Alcohol ( onlmtiod from Pajje I Safe! \ measures Olierhm said siw I) as ha\ mg three sei a rit\ guards having nun-drink iilg ninail(as and altei native ((mil .aid beverages al lain lions held hv ( haplers are made more ealori ealile vv 11 (l tile lieu |iollc \ Shaana Wager. I’aalielleiiM l iihliaal chairwoman said tin old (Kilir \ had a lot ol loose holes whir h were hard for the Tribunal to govern She leels the new polir \ is not so ah sliai I ‘‘It’s tithf’i v**s oi nu Obrrhuo sanl ’ i )ii thrv h.\ aniony the w hole house or thev loose halt ol their soi lal turn lions lot the tel ill h Iralernitv is allotted ii\ mu i.i! functions each term, and 1! the ’ i»"» l.l’A is not reached thi’ chuplot looses three ul its lime Huns I his is done hiith .is .m III i I'ltln f .uni as a punishment ()herInn- said I raternities shouldn't have the privilege ol sui ializing all term if the\ don't have adet|liate grades (Jberhue said the old (d’A standard was 2 2 f> Oberhue said this i hange would har e at tei ted three fraternities last lenn U r'm not savini; no drink i 11VI bill we .in' savini* lo be in sponsible Ini the drinkim; is doin' (Jberhui' said I ins polii \ is jusl mu' step m a unit h Innui'i progression Next tern] we wan I In not a joint sin nil polii v by combin ing; the I’anhellenii and l(I ri Initial i hairs Thu idea is that it's not just a fraternilv issue, bill a (ireek issue anil it should involve sororilles loo CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 346-4343 100 CONNECTIONS HAPPY B'PTmDAV Ma.<> * . ’ v. Ji' YB’ A' A tONElY ■ 100 CONNECTIONS 6t>E '”'rr*rt»- }< >r, I'Ai'.y hwrrt; t ODE FIJI The dead cimr alive f riday Night1 M-Ktied »ji e*»ed whit* #t tviefveted l el •. do it again* KAPPA At PHA TMFTA THf GUY hi.-t ¥ V.t mjhn St*riK» ... cassette rt«*> i .11 uj i*! ■ «*<■ <♦*! ‘.p*?aN«-‘*! Can fi< t» • t.#Si ' M I ’M' A t: KAPPA ALPHA THETA KARI F London Fiance Canada We re all going to mn» you a whole bunch' Good luck we lore you' Huey l angdon and Theta % 10b PERSONALS «**! B Kii vile this CONGmAT4',- i.,. ■ . .in-1 Il-ivuJ ()>■* iKj.ii" Let V. have a pvty u>t»t l Tuf * t AtHH OUS At- »< ■ * Ki Ml [ ■ HAMN • » l.- .,*■ 105 PERSONALS MIC HE Ilf W ■it ! havf? BiMhcu GHEEEfCE 10 DEBORAH B •, vs 0 It- a '.VA-'Qv’ B 04v G m ll ll YAiNA ; V • ! «•*' .» 1 'UjHtr'tJulte1'-. HOPE WE SURVIVE S( IS COUSIN LARRY • * < ■ .»-Hl y*-! ••.! "I !Sf .Jy Aft* Al t'- }■ ■vk!f'V5r-, yt?1 Oft* m«-«* c14 v . .*• RaiKt 105 PERSONALS o!> !eM SEIS ME Y DEBORAH iHut'! rt nut i .« O-i** him* PLANNED PARENTHOOD »*.ip \ . oW’.t.q Drt> S \ *'»f" JS Call PRIVATE HELP FROM F RlENDS Fiff Pregnancy Testing BIRTHRIGHT 6B7 86S1 105 PERSONALS T DOG AND j DUB thp girls *Hh n H< )7 ' . .ABHIl l l A ,, ,|(1 ,im,! f.'-.jM Happy Bifthday weettf*' JOHN P . ouMl I plea?.*1 hold you »**Hd you my swetd Kisst'v : Tara TO THF blond girl m black and a-hitc lin Friday night III n*>vt*» forget our *.h. ac: f u . -unter GREEKS* D-d.iy is the day to turn ■ yOur o'(Iff envelopes from last ACi'*1 . ■ . ..-tv WALLY KEVIN { I ou' vou' fia ' i legs >host and gold Lid- Bi.S' a Move Prices are Falling! The prices are falling^ the prices are falling1 The prices are falling ithe prices are falling1 1 Catch a new price on a Mac Plus, SE, SE/30, LaserWriter IINT or IINTX at the Microcomputer support Lab 202 Computing Center 9am - 5pm M - F 346-4402 For eligible students, taculty. and staff Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU He > 3*J 3Z0’ WHATS fOH Dimes.* N sal you USTFN 70 MUSIC WHAT po you think OF THIS r I CANT eerNo... I CAN'T S \W m/ THATS mm ism icwr > SATBMCnONl WHAT, Af> UN AN 31SVA10K I \ ! i cano u£U S1AND HAVE IT. MORE 0 SOOTHING FM-UTE AFTER U THIS. o WEEKEND SPECIAL $42^° 250 FREE MILES Friday to Monday 72 Hours 683-0874 110 W. 6th (by the Hull Center) A-WAV RENT A some restrictions • must be 23