Univ ersit} University's College Bowl team wins big in regional competition B\ Dolln Morgan I morale! ( nntrihutnr W illi ith\\cst regional lnui nament lht‘ l imfisjh \ ( ol lege Bow I (cam earned the l ight Id i ompete tin thr n.ilmn.il title m April I lie I 'niversitv sei ureil the n.itiunal berth In going anile tented in the regional tourn.i meat held .it the t onersitv • >1 liInini in Mi im im Idaho hist I'ridav nod S. ol Puget Sound I niversitv ot Washington and W hitman (Til lege, torn pel ed in the weekend tom name nl I'hf I'niverstiv team .vfiii undefeated throughout the tournament .mil lor the must part unchallenged as well I was .1 i 111 it- surprised b\ Slit* i ompetition Mat/ said Without sounding boastful they wi re a little less than I e\ pet ted I he «e\ tiles (tournament part it i punt • talked up I Dub (I'niversits of Washington I we were going in exporting to get our butts ku ked lie said till I'l uhw the team plax ed teams trom l.ewist l.uk State t ollege and W hitman l ollege in exhibition matches Oregon won both handiU ( in Saturd.w the tournament proper began Inst. Oregon edged Idaho State 1 JO 'III III a i lose morning game "We were kind ot sluggish there I’rowel! said I think ue were still asleep in !In* next round Oregon drmolisheiI 1.infield !'>> fi i ha! vii t< n \ earned the t»\im a l)vi* toi thr c111 v\ 1 inv* to w ind dovv n ( )regon nu t l mversitN ot i’ll get Sound for thr srini finals and gt>| nil in a slow start At halftimr I PS Ird > » 10 Hut it v\ as all ( iri^on in thr see ond h.dt thr tram didn't lrt l PS answer .i single question Thr I)ii< ks ( orrei th idrntitird iiliiurillnns as hriiu; to mathe matm inns w hat rec ipes air to < hrfs and \ rnimi as thr I rrni fi fort less i it\ that hr Id hat k thr (in man arm\ m W m id W ai I to n m k l f’S i '(1 } 'i at gatur • rnd That earned thr tram nnothet t'ottiul of h\rs whilr thr losers settled amour themselves to determine v\ In i m tadd i lad Irma- ( )regnn in 1 hr tinnls i PS heat I, inf mid t*. earn thr opp or tunity again in thr double eiirn ination tom na merit Ortonn thornugldv domiu.it rd thr tvmalrh beating I PS no inn Thi’ national t'nllrgr Howl ( h.unptonship w ill hr held April 2 ' . u this \rai at thr i m va rsity of Minnesota m Minin' a(ioll t )|rgoll Will srnd its tram it it ran get thr inoury Prior In this year s mati h no ( Jrruon tram had finished high er than lourth in thr regional tournament I In* surprising tin isli of Hus visit's Irani lias Ird to ,i funding problem bei.ause not rnough muiii'V remains in the f'Mt Kn (!entrr - budget. to send th. whole tram Sue Pedersen Net I eiitei manager said il would tost . I 111 ill? S I .1)11(1 !■ ■ -end till' 11' 1111 i I lie i enter u dl pav fur about halt th.it: Pedersen is sold ititig funds from student and nil t-*ttn|hjs organizations mu li as I daft < -enter- P.iuhellenii (amn til Cultural Forum and Amusement l nlimilnd to get the lest Pedersen said the response this been very positive II the\ ^Organizations) tan find the llltmev m their budgets they 're mote than hk• ■ Iy I" suitpnrl die program Pedersen said the team will also meet with I'mversity Pres ident les Itrand l hursilay I ilitii then the team W ill pie pare tin the finals Mat/ said tie was surprised the other teams at the legion.ds took tile i nm petitions so seriously Many teams had i oai lies, adv isers ^ ALL YOU CAN EAT' ^ SPAGHETTI SPECIAL WITH GARLIC BREAD TUESDAY ONLY 5 P M. to 9 P M. $2.95 2673 Willamette • 484-0996 N*Mt to tha Block Fora it Tavarn Delivery Service ODE [)K<>n l),nl\ I mrrald .uni stuck manuals M.itz. said the I amrrsil\ tram had dont> nullting 1,1 prr parr tot the n-tiitm.ds Part id the' kc\ t J> S« Si Si Si S, vo Sj ku eJ> Cf r, CJ> QP 30% OFF ALL TANNING PACKAGES! cf One week oiil\ Nar< h f> l(> hiiiKjus I his ,ul ,md \ on will ic( ci \ c 3<(>11 any tanniiui pac ka ‘ a o o (j u u u u cj u a a* a u u ii u t HAIRCUTS $9 EVERY DAY! ' S' S’ S' S' S* S' S' s^ ? S' S' S' S' S'