5 tans 500 10 tans $20°° 15 tans $25°° not neouired BEST HOURS • BEST PRICES 6am 11pm 7 Days a Week 485 1624 1475 Franklin Blvd Across trom Campus Iniversitv I’holo In M.m k ^ It'll K.i i H\ m.m show s thr tools til his truth' tor not oirriin: truuil in t l.iinis ol thr ii.irnnonn.il Professor debunks mystic myths Bv Peter ( ogsvvell l mer.ild Reporter Magii is more than |usi ii fleeting fancy tm 1 niversity psychology prolessor Ray llvman l( - a wav ut life. Ilytu.m. .i tugnitive psyi holngist who re se,in lies human error, this been interested in the uuiiil ot the paranormal Mine he was seven, when his fattier gave turn a magic kit Sim e he atteiuleii graduate si hoot at johns Hopkins I 'niversitv. I fvman has been resist tilling wllV people make mistakes why people believe things that are not true and how people are do i eiv eii A lot ot people take things like this (the paranortnall seriously and 1 am interested in u hat is going on " he said llvman was winking his wav toward a jour nalism deglee at Huston t Diversity as a (notes sional tnagii ian. mindreading and palnireaduig and began to helievr that tie actually had the power to really perform these ai tiv ities One day a friend ( hallenged him to try read mg lines on the palms ot people s hands in the opposite dun lion than Hyman was using and the answers lame out to be the same \t tilts point tl dawned on llvman that lie had been fooled tor llvman. it was a revelation He became i urious about why he had been tooled and dt*< id ed the answer could be found in the field of ps\ i (trilogy Hyman c ,mn' In (hr l 'niversitv in 1'ttil .liter spending live veers ,is ,m associate professoi in |>s\chologx al Harvard I’niversiK and three vears u ith (General I lei ti n Besides le.n liing al the I !niversit\. I hman is actively involved with investigating paranormal and parapsvchologii el claims made In people lo various bodies sin li as the ( I A. the National Sci eiu e Foundation and the I N militan Pa laps Vi hologisls are scientists who resean h phenomena sin li as telepethx I SP and i luirvoy ,iiii e Almost even veai someone conies to the militurx or tlie \S! and suxs (hex can bend tanks with their minds." IK man said I investigate these exotic tei hniques that people try to sell the government Some ot the claims livmun has investigated as part of one ol three committees he servos on ill elude sleeplearning. firewalking, subliminal tapes, meditation, I SP psychokinesis and bio leedhai k livmun got started as an investigate! aftei people looked at Ins liai kground as a protessional inagii tan and Ins i orient interest in psychology "Once people realized my background in magic some people fell this was a good i onihma time " he said Hviuan's idol in the inagii world is lloudini. who. Iiesides performing as an escape artist, spent a lot of time debunking magic trie ks Be Turn to Magic, Page 5 JOIN THE JET SET (I vtHi sc alvsavs wanicil to |otn the jcl set. Nju asiation is the ssas lo go Isxiax’s Saw oilers sollege sluilciMs an unbeatable opportuni is ollitci naming hetoie gr.isluation \snti guar antes J lolloss on flight naming I mi cutting pi octants least to a safest as a Nasv pilot • >1 flight s'ltlss'l • Vo. al \ • lalion < asiet ■ V\V< Mb • H !. . a.a r ats I > elect ipletc 'll I’: ■ Both leas! is> a commission as a Vos ollisci ami pilot olliss‘1 training \ O s .’III sis a . Hsll I'.list with spes i.tl ai loss ,nk s’s aitsl exceptional bene tits that can mean a lot to people on their ssas up lo qualils sou must he 14 24 pass an apti tu.Is lest ansi phssuai examination tx- a I s . .lie. i aitsl eotnplx \S Ilh 'in N1 \\ \ IXll IN SI \\H \KI> -I -hi hi lorn tin- Isl set in t.vlas s Vise I or mole in loi mat ion. s isit or s .ill Mnntlux. March 5, 10-.' Placement ( enter I N00 54.'-72N7 Tired of Waiting? Fall Creek Bakery has fast service. *hi K.isi i.ith iu*.t: i dinpus 1 **^nnrwvYYVVVVVVVVVV-i i ai.i. creek BAKERY fWWVWWVYli ■4H4 1 *»♦».’ Mon-Fri 8-b h i