Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 06, 1990, Page 20, Image 39

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    Rich Mounl
Continued from page 19
ketball far different from his father's,
the basic feelings of competitiveness
and desire have been passed down, he
"My dad and I would work for three or
four hours a day over the summer, just
playing full-court one-on-one Mv dad
and 1 are so competitive that we'd get
into fights and just curse each other out
I was getting to the point where I could
treat him every time "
Rick said, "Rich is just a real com pot 1
tor When we d play, we d get into almost
knock-down, drag-out fights on the court
after about 10 or 12 games of full-court
one-on-one "
According to Rich, some people see him
as a “cocky” player or as a “hotshot," but
he said those titles are just misinterpre
tations of his court intensity
“When you're playing, you don’t want
to be all relaxed. You want to be all.'Come
on. bring it. on.' They can say I'm cocky,
but 1 just play with intensity and some
time.'- 1 have that face on that says, ‘Hey
man I'm going to take you down
Rich said the Boilermaker basketball
program provides everything he had
hoped for comradene, intensity and the
opportunity to excel
“1 like the whole system/' he said. “It’s
like the whole team is a family, and that's
one of the reasons I came here 1 like the
intensity of the coaches. They really get
after you They give you criticism, but
it's all for your own good.’
In his freshman year. Rich said hejust
wants to do whatever he can to help the
team "1 just want to go out there and
play hard for the coaches. I don't know
how much 1 m going to play, but when I
get in there. 1 m just going to work hard
and play as hard as I can. and that s the
most I can do ”
A !cv; words about
Rock tf Roll.
Whc rover the music plays and people get
together, it's the beverage of friendship.
Soeniov. I here's nothing wrong with
having a beer or two.
As long as you play it smart
Remember to know when to say when.
And you'!! always keep the good times rolling.
Know When To Say When.
A reminder from Anheuser Busch
Continued from page 18
ing doctors entering the lounge:
“Hey, doc, looking for a good subject?"
So I hooked up with some stud
ies. Long-term, short-term, inva
sive, non-invasive, male doctors,
female doctors — 1 don't care.
My regular customers are all nice
to me. This one doctor, a shrink,
pays me 50 bucks a weekjust to talk
to him. And since I'm an attractive,
disease-free medical student,
donating my blood and sperm alone
keeps me rolling in cash.
My friends who don’t know just
wonder where all my extra cash
comes from. The ones who do know
either don’t talk to me anymore, or
they say they understand. But I
know they’re ashamed of me. I
know I should stop, but I can’t.
“Oh, doctor...”
Continued from page 18
standards of everybody else
■There is not much pood information
out about any of these drugs," he said
“People out on the street pushing
drugs can be very convincing. We want
to put athletes in a position to make deci
sions, to train them how to deal with the
pressure of sports without taking a
According to Tncker, KIJ's program
has caught the attention of many
schools across the country.
“There aren't very many universities
who have gone as far as we have for drug
education,” he said “But there seems to
be at last a nationwide movement to
develop a program like ours "
Frank Uryasz, NCAA director of
sports sciences, said KU provides a role
model for many other schools “Pm see
ing more and more campuses with pro
grams about drug abuse, and a lot of
them are doing it like the University of
Kansas,” he said
Continued from page 18
depending on the person, he said.
However, Reese said it most
often produces arousal. “You prob
ably have relieved some tension,
but you’ve set a certain pattern of
hormones going that are not com
patible with sleep," she said.
Napping, a common follow-up to
sleepless nights, often is abused
by students, Reese said. About 95
percent of the students she
addresses in stress-management
programs are nappers, and many
sleep one to two hours or more per
day. Sleepless students should cut
back on nap time or stop napping
entirely, Reese said.
She suggested other relaxation
techniques such as meditation,
systematic muscle relaxation,
deep breathing, listening to
music, walking, stretching or
doing yoga.
Friedmeyer warned that insom
nia can become a self-fulfilling
prophecy if students exaggerate
their initial sleeplessness or if
they are prone to sleep problems
while watching friends fight