Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 07, 1990, Image 1

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    —-.Oregon Dailyw _
■ IFC allocates requests. Page 3
■ Fonseca suspended, Page 7
■ Women hope for upset. Page 8
■ Hus line drivers strike, Page 12
\\ t'(lucs(l,i\ \t,ui h < . 1 *l‘Hi
i.UgiMlr ( )rt*vi*>11
\l illllllt' 'I 1 \ 111111 »1 ■ I I I t
Facelift in progress
Construction on the now l.,n\rrntr II.ill t.u.utr continues .is workers prop,no the
structure tor tlw \n lutci turn .out Allied Arts itrp.irlnirnl s >th mum ers.irv
Photo In Stove (lani
New alcohol policy
endorsed by Greeks
H\ Ihrgit Myesind
I mernld ( ontributor
I hr new policy vvhiih will
go into I'lfw I spring term was
passed I eh 2tt l! vs as designed
to hr liiorr ld.lt k Hid w llltr
( )bri'line said for the l( I rilm
nal h I enfon r I hr I 11tmno i r.
I hr enit h t emeu! u ing t >1 l(
I sim- this .i ,i ir.il ,lep f<n
ward a vers appropriah step
tnrward from the List polu \
( )brrhur said Weir get 1 mg
more responsible We're get
I mg more t oust im live
( iherlmr explained thal the
change m polu \ is three told
Its first prior its was to put
more emphasis on membership
It (the new polu \ ) is doing
<i lot so that we re not waiting
around toi an at < ident to hap
pen Oberhue said "We’re
not waiting around for some
bodv t*» get killed
I .lability was the set ond is
siit‘ bt’himi flip i ha lp, p ol puli
\\ licit (his polios has dune
is taken t 111* it.ihi i ii \ oil flip
ohapters .iiiii put if ilmvn on
lip- nip ml ip i ship ()t»p! him
Okw-rhur r\pLmiPti th.it the
( llU I P-’P llll'.llls h .itPMUf IPS ! ,||!
not hsp Iiuiisp hinds to put
phase «ili nhni hu sot ml fuiii
limp- ttltd th.it individuals
must huv lltPir own ah oho!
( )hpiImp s.nd hp iind flip !(
.up pomp, with fhp ip.ilip.ition
tlmt m i no is .up go mg In drink
l! s no! .1 dr\ polii v saving
tli.it \ on i .m t dt ink It- pn
mat \ uinirin is il von ip go
iin.; hi drink von nppd to |jp ip
sponsihlp w hen \ ou di ink
( )ln*ihup - .ud
Along with Itpl.i I hot a 1 ’i
mpinhpi Jpft I'.ntihlpp ( )t>pi'hup
toi hum! tin Sot ml ( .indrlmrs
and I'oht s ( ommittpp whit h
.iddo-ssps Ir.ilpniit ips and so
rontips w ith thp issue ot ip
sponsihh di inking ( Hierhtie
()l>prhup said liability w ill
iip\ pi dis.ippp.il hut IIip iipw
pnhc v ss ill out it down to a
lurn to Ale ohol, Page 10
Three alumni honored with Pioneer awards
B\ Peter C ogswell
l mer.dd Reporter
With 1 previous aw.ml winners in
attendant e tin- I'niversitv granted I’m
in-i'i Aw.mis in three alumni who have
maiii' i nutt tbutii 111■■■ Imlli In the slain anil
the l 'Diversity
During lln 1'iuneer Award Banquet
Imlil I'uusdav m tin- l-.MI Ballroom the
I’tmersity 11 *i . .gni/ed Km I l.leunllen.
