.University Three to receive Pioneer Awards Recipients honored for contributions riic I niversity will present Pioneer Awards I” three inili viduals ulio have in.iilf mil standing contributions in the .ills higher im 1 in .11iim v un nation Pin neer Awards hampiet at n to p in in the 1 All' Hall Room Hie I niversity established the Pioneer A wards ill to 0 to honor leaders who. according to the nisi 11 pt ion on I lie award plaques embody both tin \ i sioii to recognize a new path and the pioneer spirit, courage and perseverani e to hallow that path 1.11-naIl<*ti w ho retired (rum the r haul ellur post in 1‘lttJ is beiilU honored fur his dedli tiled servile to ,md leadership ot higher edui ation i.iiiidi|irisl .1 Port land n.itive who ■ 1. id 11.11 ed III PU.' Iron! the I im ersitv s ( ollege ot business, is being honored tor Ins i ontribntioiis to mdusli i.il business oi t;.ini/.it ions and en trepreneurship;. Pressman, who received her master's ol si lenre degree in ! * * i from tie I'nh ersit v. is til ing honored Im hei involve inenl and i ontritmtions in sev eral Iota! and statewide ail or giinizations Ihe Pioneet Wards have been presented to t'l Northwest leaders situ e then i real ion. Among those previoiislv lion ored were 1 S senators Hob I \i< k w nod a in I M.ll k I lat I ield Pdwill led Hakel pillllisllel ol f/ie Wegister (j’udrtl. and Ken Kesev inter'nation, dlv known author I he Pioneet Aw aid plaipre is a reprodm I ion ot the I'rtal oi ( h.n il's Imulipiist the l i.nl ivliii h ili'pii Is ( In' gun pioiu'i'rs rmssiiig I he ( .is i «nli' \!i.nut.mis nr.n Mt Itood b\ 11iviti'iI vviigon .mil dsi'ii li'.ims I hr pliiipif is from oiii- of the tinm/r li.isii'lii’ts on the li.isf nt tho Pioneer Mothi'i st.ilin' lh.it thr l.itr \ I’hi-ni l.sli'l I'hmIoi Si ll iJ ill'll IFC to consider eight budget requests Mi l riNcs \ planning mi'clmi; lor thr \o\ada \ill loar lost Site pin lest u ill l)o hold tonight at "> in the KMl Hon l.indri Kiiimi _Kt als_ Questions about traveling to the protost will hi1 answered Im idenlal loo (nimmitteo moots iodas at I til p m to 11 is i uss budget propi isals bom tin following groups' • I ■ uen.sit s • Kapo(!iisis Network • lb i iji'i t Sato in lo • \\' 'inoi. ( ontoi • \\ omi'll lo I i i nit' a • Women's Kosciun o anil Kotoi i a I ( i -ii tor • A n;-i.o >i i ( i • \ Sl | I 1 I ' Program Kliotoi it and ( nmiminii a I Kill All! hull I .1 1 -II III I 111' ■! II: i (ion meeting today at I .10 |i in in i A!I Cedar Kmnn ( l.arr\ Smith Inmi CPI’S w ill tlisi uss i a lee I options Ini students |iul .suing .i degree in .. h Ha 11 room Dame ( lull will hold a meeting tonight at H 10 hi Room ISO Cerliugei Amies I hi re will lie a short business meeting fnllovsed b\ open darn mg Mist 11 I Wl.t >1 S llnly KosaiA ill he In : ! t■ night at 7. 10 at the Newman ( entei !Hall I meruit) St Smoking t ess.itinn | n ni sored by the \merii an ( am ei Sin re!r and the Health l.iluia turn (tith e. will lie held today from t to e to p.m in the Stu dent Iiealth ( arnler Medu al !,i brat v limber ( nuntrv film «it>iit>4lit il ' it) m Room l >i) ( ultimbi.i (.ucsts Kim 1 imir. I n il lirlun .nul Su s.m Ajij>!«*v;.11*‘ will lr.nl .i ills t ussion cm thr topic Dcihllinr tor submitting I t tils to tin l.mrr.ild trout desk i \tl Suite UHi is noon the n>£on School of Music Matched Gems. Engaging I \ rii.i 1. Warm A shimmer ing trio of virtuosos, joined through tho great literature tor piano trio Internationally acclaimed soloists Joseph Kalichstein, Jaime I .a redo and Sharon Robin son breathe a beauty and excitement into their playing that nwk.es eac h performance a musical treasure. Ihe kali ch stein-la redo-Robinson Trio, performing music bv Haydn, /wilich and Brahms. Wednesday, March 7 8:00 p.m. BEALL CONCERT HALL, UO Music School SH H), SUVtO, S '* ^0 Kcmtvt\l Soats, SS, tor students Available in advarue .if I lull ( enter, or .it door on concert night ...and to think we met through an ODE PERSONAL GOOD LUCK ON FINALS LETTER PERFECT GRAPHICS will be closed for spring break beginning March 12 and will reopen the first day of classes, March 28 Suite 500 EMU 546-4581 9-5 M f (tn'Kon l).ul\ 1 intTuld w m s WHI Rl People's Law School it Kim .lid iul I .1 1 Pr* Irgal inform.if ton Id s 1 ■ on what rights and a\t DAMS lOPK S SIM \MRS M.im li t., Kuoiii IJ‘i f s fr-> f/ii . , . ' Mr an w■ 'x ' \ Judgr \llll Aikrtl. \l«x Wold ll» ■ " \!. s * . I • •* > \r 'Mr \ |irn f dmunson Stair Rrprrsrntahx r Mari h It Room 12 V ,'>> ■ . vt #//i <• r • "fi/o'in's ( m/ms - • s. o.i/ i // v ,f i .r *v /» •• N - < Jan« Holin, I )on ( orson, I )ax»* Irnsim, ( i 'r < M /> 1 \ n • r sfn,■ ' - Man h 20 R<»om 12‘» V ;n,' s - a /••■/'■ < >i r r / > ., •) •_/[/. /• /dr W V/ • u • \\< ■ V * - i , r ‘ ( . ■■ Hill Martin, Martha Walters, ( hns Moon* lx Malagan. s /».n s,f r • \ •; . . . s Man h 2". Room 12*». \\ h ; m (,rri* \ rralrud, Mikr 1 o\. Vl/Jkr (.in Whitnr\ ''irttth i^Unirnts \|>r11 t, Room 2 2*1 1 u t ( h < t < . >j\ !n\« V / .m J *< ; nil i iw I it-hn i.i n Vonr /dss.m/r 'tudfilt s' •/tv /Vp/m/ih n /.Ifnrs Hnt Mis K’/i Pal \ allrrand Hill Honsowrt/. s / it ns tm ( /?<><>sr .i ( mmn.il / ,m April Id Room 12‘P ( / / m Jar k Hillings, Pat Morton, < - . • • Apr 11 I” Room 12*# I)«• r t*k Johnson, (»rt*g Skillman. Prfrr Sorenson, >.n r ih -!■. ( \pril 24 Room 12‘» < - K' . "' ( > V.;M' i ( '.m , 's ,■ *. a/n Marx Hmarlhnrst