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C >R| i > i 1 : ' I »' 30 E. 11th Ave. 342-2463 9-6 Mon Fri 9-5 Sat. i llimmillllHHIMIHIIIIIIHIWNIHMIlllitlimi Sirc'tch your dollars Itllllll: by using < oupons from the Oregon Daily Kmerald. _University Student U.N. organization plans memorial to University professor B\ |olie Andrade I merald Reporter Although tile Students tor 1'ruled Nations (dub has not been of fir i.ilh re< iigiitzed the\ have .ilrearU begun to plan at 11\ dies starting w ith a memo! i at to diseased Prntessoi thorn as Hovel and tilt* plat omen! ot a I \ llag on i ampus t he immediate i oik ern is to establish a tor Profes sor Hovel. who played an in strumental role in the develop ment ot the tallied Nation i hartei in lo t . said Pavlnguai ! tan 1 Nl N president April a I-. designated as his me mortal da\ Hei ause he was so influen tial in the I N and the Pniversi l\ as well as international law I think it s imis i mht that he should he remembered in some w a\ said I )\ Mil (loll St N sei retai \ and i P iv e! memorial member rile group hopes to plat e a I N Hag on i ampus as a memo rial oi establish a plaque oi tits plas in tin- I-Ml ' (.oil said She said SI N is also willing to do event Ha sod un this experience hr detisril .1 six step procedure In follow in ordet to plw r .1 I \ flan on an\ 1 ampus lhe lust step is In gel I.k 1111 \ ami slu ilrnt support, us was linin' with professor (lossup The set ontl thing studi'iils (Ini was In sub mil a pet 11 ion (let.luring the university an international uni t I'l S||\ lh i i'll I \ the petitioners held student tuiunis un campus so sluileiits 1 mild \nii e their opin inn-- mi the issue I latikehnul said lie in rived nun h 1 ritii ism In students who worried wdirthri 1 u not 1! wmild he ap propriate to hat r the t \ Hag next to the U S flag After 1 inning to an agiei'iitcn! a peli tnui w ith signatures lit students si 111}M>iti 11 tg .1 1 A ilag tt ,is suh milled tu the administration. It was followed hi [Uihlieits until the measure was put to a vote and passed lit a majority ot the Id .000 students attending Southern 1 'mveisitt 1 it lllmnis. he said Hei ause the w hole proi ess took ahull! a veal llaukelaud ‘/Vie basic goal of the club is to inform and promote l nited Nations and what it stands for for college students.' — Todd Cornett M.tic I mu Is In i pin Mi .11 ini'Ulu i ial Ini I ln\ i-l llaukeland said t he group will lie pursuing the though! ol ,i I \ flag on i ampus using a model he put tngethei u hile at lending undergraduate school .il Southern 1 im ersitv ot 111 ■ inns m Hdwardsville Illinois from Pm . Pnni I’lnlosopln Professor Roll 1 .Ills .op del tiled III pnIliioli glolial awareness In placing .1 i \ Hag on the Southern 1 -ni \eisii\ i ampus Although there was uii l \ student group on i ampus I laiikeland said tin student i iuiiu 11 carried out the INVENTORY RKDIJCTION BLOW-OUT! C'annondale 4 panel 6-panel Lvera Shorts .1 Rudi A. Adidas Racing Shoes Assorted Seat Packs. Benotto H.B Tape. \ myl Racing Seats. Assorted Brake Lexers. Assorted A I B A Road Tires -<50% OFF* Panasonic Bikes ◄ 10%-50% OFF^ Paul’s Bicycles 2480 Alder 342-6155 SI \ \\ ill lir .n 11!114 on it immediately with the intention ul plat mg .1 I \ II,ig mi 1 iimptis next \ i',ir Mi'iiim hiIf there .in- othei tilings the group wants in a, 1 umplisli I laukeland s,inl SI \ w.inls in einphasi/r 1 In* important e 1 >1 intt-rii.itio 1 id 1 awareness and student imulvr miMil by u 1 ■ 1111144 i 111<-mat it11 ■■■ 1 slinli'iits as v\ 1 • 11 ,is American students im iilved 1 lie basic goal ul the c lub is In 11111II 111 and priilllQte I lilted Sal unis and w hat it stands for tui i ollege students said Todd I ui nett SI \ member U e also u aiit 11, 1 eat li nit,te niternatiunal students to get a bettei peispei live on world x lew s ( a 111 said "We want 11, r breakdown the stereotvpcs .md ethnoi entrism.' SI N lias divided its group into nine dillerent committee', sin li .is the I N Hag and tin Thomas llovet memorial, l-.ach Iodises on a spec dn issue ol com ern. I laukelaitd said The model IN i ommittee will locus on various' Kugene high schools bach school will be designated .is a i ertam conn lit. partn ip.itmu in that i nun tries regular national events and observing then act ivitie said (Arnett, model IN com mitlee membei Another committee will work on gelling a "planethood' m everv college classroom, en aiding students to see a global view ol the world without the boundaries ol all the c minti les ( ornetl said I’llttilig a postei nt tile plan et in eat li t lassrnom will show that we are all related and should work together." s.iid |.i nelle Pan. St \ treasurei and plaoethood t ommillee membei It w ill also remind them nt the petit e needed Pan said she has ideas lor the hindraising i ommittee whit li int hide hake sales at tile hook store and community sen ii e kite montw raised h\ this i om miltee w ill he used to pa\ lot i onlerent es. speakers and othei events, she said I he l'\ elfet tiveness and to rums group will condui I week l\ 01 hi montliK forums on l N a. tivit les and linplit at ions K*u h lotum will lot us on a tlil fereilt geographic area Stu dents w ill he able to Voit e then opinions anti (list uss issues ol i om ern to that region. I Arnett said I le hopes the group w ill he able to bring ill outsell speakers I Tiiveisitv tai ult\ and international students to give then perspet 11\ es SI ’\ will also he tr\ mg to tonniilale a hMuontlih news letter i om entratmg on I nited Nations issues (Arnett said ( llhei i ommittees int little the Decade loj International Law and I aw da\ and I at til U eek Membership is open to am one Intelested 111 the I lilted Nations and world issues Well do your camera work! Transparencies* Reversals* PM T's*Half tones 300 Erb Memorial Union. 10:00 1 00 M-F 546 -4 58 I