11 > 111 it -1 i.liiilll i-liut ill thf lbegun Stale
System ut I light-1 (duration. (iharies II
l.uiulquist a jiriinmifill ili*vi-li>|»i-i and
Hope Hughes Pressman associate dirt*i
tin ul the I 'Diversity I inindation
Pioneer Awards wi-n- I'slahlishfd by
the I imrhili iti I *) '* t In Iminu leaders
who. in the words of lln- award plaque
i opium i-iuhi ni\ li< 1111 I In- \ i - ii m In
tvi uglci/i- a Hew path and the piom-fi
spirit courage ami perseverance In Ini
low lh.it path
I’reseiiting the award-, was lames
Kelin111111h ai ting \ li e president Ini
puhlii alt.ms mil development
Keimmilh preseuled the tirsl ut tin- three
awards to lauulquist who is a native nt
t tregnn
l.uiulquist reieiith duu.iled Si nul
lum in the I'niveisiU tm (lie establish
mi nt ut tin- (diaries || l.uiulquist ri
sen nh and study eentei tor eittrepre
lieiuship in the timetsity ■ ( ollt'ge nt
Husiuess Administration
1 poll ai i eplmg his a w ai d lauulquist
said I am deeply honored I look tor
ward to the i enter not mils assisting
students hut tin - people ..! I )iegin>
Besides the pinneel award, lamdum-.l
has been awarded the Visionary nt the
Visit award b\ the I \\ Internal innal
Business (lenter and the Industrialist nl
ttie Near award tmiu tin- West Sai ra
inenln (laid l diamlier nt ( niiiiin-ne
I undquist is a PM-’ alumnus nl the
Kin I irii.illrn //((/)(■ I'rrssm.m .mil ( h.irlrs I i/m/i/uis/ itrrr lirslim rtl mill llir I’limi-ri
I hn|«» b\ Mr \ •• I .<i il
l it .nils
I Si tmol dI LHisiin-'.'i Ailmmis
I ration
Pressman. who in ciii'il hi't mastei nt
seism i' degree Irnrn the 1 'tuveiNiH m
was honored lui Ix-i work m Ihr
.lit-. both m (In- •.t.iic «i11.! ,ii tin- I nncr
I .ini abashed In (h given this award
tin iil\ i imlnlmlniiis lii t!ie .itts wlien it
is | who Is tin- tieueiu i, l [ \ 111 tills HI
\ olvelllent Plesstll.tll s.tlii
I mil lure) ei .:i,ilit.il tu those who
brought me to this point tonight, site
said I teel. most ItumbU that I have
been blessed
Pressman singled out her husband
ami fi»• i < hildrrn .is writ as i 11■ i students
.imi exchange students sin* has host* <1
.is bring ihr t hii*t mippoi frr s of hrj imi
drdV til s
Pressman has brrn active oit such
groups <is the Oregon Aits (-omimssion
ami tli«* IMii’rnc Arts 1 -ounii.ition ami
w.r fid turd I norm’s First ( iti/.en in
MIM7 Shr ret rived (Ih* ( iovrrnor «
\vvard tor thr Aits m MiHM
Liriidllrii was selected as ( ham rllor
ot tin* State Svstrm ot llighrt I elm ation
m 1*M»1, altri serving .is president ot
u hat is now \Yrstrrn (Jrrgon Statr ( ol
lege Hr served as chancellor until hr
r* *t irrd m M1H1!
I .ill) ilci'plv lluiiiited es|ii'i 1,111V so
I in < 11 i m * lit .ill lh' iiirii .mil minimi ulio
have shared this award 1 11>ti,t 1 It■ 11
I In- |ili-,i .iin- is inti111111 it'«i in th.it
llu' <it*< isiims hi.nil- In .i i h.iiu film .mil
Ins Im.inl in' mil almivs in agreement
u ilh those ill .tn i iii li • (if in h*nt iitiivi'rsi
l\ I .im !i.i111>\ Im tin' alnlilx nl llu- 1 in
i I't siH In ti n guv ,imi Im gel
I ii'U.illi'ii lias served mi ntgani/aliuns
mii li as tin ( In gull Museum "I St lent e
ami Iudustrv and llu \alioua! I tint a
I ton it >tl lui.t t it in. and lie 1111 w is a tun
sullaul tor llie Ui'slern Inli islale I uiu
inissit11i Im I ligliei I dm alniii