Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 06, 1990, Page 9, Image 9

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Continued from P.i^e H
the (’.ainm.i I’hi Beta board of
• The restrii lions dj<i bother
us. bill liecause we too want to
keep the house s national Ins
torii value, it wouldn’t be a
problem for us Looking bai k
some of the ( banges we made
whu h Tavlor null's ilors not in
i I licit- S.u roi) Ho.ill or tin1 din k
" I ht'\ looki'd .it Ilio fillin'
art'll .mil i.imf up with dt'sign
m hfini's on how \ou could
maintain the lnstorii irilfijnK
.ind natural teaturi's while al
‘They would have basically told us what
we could and couldn 't change, and we
didn 7 want to be a part of that.'
— Justin O'Toolfi
probably shouldn't h,ivi> brrn
'I think tin- historii ilistrii !
is probably .1 good iiltsi. it v\e
don't go overboard ami trv lu
save things I hat don’t turrit it. "
krrshnri said It s a hrntllilul
part ■ >1 tin' i itv and tt s unpin
taut tii knap it intai t "
rim recommendations tor thr
special planning and historii
distrii I surrounding thr
Mill i at i' u ri r a product o! a
stink lookin'..; at thr historii ir
sunn as in tin* neighborhood
It s a stall* rripiirrinniit that
t'vrr\ jurisdiction idrntik Ins
torical rrsoun ns hugene i^
really ill thr InrHroii! in dr\rl
oping a model. I'aylor said
"Tin1 Millrat r is tine of tin*
(Iriisrst developed arras I hr
iilr.i u as to do a stink to nlrn
till i nulln ts that in 1st u ith thr
preservation ot thrsr historii
rrsoun rs
Studio idassrs in thr School
ot An hitrt turn part it ipatrd in
thr stink ot thr M illrai r an a
lowing for further develop
ittenl '' Tnvloi said
'Wind we ii- until ip.dmg is
11 wit n r d Ini vc ,i historic d c.
Iiiit similar I" Skinner Butte
tfistru l hut in die Midi h i- i esc
\s .min ip,iti'il. il w ill allow
lor usi". not presetilh .illovM'il
Right now it x /imi'il redden
li.il so m lli.it si 'i i si * it i on li I
I'lihano' 10111111cr11.il ilcvi'lop
mcnl .uni maintain a ipuditv
environment I avlor said
I )li I lie oilier side alter
ations anil demolishing of these
structures uonld he disi om
I il other u orris Ta\ lor said a
Hnrger King is line along
franklin Houlevanl lint would
he disi miraged from opening in
the Millrai e area
I he rei omitiendations for the
distrii t go In-lore the i it\ i onn
id in Mav l.nlor said It the
I O0in 11 supports the rer our
tiieudalions work on tie- pm
lef t w ill begin HI late summer
setting e\,n t hiitmdarles and n
‘‘I’h e restrii lions did hot her ns. but
because we too want to keep the house's
nation.d historii value, it wouldn't he a
problem lor us. '
Ann kcrshmM
ll would UK utpoi.llc .Hill f stall
lish guitlflinos tin n'halitlii.i
tion .uni now dmclopiiif at
I .i\Soi stressed ili.i! !In-1■ -.t.11>
lishiniMit ol thf ,iri'.i .is .1 spot ml
doVflopinfiil .mil histurii ills
Ini I wmild not pit'Vfnt tinthri
dmclopiufflt lint would in
slf.nl fiu our.itif i oiiiiiifn ial
(li'vnlopmi-rits imnp.itililf with
thf area
' ■mi c nl mein irlu.it properlit's
alii I I lie ,n I-.i ,is ,i vv hole
( ammiiinitv involvement uni
fiti/en input t li ri 111 ^ tio 111 tin*
| H i l|l'l I u 111 l I ml lllUu to in- i in
purl,ml I .n lor s.ml
There's ipuim In In' ,i lot nl
i iti/i*ii involvement rut|uirrci lu
make il work, I uvlui s.ml
"Historic el Isll Ii Is jllSl (loll I
Must bring in th
is ad!
345-3491 (
We ship your stuff home!
1 to 1 (XX) pounds, computers, stereos. IVs
Instiled, oust out parking
I ioxos lot sale
ITS. Finery, Motor Freight
2705 Willamette, Eugene
344-3 106
Well pick you up and take
you home from our PARTY!
Brillii ,i p,ir/v of 4 or more friend's!
4 8pm
Mon s.H
535 MAIN ST.
()n“Kt>n Dailv
i Wicker Furniture
50% Off!
White Rattan Phone Stand
l r< l $ 'V now 50% off!
jv 4
Bathroom Shelf
r«■«l >7*».‘> now 50*Yo Off!
il’ric rs tjooil throiicjh M.ik h 1 7)
Black Buri Chair
nq I'» '>') now 50% Off!
OPEN Monday-Friday 9-6; Sat. 10-5:30; Sunday 12-5
975 W. 5th Ave., Eugene • 683-5614